
  1. 陈永正,一九四一年生,广东茂名人。

    Chen Yongzheng was born in Maoming city , Guangdong Province in1941 .

  2. 日本人一九四一年十二月七日袭击了珍珠港。

    The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7 , 1 9 4 1 .

  3. 李鼎铭,一九四一年十一月被选为陕甘宁边区政府副主席。

    Li Ting-ming had been elected Vice-Chairman of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region Government in November 1941 .

  4. 一九四一年日本偷袭珍珠港,美国朝野渴望复仇。

    Japan 's surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in1941 provoked a craving for revenge in the United States .

  5. 一九四一年五月,英国皇家海军要求加拿大皇家海军加入大西洋护航。

    In May1941 , the British Royal Navy asked the Royal Canadian Navy to join the Atlantic escort .

  6. 一九四一年和一九四二年是抗日战争期间根据地最困难的时期。

    The years 1941 and 1942 were the hardest for the Liberated Areas in the War of Resistance Against Japan .

  7. 经过整风,从一九四一年算起,差不多三四年时间就解决了。

    This problem was solved with three or four years of effort , starting from the beginning of the rectification movement in1941 .

  8. 一九四一至四四年列宁格勒围城战期间,守城俄国军民的生活水准低得几乎和动物无异。

    During the siege of Leningrad in1941-44 , the Russian defenders were reduced to living at a level hardly better than animals .

  9. 同一时间(香港时间一九四一年十二月八日),日本又进攻香港。

    At approximately the same time , Japanese armed forces attacked Hong Kong ( December 8 , 1941 , Hong Kong time ) .

  10. 一九四一年十二月七日,日本空袭珍珠港的美国军舰,正式加入第二次世界大战。

    Japan entered World War II when , on December 7 , 1941 , its aircraft bombed United States warships at Pearl Harbour .

  11. 〔2〕边币是一九四一年陕甘宁边区银行所发行的纸币。

    [ 2 ] The Border Region currency consisted of the currency notes issued by the Bank of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region Government .

  12. 截至一九四一年,我们公营农业中的粮食生产一项,还是很微弱的,我们在粮食方面还是依靠老百姓。

    Up to the end of1941 , the grain output of the public sector of our agriculture was meagre and we relied on the people for grain .

  13. 自一九四一年青霉素应用于临床以来,经各方微生物学家及生化学家的努力,迄今为止,已发现的抗生素种类已达几千种之多。

    From 1941 when the penicillin was applied in the clinic till now , there are thousands of kinds of antibiotics found by the effort of microbiologist and biochemist .

  14. 英国银行的纸币过去在任何地方均可通用。〔2〕边币是一九四一年陕甘宁边区银行所发行的纸币。

    A note of the Bank of England used to pass anywhere . [ 2 ] The Border Region currency consisted of the currency notes issued by the Bank of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region Government .