
  • 网络Peace Lane;love changes love
  1. 北京和平里示范小区是北京市住宅区环境样板工程和南昌市人民公园绿化带设计浮雕“方志敏”是我的一些想法实践。

    In the peace demonstration district , Beijing is Beijing city residential environment boilerplate project is my practice and application of some ideas .

  2. 《战争与和平》里的娜塔沙呢?

    What about Natasha in War and Peace ?

  3. 而今在和平年代里,铁丝网的应用也很广泛。

    Now , in peacetime , the barbed wire of the applications are very broad .

  4. 他们在和平大院里接待了川流不息的欧洲来客。

    They entertained a stream of visitors from Europe at the " Peace Compound " .

  5. 他们在和平世界里过得那么久,他们简直不相信战争了。

    They have lived at peace so long that they do not quite believe in war .

  6. 我来翻译山青水秀的和平谷里住着一群武林高手。

    Li of elegant green mountain water peace grain living is burning a group of the world or circle of wushu past master .

  7. 都说猫有九条命,可是这只小猫的性命也差点没了:这只小猫掉落天花板,跌进了哥斯达黎加和平大学里正在进行的一场演讲之中。

    A cat came within a whisker of losing one of its nine lives when it came crashing through a ceiling during a lecture at the aptly named University of Peace , in Costa Rica .

  8. 上世纪40年代时亦是如此,1940年她刚刚结婚,嫁到维希政权下的法国,那时她经常出现在另一家美国酒馆,在巴黎卢浮旅馆里或者在马赛和平旅馆里。

    In 1940 , when she was living as a newlywed in Vichy France , it could have been another American Bar , this one in the H ? tel du Louvre et de la Paix in Marseilles .

  9. 争议源自于日本与其邻国漫长而复杂的历史,尤其是日本上世纪上半叶十恶不赦的军国主义扩张行为,在接下来几十年的和平时期里,日本政府未能彻底消除日本与这些国家之间遗留的紧张关系。

    They are rooted in long , complex histories between Japan and its neighbors , particularly an ill-fated imperialistic expansion in the first half of the previous century , and Tokyo 's inability to resolve fully lingering tensions in the following decades of peace .

  10. 今天,我将要访问的亚洲各国生活在和平的环境里。

    Today , the countries I will visit are at peace .

  11. 只有在和平的环境里才有可能。

    It can 't do that without a peaceful environment .

  12. 那儿每个人都生活在和平与坦诚里。

    Where everyone lives in peace and in honesty .

  13. 许多人都在祈求好运,盼能在和平的世界里生活。

    Many people have been keeping their fingers crossed that we can live in a peaceful world .

  14. 蓝天上翔着白云的翅膀,野生动物在和平的步伐里驾驭着新鲜的空气。

    The blue sky flies the wings of clouds ; Wild animals ride the fresh air in peaceful pace .

  15. 在这个和平的环境里光阴过得非常快,不知不觉地到了傍晚。

    Time passed quickly in this peaceful environment . Soon , before anyone was aware of it , evening came .

  16. 让我们都生活在和平的世界里。我只是希望你是最好的,我们都有自己的命运和幸运,而那也正是我们应该为之努力的。

    Let 's live in peace guys * I only wish you the best * We have our own luck and destiny and that 's what we should be working hard at .

  17. 祝福你在这个和平幸福的年代里节日快乐!

    Bless you in this era of peace and happiness , happy holidays !

  18. 在和平富足的年代里他们麻烦过我,这是因为他们同样记得:如果没有酬劳,我是不会做任何事情的。

    Not that they ever sought me out in times of peace and plenty , for they also remembered that I did nothing without exacting a price .