
  1. 此系统被称作starroutes,即“星号邮路”。三个世纪前才建立起来的邮政业务,到今天已发展成在美国的每一个市、镇和村都设有邮局的广泛的政府业务。

    The postal service which was started over 3 centuries ago , has developed into an extensive government service with post offices in every city , town and village in the United States .

  2. 方法对乡村医生和村干部进行培训后,向周围人群传授性病、艾滋病知识,同时发放宣传材料、播放VCD,对性活跃人群免费提供避孕套。

    Methods After the doctors and the cadres in villages are trained , they passed on the knowledge of STD , HIV / AIDS to masses , contribute propagandist material and show VCD to them , and provide the population sex-active with condom free of charge .

  3. 向农民和村领导传授正确的消毒技术。

    Farmers and village leaders were instructed in proper disinfection techniques .

  4. 每逢周四,他们都和村里的姑娘们跳舞。

    Every Thursday they dance with the village girls .

  5. 境内油面公路纵横交织,连接每个乡镇和村。

    Oil inside interwoven vertical and horizontal surface roads connecting every township and village .

  6. 91.9%的乡医生和村医生希望进行基本药物方面的培训。

    91.9 % rural doctors hoped that carries on the training of essential drugs .

  7. 这两兄弟变成了自我中心的人,和村里的人都融洽。

    Having become self-absorbed persons , the brothers did not associate much with the villagers .

  8. 他瞧不起樵夫的孩子和村里其他的孩子。

    He despised the woodcutter 's children , and the other children of the village .

  9. 县、乡和村是中国行政区划的三个不同等级。

    Counties , townships , and villages are at different levels in the Chinese administration frame .

  10. 去年我返乡探亲,惊讶地发现小村和村里的人都发生了变化

    Last year I returned home and is surprised to find both the village and the people completely changed

  11. 结果(1)农村基层药品供应主体是乡(镇)卫生院和村卫生室、个体诊所;

    Results ( 1 ) The main drug supplying organizations in the countryside are township hospitals and village dispensaries .

  12. 打针或注射的场所多是在个体诊所(58.1%)和村卫生室(33.0%)。

    Places for injection were mainly private clinic ( 58.1 % ) and village clinic ( 33.0 % ) .

  13. 他们也和村里其他农民交谈过,但表现最积极的还得数马臭子。

    They conversed with other farmers in the village , but Ma was the most " active " element .

  14. 单螺杆式水力机械螺杆和村套之间的摩擦阻力矩受诸多因素的影响,螺杆-衬套副的作用线(啮合线)难以用简单的计算式表达。

    The friction resistance moment acting on the screw and liner in single-screwed hydraulic machinery is affected by many factors .

  15. 此外,陈洪艳也鼓励王浩和村里的其他孩子一起玩儿,因为他担心王浩会感到孤独。

    Chen also encourages Wang to play with other kids in the village for fear that he may feel lonely .

  16. 回归分析表明,性别、年龄、是否党员和村干部等因素对村民在选举中的参与有重要影响;

    Regression analysis shows that , sex , age , party membership and cadre status influence villagers ' participation significantly ;

  17. 随着农村经济和村社组织的破坏,城市生活逐渐成为中国社会生活方式的主导;

    With the damage to the rural economy and rural communities , city life style has gradually become the main stream .

  18. 她和村里其他女孩子不同,她的父亲和兄弟们都鼓励她去上学。

    She was unusual in the village as she had a father and brothers who encouraged her to go to school .

  19. 县及县级以上医疗机构单次门诊就诊费用高于乡镇卫生院和村卫生室或个体诊所费用;

    The cost for each outpatient was higher in county medical establishments or the above relative to village and township health centers .

  20. 村官是指以村委会主任和村党支部书记为首的基层自治组织领导人的总称。

    P.R.C Village officials refer to the grassroots self-government organization leaders led by the village committee deans and village party branch secretaries .

  21. 相对于县域地区和村社社区,乡镇社区更有利于推动农村社区的综合发展。

    Comparing to county area and village community , the town has more advantage to facilitate the comprehensive development of country community .

  22. 方法选择两个国家级贫困县,每县随机选取一个镇和村为基本调查单位,从中整群分层随机抽取调查对象。

    Methods One town and one village randomly selected as a investigation unit in two poverty county recognized by State Council of China .

  23. 乡医生和村医生基本药物知晓主要来源是电视/广播、业务培训、报纸/专业杂志。

    The main source for rural doctor to know essential drugs is television / broadcast , vocational training , newspaper / specialized magazine .

  24. 当村主任和村书记人选都来自于村庄精英俱乐部时,多次的博弈使得合谋行为成为一种常态。

    When village director and village secretary some from village elite club , many game makes conspiring to act as a normal state .

  25. 被征地农民和村集体经济组织的补偿期望值较高,且村集体经济组织的补偿期望随补偿价格上升的趋势最为迅猛。

    Landless farmers and village collective economic organizations have higher compensation expectations . The village collective economic organizations ' expectation rises the most rapidly .

  26. 随着反组织过程的推进,开发公司、普通村民和村领导之间的关系结构不断地调整。

    With the advance of the anti-organization process , the relationship structure between the company , villagers and village leaders is constantly undergoing adjustment .

  27. 山西省平遥县宁固镇芦村主要存在鸽子丢失和村集体树木被砍伐等治安问题。

    The law-and-order problems of the village mainly lie in the missing of the pigeons and the felling of trees owned by the village .

  28. 81.6%的乡医生和村医生经常向病人推荐使用基本药物,当医生向病人推荐基本药物时,65%的病人乐意接受。

    81.6 % rural doctors recommend the essential drugs frequently to the patient , 65 % patients are glad to accept when doctor recommends .

  29. 村委会和村党支部的关系问题是村民自治中最突出、最重要的问题之一。

    The relations between the village committee and the branch of CPC is one of the most prominent and important problem of villager 's autonomy .

  30. 整个社会则是由家户、家户联合体构成的家族、家族结合体和村社构成的一个四级社会组织体系。

    The whole society was comprised of four levels social organization-household , families came from union of households , community of families , and county .