
  • 网络ground floor;one floor
  1. 这座办公楼只有一层楼,位于商务湾区,被一个小公园环绕。

    The office building , located in the Business Bay area , only has one ground floor , surrounded by a small park .

  2. 他住的房子,我们已经说过,是一所只有一层楼的楼房。

    The house in which he lived consisted , as we have said , of a ground floor , and one story above ;

  3. 要更上一层楼,唯一的途径就是艰苦奋斗,不屈不挠。

    The only way to improve is through hard work and dogged perseverance .

  4. 他们住在下一层楼。

    They live on the floor below .

  5. 我们要使产品质量更上一层楼。

    We should make the quality of our products even better .

  6. 愚蠢的富翁仍旧固执地说:“我不要下面的两层楼,你一定可以给我造最上面的一层楼。”

    But the fool insisted , " I don 't need the first two storeys . You must build only the top storey for me . "

  7. CPU、GPU以及神经网络引擎的整合,让各类app的体验更上一层楼。

    Combined with the CPU and the GPU , the Neural Engine enables apps to deliver next-level experiences .

  8. 的确,很多商界成功人士都没读过MBA,但是这个学位会使你在职业生涯中更上一层楼。

    Well , plenty of people are successful without an MBA . But the degree does give you the ability to take your career to a higher level .

  9. 这种设计所固有的可能性在于,XML中可以加入新的元素(对应于类中的字段),从而使得让API在表义性上更上一层楼成为可能。

    Inherently in this design , there is the possibility that elements could be added to the XML ( fields to the class ) that make it possible to move the API notionally forward a notch .

  10. 最后,文字游戏脚本将帮助您解决Jumble游戏,创建简单的置换计算程序,并生成文字搜索图,同时让您的PHP数组处理技能更上一层楼。

    Finally , the word-game scripts will help you solve the Jumble game , create simple substitution cyphers , and generate word-search diagrams while taking your PHP array-handling skills one step further .

  11. 此外,A13中更强大的神经网络引擎,也将机器学习体验更上一层楼,例如,iPadOS15的实况文本可以更快运行。

    And the more powerful Neural Engine in A13 makes next-generation machine learning experiences like Live Text in iPadOS 15 even faster .

  12. 我正在为它加入更多的功能,例如源列表、工具栏、拖拽和一些超炫的动画效果,这将使SproutCore在UI设计方面更上一层楼。

    I 'm in the process of building out a lot of new widgets such as source lists , toolbars , drag and drop and some really amazing animation that 's going to really move the bar in terms of UI design .

  13. 这位曾演唱过《Royals》(《皇室贵族》)的少年天才在20岁的时候就在联合制作人杰克·安东诺夫的帮助下更上一层楼,把对电子音乐的无限展望与人类的尺度结合在一起,亲手打造了自己的第二张专辑。

    At age 20 , the teen prodigy of " Royals " raised the bar , marrying the massive vistas of electronic music alongside the human-scaled and handmade on her second LP , with help from co-producer Jack Antonoff .

  14. 马斯内女士在不久前的声明中说:“与Yoox实现强强联合后,在马切蒂的领导下,公司的规模与实力会更上一层楼,将会做行业的领头羊,并开创时尚业未来新格局。”

    Ms Massenet said in a statement on Thursday morning : " Having joined forces with Yoox group , the company will be bigger , stronger and superbly well-positioned under Federico 's leadership to lead the industry and create the future of fashion . "

  15. 它将让整个游戏的难度素质更上一层楼。

    It will move the entire difficulty spectrum up a level .

  16. 放宽眼界方能得出更细致的结论(欲穷千里目,更上一层楼)。

    A broader perspective would have led to more nuanced conclusions .

  17. 好让我们的生意更上一层楼

    and take our business up to a level that 's. ..

  18. 我知道我的英语水平已经更上一层楼了!

    I knew that my English had jumped to another level .

  19. 从你的文章来看,你也希望能在这方面更上一层楼。

    Your writings suggest you will want to go further .

  20. 要知道他在费耶诺德取得巨大成功而在利物浦他更上一层楼。

    He triumphed at Feyenoord and has had great success at Liverpool .

  21. 去另一层楼,别停下来。

    Get out on a different floor , keep moving .

  22. 失恋往往是让我们事业更上一层楼。

    Is lovelorn often lets on our enterprise a yet higher goal .

  23. 挑战了标准流程,也推动了标准流程的自我审视,并因此更上一层楼;

    Flexibilities have challenged standards and drive standards'self-reflections and make standards better .

  24. 随着嫉妒消失,我也更上一层楼。

    By letting go of my jealousy I raised the bar for myself .

  25. 请让我停在最近的一层楼。

    Please let me off at the nearest floor .

  26. 这样利用冲突,他们就能让自己的表现更上一层楼。

    This is how they use conflict as a catapult to high performance .

  27. 他们把整个一层楼占用了。

    They occupy the whole of the first floor .

  28. 六个互补:留学生研究更上一层楼

    Six " Mutual Complements ": The Higher Level Research of the Returned Students

  29. 但是我们要更上一层楼了

    But it is time for us to evolve ,

  30. 爱惜身体会给让你在精神上更上一层楼。

    Treating your body well will put you in a better place mentally .