
The second part is to analyze thing sold for times .
Rule of a thing sold for times in civil law
The first part is the foundation theories related to thing sold for times .
The third part is on the remedies and resolution of the question of thing sold for times .
These theories must be known clearly before analyzing thing sold for times for they are the foundation of analyzing thing sold for times .
Installment sales contract the buyer interest protection , especially in the case sold for the protection of the rights of the buyer made a different sub-specific analysis .
At this moment , the ownership of the object has changed , which tends to cause dealing unfairness and risks , and is harmful to the seller 's right .
Based on the validity of the contract , the application and convergence among the validity of the unauthorized disposition contract , innocent acquirement and thing sold for times should be well managed .
The means provided by this paper not only points out a direction of resolving thing sold for times , but also gives concrete and maneuverable rules , so this paper provides concrete suggestions for the improvement of legislation .
Referring to the legislative mode of change of real right of our country , this text will analyze the situation of creditor 's rights and real right and the rule of this kind of behavior in our civil law .
The paper analyzes and summarizes the meaning and characteristics and categories of thing sold for times , then points out the questions brought by thing sold for times . This part mainly makes preparations for resolving thing sold for times .
The primary focus is the fourth most number one thing to sell prevention , the number one thing to sell the phenomenon is not avoidable , as long as the phenomenon of the transaction may have this happen , we can take some preventive measures do .