
  1. 指出将B值法和平权后剩余环境容量分配法相结合确定各污染源的平权允许排放量将有助于总量控制规划方案的顺利实施,有效地控制污染,改善环境,使经济得以持续发展。

    It is concluded that application of these methods is helpful to implement the total emission control planning schemes successfully , to control pollution effectively , and to ensure sustainable development of economy .

  2. 正是这个问题的严重性,使马西把她的注意从阻止学校的种族隔离和平权措施(AffirmativeAction)转移到了环境问题。

    It was the enormity of the problem that led Ms. Massie to shift her focus away from school desegregation and affirmative action and toward the environment .

  3. 据此,上述两项新判决,都有利于种族多元化和平权措施。

    These two decisions confirm the Affirmative Action and the value of " racial diversity " and equal rights measures .

  4. 像《投票权法案》、《公平住房法案》和平权行动,我这一代人应该充分利用所有这些机会。

    things like the Voting Rights Act , The Fair Housing Act and affirmative action , and my generation was supposed to be taking full advantage of all of those opportunities .

  5. 不论这个候选人团体的政治动机如何,温茨等成员都抓住了高等教育中两个越来越有争议的话题:天文数字般的大学费用和平权措施。

    Whatever the political motivations of the slate , Mr. Unz and the other members have hit on two increasingly contentious issues in higher education : astronomical college costs and affirmative action .

  6. 提出了区域排污权的初始分配方法该方法通过引入“平权函数”和“平权排污量”保证初始排污权分配的现实性和公平性;

    In this paper , a method was Proposed for initial allocation of emission rights of air pollutants among control areas .

  7. 这个节日是为了纪念金博士的遗赠和他为平权作出的努力。

    The holiday honors the legacy of Dr. King and his work for equal rights .

  8. 本文认为,平等和正义是平权法案始终追求的价值核心。

    According to this research , equality and justice are the core ideas of " Affirmative Action " .