
  1. 晋之祠&一个城市的历史和记忆

    Temple to Jin : History and Memory of a City

  2. 一个城市独有的历史文化是城市本质和灵魂所在。

    A unique historical and cultural city is city essence and soul .

  3. 传统特色街道经过时间的磨砺成为城市历史的史书,是城市中最为鲜明和活跃的部分,饱含了一个城市的兴衰历史。

    Traditional street tempered by time , is the history books of city . It is the most distinctive and active part of the city and full of history .

  4. 一个临河滨海城市的历史发展与文化底蕴&为天津设卫建城600周年而作

    The Historical Development and Cultural Implication of a Sea-side City

  5. 一个城市在特定的历史时期有其特殊的成长方式,需要培育和经营。

    A city in a particular historical period has its special ways to grow the need of nurtures and operations .

  6. 每一个城市所走过的历史是不尽相同的,而且城市与城市之间也是有地域文化差别的。

    Each city passes through the history is different , moreover between the city and the city also has the region culture difference .

  7. 在旧金山的人行道嵌入式青铜奖章沿着北非海岸步道,徒步旅行,连接一个城市最重要的历史遗址参观。

    Bronze medallions embedded in San Francisco sidewalks take visitors along the Barbary Coast Trail , a walking tour that connects the city 's most important historic sites .

  8. 园林作为历史和文化的一种载体,可以表现一个城市的历史、文化和特点。

    The garden can display history and culture and characteristic of a city as a kind of carrier of history and culture .

  9. 名人是一种无形的文化资产,是一个城市的历史文化品牌。

    Celebrity is an intangible cultural heritage , is a city of history and culture brand .

  10. 对于一个现代化城市来说,建筑色彩是城市环境的重要组成部分,它是一个城市的整体风貌、历史文脉、民族传统、地域文化、生态环境、市民素质、时代精神的综合体现。

    Architecture color , which is the synthetic embodiment of a city with whole scene , history lasting , nation tradition , region culture , ecological environment , citizen quality , as well as time spirit , is the important part of the city environment to a modern city .