
yī yuán zhì
  • centralized leadership system
  1. 从二元制到一元制&英国高等教育体制变迁的动因研究

    A Study of the Causes of the Change from the Binary System to the Unified System in British Higher Education

  2. 现存公司治理结构的典型代表是英美法国家的一元制模式和大陆法国家的二元制模式。

    Classical models of existing corporate governance structure are unitary-model in common law countries and dual-model in civil law countries .

  3. 中国上市公司的治理模式既不同于英、美的一元制模式,也不同于德日的二元制模式,而是一种混合制的治理模式。

    Chinese corporate governance model is a mixed type , but it lacks an effective outside governance mechanism comparing with the unitary board .

  4. 1992年,34所多科技术学院以及部分其他学院升格为大学,完成了英国高等教育二元制向一元制的变迁。

    In1992,34 polytechnics and other institutions upgraded to the status of universities , indicating the change from the binary system to unified system .

  5. 独立董事是英美法国家在一元制公司治理模式和高度分散股权结构下的一项制度选择。

    Independent director is a system under the centralized leadership corporate governance mode and wider diversion of stock ownership in Anglo | American countries .

  6. 我国将来修改公司法时可借鉴代表董事制度,从而弥补公司代表一元制的不足。

    Corporate law of our country may take advantage of representative directors system when it is revised , so that representative system of director is improved .

  7. 争论主要涉及三个层面内容,即法理上行政审判权的性质与归属、体制上行政审判机关与行政机关之间是“一元制”还是“二元制”、传统都察院的去留。

    The debate mainly focused on three levels , which included what the nature and relegation of administrative adjudgment authority was in terms of legal principle ;

  8. 英美等国的一元制模式下,在董事会内部进行结构改良,引进独立董事形式内部监督模式。

    Under the unified system of America and the UK , the board of director is reformed internally and independent directors are introduced into the board to supervise .

  9. 无论一元制公司治理结构还是二元制公司治理结构,独立董事都参与到董事会中,行使战略管理职能及选择和监督经理人员的职能。

    Whether in one layer corporate governance structure or dual corporate governance structure , independent directors involved into the board of directors to exercise choice of strategic management and supervision functions .

  10. 不同的是,一元制公司治理结构下,独立董事是唯一专门的监督者,功能的内容、功能的方向与二元制公司治理结构下都有很大不同。

    Difference is that one layer corporate governance structure , independent directors is the sole specialized supervisors . Its function content , functionality and the direction is different with the dual system .

  11. 独立董事最早诞生于美国,它是美国为解决管理层控制问题,在一元制公司构造基础上所进行的一项制度设计。

    The earliest independent director appeared in The United States , it is an institutional design aiming at solving the problem of Management Control phenomenon in listing corporations , on its unitary board structure .

  12. 这些国家的股份公司的治理模式实行一元制,在这种公司中,由股东大会选举产生董事会,由其代行财产所有权、经营者聘用权,董事会对股东大会负责。

    The limited companies of these countries implement the unified system . In these companies , the General Assembly electes the board of directors , who will have the property ownership and the night of appointment .

  13. 长期以来,我国刑事审判程序均以一元制形式运行,定罪、量刑在同一庭审程序中进行,且没有专门针对量刑的调查、辩论环节。

    Criminal trial procedure of our country is operating under a unitary system for a long time . Conviction and sentencing are carrying out in a same court trial with no special section for investigation and debate .

  14. 我国三大诉讼实行一元制的高证明标准,过多地追求诉讼的公正价值,却不利于诉讼效益价值的实现。

    In our country we choose " centralized leadership system ", which is a kind of high standard of proof , and pay more attention to the value of justice in the process of action , which is unfavorable to the value of benefit .

  15. 因此,要增强一元户籍制的可欲性,就要协调好三方利益,进一步完善有关户籍政策的相关法律,加强社会各管理部门的协调与合作,调整城乡社会保障等政策。

    So in order to strengthen the desirability of the unitary household registration system , it is necessary to adjust the birth control policy , the land contracting policy and the policy on lowest social security , etc.

  16. 结果表明:通过添加不同的一元醇可制备得到花朵状形貌的Co基催化剂,并且该结构有利于提高电极的真实表面积。

    It is found that additives have dramatic effects on the morphologies of catalysts . The flower-like nanostructures , which can be obtained through adding different monohydric alcohols , are conducive to increase the specific surface area .

  17. 由此,形成一种二元制的弹劾模式。

    As a result , a dual impeachment mode was formed .

  18. 多巴胺的自氧化作用氧气液相氧化一元取代甲苯制备芳香醛

    Preparation of Aromatic Aldehyde by Autoxidation of Mono-substituted Toluene in Liquid Phase

  19. 我国社会经济的发展长期处于一种二元制状态。

    The development of our social and economy has been in a dual system state in the long run .

  20. 本文以Cu(OAc)2为原料,多种一元醇为溶剂制备了纳米CuO。

    CuO nanoparticles have been prepared using Cu ( OAc ) 2 as the starting material and several monobasic alcohols as the solvent .

  21. 我国的政府信息公开制度起步较晚,尤其对于我国这样一个传统上国家社会一元制的政治体制来说更是一个理念上的巨大挑战。

    Our government resources publicity develops somewhat late , and it is also a great idea challenges especially in our country which is a tradition mono chronic system .