
  1. 这半舍客勒是奉给耶和华的礼物(一舍客勒是二十季拉)。

    This half shekel is an offering to the Lord .

  2. 凡你所估定的价银都要按着圣所的平,二十季拉为一舍客勒。

    And all thy estimations shall be according to the shekel of the sanctuary : twenty gerahs shall be the shekel .

  3. 其中在一月之外所当赎的,要照你所估定的价,按圣所的平,用银子五舍客勒赎出来(一舍客勒是二十季拉)。

    When they are a month old , you must redeem them at the redemption price set at five shekels of silver , according to the sanctuary shekel , which weighs twenty gerahs .

  4. 凡过去归那些被数之人的,每人要按圣所的平,拿银子半舍客勒;这半舍客勒是奉给耶和华的礼物(一舍客勒是二十季拉)。

    Each one who crosses over to those already counted is to give a half shekel , according to the sanctuary shekel , which weights twenty gerahs . This half Shekel is an offering to the Lord .

  5. 神人曾对王说,明日约到这时候,在撒玛利亚城门口,二细亚大麦要卖银一舍客勒,一细亚细面也要卖银一舍客勒。

    It happened as the man of God had said to the king : 'About this time tomorrow , a seah of flour will sell for a shekel and two seahs of barley for a shekel at the gate of Samaria . '

  6. 仆人回答扫罗说:“我手里有银子一舍客勒的四分之一,可以送那神人,请他指示我们当走的路。”

    The servant answered him again . " Look , " he said , " I have a quarter of a shekel of silver . I will give it to the man of God so that he will tell us what way to take . "

  7. 一位舍掉生命却赢得世人的信靠。

    The other lost his life to win the whole world 's faith .

  8. 那只是一个舍小景而取大景的问题。

    It was a matter of preferring the larger to the smaller view .

  9. 我还记得去年当我的一个舍友遇到她的罗密欧的情景。

    Last year , I remember when one of my roommates met her Romeo .

  10. 我的一位舍友早上3点起床参加消防演习,但忘了特种兵可以不去。

    One of my flat mates went outside for a3am fire drill , but forgot he sleeps commando . : P.

  11. 迪克一开始舍不得花钱去看医生,如果,他的心脏病日趋严重。

    Dick 's heart trouble became worse because he wouldn 't spend money to see a doctor at the beginning ;

  12. 尊重权利和提供高质精神卫生服务是相互关联的&不可能只取其一而舍其二。

    Respect for rights and provision of quality mental health services go hand in hand & you cannot have one without the other .

  13. 猪舍内的空气环境控制主要包括两个方面:一是舍内空气环境状况的控制;

    The air environment control in the pig house includes two respects mainly : one is the control of the environmental state of air ;

  14. 在科隆,我们有幸会见了来自ETN基金会的HeinzWiescher主席-这个基金会过去几年慷慨捐助修建了位于成都救护中心的一座熊舍。

    In Cologne , we were privileged to meet Heinz Wiescher from ETN – a group that has been so incredibly generous over the years and has sponsored a whole bear house for our sanctuary in Chengdu .

  15. 博士蛙正在盖一间猫舍。

    Bo Shi Wa is building a cat house .

  16. 它是我的朋友&一只切舍猫,爱丽丝说。

    ' It 's a friend of mine & a Cheshire Cat , 'said Alice .

  17. 比赛太精彩了,我一点都舍不得走。

    The game was so good , I just couldn 't tear myself away from it .

  18. 重得背不动,实在不得已,只能丢下一路辛苦舍不得放弃的棉花,空着手和挑金子的同伴回家去了。

    Desperately , he had to abandon the cotton and went back home empty-handed with his partner carrying gold .

  19. 它就好像是个珍贵的伤疤,像一个你舍不得放手的心碎,因为那痛苦是多么的美好。

    It feels like a precious wound , like a heartbreak you won 't let go of , because it hurts too good .

  20. 瞬间的美丽绽放后的余烟,那是一种不舍的离情,在望一眼最爱的人,是告别还是留恋?

    Instant beauty Yuyan after blooming , it is a situation from the bear , a favorite in sight , is still lingering farewell ?

  21. 他补充道,一开始很舍不得当兵时每月30美元的工资,直到去深圳后发现当地工人每月挣50美元才改变了想法。

    A salary of $ 30 a month was difficult to leave behind , he added , until he got to Shenzhen and realised that workers were earnings $ 50 a month .

  22. 不过作为一座乡舍,却有不少缺陷,因为房子造得太正规,房顶铺瓦,窗板没有漆成绿色,墙上也没有爬满忍冬花。

    but as a cottage it was defective , for the building was regular , the roof was tiled , the window shutters were not painted green , nor were the walls covered with .

  23. 当前我正在一个培训黉舍进修财务学。

    And I am currently studying finance in a training school .

  24. 在旅程开始后一周,我舍不得离开了。

    By the end of the week , I was sorry to leave .

  25. 选一个书呆子舍友能花多少时间?

    How long can picking a nerdy roommate take ?

  26. 她连给最穷的乞丐一个便士都舍不得。

    She would grudge a penny even to the poorest beggar , ie She is very mean .

  27. 最后,每样食物尝起来都如此美味,每一口我都舍不得马上咽下去。

    In the end everything tasted so good that each mouthful forced me to give it a moment 's attention .

  28. 概要:这是一篇针对大舍建筑设计事务所在嘉定新城沿河地带设计的螺旋艺廊的观游散记。

    This essay could be regarded as an on-site interpretation of Deshaus Atelier 's ontological pursuits within their design for Jiading Spiral Gallery .

  29. 果实新鲜时,在果肉中加入水、糖和柠檬汁可制成一种名为“舍儿别”的饮料,一个大的印度桔就可以制成6升的“舍儿别”。

    From the fresh fruit , a juice called sharbat can be made , adding water , sugar and lime juice to the pulp . It takes just one large fruit to make 6 liters of sharbat .

  30. 一个连一毛钱都舍不得亏的人,因太过拘谨而不能下单

    A nitpicker , obsessing over dimes , is too stiff to place orders .