
  1. 第二部分是讲一物数卖行为本身。

    The second part is to analyze thing sold for times .

  2. 我国民法对一物数卖的法律规制

    Rule of a thing sold for times in civil law

  3. 第一部分是讲与一物数卖相关的基础理论。

    The first part is the foundation theories related to thing sold for times .

  4. 第三部分是讲对一物数卖问题的救济和解决。

    The third part is on the remedies and resolution of the question of thing sold for times .

  5. 这些理论是分析一物数卖前必须清晰认识的,因为它们是分析一物数卖的基础。

    These theories must be known clearly before analyzing thing sold for times for they are the foundation of analyzing thing sold for times .

  6. 分期付款买卖合同中买受人利益保护,特别是在一物数卖情形下如何保护买受人的权利分不同的情况作了具体的分析。

    Installment sales contract the buyer interest protection , especially in the case sold for the protection of the rights of the buyer made a different sub-specific analysis .

  7. 不动产交付前所有权未移转时,“一物数卖”等问题,这些现象易生交易不公和交易风险,有害于出卖人或者买受人的权利保护。

    At this moment , the ownership of the object has changed , which tends to cause dealing unfairness and risks , and is harmful to the seller 's right .

  8. 基于无权处分合同有效,应当处理好无权处分合同效力与善意取得、一物数卖等法律问题的衔接适用。

    Based on the validity of the contract , the application and convergence among the validity of the unauthorized disposition contract , innocent acquirement and thing sold for times should be well managed .

  9. 本文中,解决一物数卖问题措施的提出,不仅仅是指出一个方向,而且更有着具体可操作性的规则,从而为立法的改进也提出了具体的建议。

    The means provided by this paper not only points out a direction of resolving thing sold for times , but also gives concrete and maneuverable rules , so this paper provides concrete suggestions for the improvement of legislation .

  10. 以我国物权变动立法模式为主要背景,对一物数卖行为所引起的债权及物权的变动情况,以及我国民法对该种行为的规制加以解析。

    Referring to the legislative mode of change of real right of our country , this text will analyze the situation of creditor 's rights and real right and the rule of this kind of behavior in our civil law .

  11. 就其涵义、特征和种类进行分析并归纳,然后就其所产生的问题进行总结,这主要是为解决一物数卖问题做准备。

    The paper analyzes and summarizes the meaning and characteristics and categories of thing sold for times , then points out the questions brought by thing sold for times . This part mainly makes preparations for resolving thing sold for times .

  12. 第四大部分主要阐述的是一物数卖的防范,一物二卖现象是不可以避免的,只要有交易现象就可能有这样的事情发生,我们只能采取一些预防措施及事后的补救措施等。

    The primary focus is the fourth most number one thing to sell prevention , the number one thing to sell the phenomenon is not avoidable , as long as the phenomenon of the transaction may have this happen , we can take some preventive measures do .