
  1. 联盟在此和蛮锤矮人一起,与部落支持的龙喉氏族争夺地盘。

    The Alliance will be working with the Wildhammers in a struggle for land against the Dragonmaws backed by the Horde .

  2. 来自福建的非法移民不断进入台湾,这时纳税人的土地和蛮人的土地之间的界限向东迁移,他们作为原住民大部分土地的合约承租人通常都与当地人结婚,而其他一些原住民已经退回了山中。

    Illegal immigrants from Fujian continued to enter Taiwan as renters of the large plots of aboriginal lands under contracts that usually involved marriage , while the border between taxpaying lands and " savage " lands migrated east , with some aborigines while others retreated into the mountains .

  3. 南诏是唐代以乌蛮和白蛮等族建立的少数民族地方政权。

    Nanzhao is the Tang Dynasty the national minority local organs of state power which by Wu Man and Bai Man establishes .

  4. 在中国古代,除华夏族之外,东夷族和苗蛮族都是构成汉民族的重要族源之一。

    In the ancient times of China , in addition to Hua-xia nationality , the Yi nationality and Miao , Man nationalities were all the resources that consisted of Han Nationality .

  5. 多元一体构建而成的汉民族&评《雪球:汉民族的人类学分析》在中国古代,除华夏族之外,东夷族和苗蛮族都是构成汉民族的重要族源之一。

    The Han Nationality Formed from Pluralistic Integration & Comment on the Book Snow Ball Written by XU Jie-shun ; In the ancient times of China , in addition to Hua-xia nationality , the Yi nationality and Miao , Man nationalities were all the resources that consisted of Han Nationality .

  6. 临界一击的机率可借由提高亚马逊的临界一击技能和刺客/蛮人武器技能来提高。

    The chance of Critical Strike can be increased by the amazon 's Critical Strike skill and assassin / barbarian Weapon Masteries .

  7. 拳击考验的是技能和技术,不是蛮力。

    Boxing is a test of skill and technique , rather than brute strength .

  8. 唐:柔丝和赫伯在一起蛮顺眼的。

    Don : Rose and Herb look cute together .

  9. 再来,去了解有关那个国家的历史和现今景况也是蛮重要的。

    Then , it 's important to find out the history and some facts of the country you 'll be visiting .

  10. 解放油罐车现代奏鸣曲等的理想载体的圣塔菲也赢得奖励汽车保险费和标准的荒蛮的荒蛮运动型多用途的细分市场。

    The Hyundai Sonata and Santa Fe also earned Ideal Vehicle awards for the premium midsize car and standard midsize sport utility segments .

  11. 一群自我选定的政客和官员一直在倡导一种官僚和蛮横式的整合,他们在这个问题上很少征询选民们的意见。

    A group of self-selecting politicians and officials has promoted a bureaucratic and intrusive form of integration , on which they have rarely consulted their electorates .