
fǎ tǎ hè
  • Al Fatah
法塔赫[fǎ tǎ hè]
  1. 我们应设法结束巴勒斯坦的分裂局面,推动哈马斯和法塔赫(fatah)达成和解。

    We should try to end the fragmentation of Palestine and promote a reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah .

  2. 就目前而言,巴勒斯坦人似乎更感兴趣的是,让法塔赫和哈马斯(hamas)实现和解,并寻求让今年9月份召开的联合国大会(ungeneralassembly)承认巴勒斯坦国。

    For the moment , the Palestinians seem much more interested in trying to reconcile Fatah and Hamas and in pursuing the possibility of recognition of a Palestinian state at the UN General Assembly in September .

  3. MahmoudAbbas的温和派法塔赫团队和内讧派Hamas之间的分裂使巴勒斯坦的政治体系陷入瘫痪状态。

    The split between Mahmoud Abbas ' moderate Fatah group and the militant Hamas faction has virtually paralyzed the Palestinians ' political system .

  4. 阿卜杜勒-法塔赫·塞西(AbdelFattahel-Sisi)政府主要情报机构的负责人在2013年夸耀称,他与中央情报局(CentralIntelligenceAgency)“一直保持联系”。

    the director of Egypt 's main spy agency under President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi boasted in 2013 that he was " in constant contact " with the Central Intelligence Agency .

  5. 与此同时,埃及临时政府刚刚在巴勒斯坦敌对的两大派别哈马斯(hamas)和法塔赫(fatah)之间撮合了一项协议,出乎美国意料。

    Meanwhile , the interim Egyptian government has just surprised the US by negotiating a deal between the rival Palestinian factions , Hamas and Fatah .

  6. 新的选举怎样进行并不明确。因为Abbas的法塔赫仅仅控制西岸,加沙地区被Hamas牢牢控制。

    It is not clear how new elections would be conducted , since Abbas ' Fatah governs only the West Bank , while the Gaza Strip has been under the firm control of Hamas .

  7. 他们抱怨那些包括法塔赫领导人马尔万•巴尔古提(MarwanBarghouti)在内的巴勒斯坦最重要的在押犯依然身陷囹圄。

    They grumble that some of Palestine 's most prominent prisoners , including Marwan Barghouti , a Fatah leader , remain in jail .

  8. 当然,法塔赫内部也存在一些利益争夺。

    Certainly , there has been some score-settling within Fatah itself .

  9. 让哈马斯赢得加沙,对于法塔赫来说是必然的事。

    Letting Hamas win Gaza has a certain logic to Fatah .

  10. 新协议终结了哈马斯和法塔赫之间的分歧。

    The new deal ends a rift between Hamas and Fatah .

  11. 哈马斯还率先采用了法塔赫随后复制过去的恐怖主义战术。

    It also pioneered terrorist tactics that Fatah later copied .

  12. 下列关于法塔赫组织的说法中哪个不正确?

    Which of the following statements is NOT true about the Fatah ?

  13. 在爆炸事件之后,已经有200多名法塔赫成员被拘捕。

    Since the bombing , more than 200 Fatah activists have been arrested .

  14. 不过法塔赫从未交出全部的控制权。

    Fatah , however , never fully relinquished control .

  15. 但一些法塔赫的忠实成员却对一些打破平衡的事情感兴趣。

    But some Fatah loyalists could also have an interest in destabilising things .

  16. 1954年的夏天,乔安妮和阿卜杜勒法塔赫一起去了叙利亚。

    In the summer of 1954 , Joanne went with Abdulfattah to Syria .

  17. 许多法塔赫高级官员和他们的家人逃离到西岸。

    Many senior Fatah officials and their families are fleeing to the West Bank .

  18. 上周哈马斯在击溃阿巴斯派的法塔赫运动后夺取了对加沙的控制权。

    Hamas seized control of Gaza last week after routing Abbas ' Fatah movement .

  19. 祖赫里说:哈马斯已经通知法塔赫,对法亚德的提名是不可接受的。

    Abu Zuhri said Hamas has informed Fatah that the nomination of Fayyad is unacceptable .

  20. 他在法国为法塔赫招兵买马。

    He was recruiting for Fatah france .

  21. 法塔赫和哈马斯两大派系,在当地时间星期五晚间宣布达成的新的停火协议。

    Gunbattles in Gaza on Saturday defying a truce between the Fatah and Hamas factions .

  22. 法塔赫发言人艾哈迈德·艾萨夫称这违反了巴勒斯坦权利和国际协议。

    Fatah Spokesman Ahmad Assaf called it a violation of Palestinian rights and international agreements .

  23. 法塔赫的激进分子还在约旦河西岸城市纳布卢斯绑架了哈马斯官员穆罕默德.哈扎尔。

    Fatah militants also abducted Hamas official Mohammed Ghazal in the West Bank town of Nablus .

  24. 哈马斯和法塔赫去年5月同意组建联合政府。

    Hamas and Fatah first agreed to form a unity government in May of last year .

  25. 这就是为什么美国和其他势力加大努力来支持法塔赫的原因。

    This is why the US and other powers are increasing their efforts to bolster Fatah .

  26. 哈马斯从2007年以来一直统治加沙,之前他们从效忠阿巴斯的法塔赫手中夺取了控制权。

    Hamas has ruled Gaza since 2007 , after seizing control from Fatah forces loyal to President Abbas .

  27. 内塔尼亚胡的评论发表在巴勒斯坦法塔赫运动组织20年来首次国会之际。

    Mr. Netanyahu 's comments came as the Palestinian Fatah movement held its first congress in 20 years .

  28. 不过,在约旦河西岸城市纳布卢斯,夜间有一名法塔赫选举工作人员被打死。

    Despite the pledge , a Fatah election worker was killed in the West Bank town of Nablus overnight .

  29. 哈马斯统治加沙地带,法塔赫在约旦河西岸领导较为温和的巴勒斯坦民族权力机构。

    Hamas rules the Gaza Strip , while Fatah heads the more moderate Palestinian Authority in the West Bank .

  30. 他们袭击了一个和法塔赫结盟的家族的重要据点,据点内的武装人员进行还击。

    They attacked a stronghold of a clan aligned with the rival Fatah faction , and gunmen there returned fire .