
hòu lüè jiǎo
  • sweep angle
  1. 侧板后掠角大小和整流罩位置变化时,对进气道的质量捕获、总压恢复系数和隔离段出口流场的均匀性等都有一定的影响。

    Changes of sidewall sweep angle and cowl position can influence inlet performance such as mass capture , total pressure recovery coefficient and uniformity of isolator exit flow field .

  2. 管内旗形件后掠角对油类介质对流换热的影响

    The Influence of Sweep Angle on the Forced Convection of oil in a Tube with Flag-type Insert

  3. 研究以降低直升机旋翼激振力为目标的复合材料桨叶结构动力学减振优化设计,分析了桨叶结构特性及桨尖后掠角等参数对N次/转旋翼桨毂振动载荷的影响。

    A Model Analysis and Damping Optimization of Motorcycle Frame Structure The paper presents an analytical study of the helicopter rotor vibratory load reduction design optimization with aeroelastic stability constraints .

  4. 采用基于正交设计的方法,利用CFD技术,可较快的优选出小翼的倾斜角、高度、前缘后掠角、安装角等参数。

    In this paper the method based on the perpendicular design and CFD technology was adopted , which can efficiently select the parameters of a winglet , such as inclination , height , lead edge sweepback and fixing angle .

  5. 在3m低速风洞中研究了70°后掠角三角翼过失速气动特性。

    A low speed wind tunnel study was conducted to explore the effects of large amplitude pitching motions on the aerodynamic characteristics of a delta wing with a sweptback angle of 70 ° .

  6. 采用Harten-Yee的二阶精度隐式TVD格式对N-S方程进行数值模拟,研究了后掠角为65°和70°的三角翼绕流的流场特性。

    The flow over delta wing with 65 ° and 70 ° swept at high angle of attack is investigated by solving the three dimensional , compressible Navier Stokes equations utilizing the second order upwind TVD algorithm ( Harten Yee ) .

  7. 40°后掠角三角翼不同前缘形状对其气动特性影响的实验研究

    Experimental study of different leading-edge profiles of a 40 degree-sweep delta wing

  8. 不同后掠角的三角翼均能得到相似的结论。

    The same conclusion is obtained with different sweep delta wing configurations .

  9. 75°前缘后掠角细长三角翼失速特性实验研究

    The Experimental Investigation of Stall Characteristics for 75 ° Sweep Slender Delta Wing

  10. 大迎角下机翼后掠角对近耦合鸭式布局增升及流态的影响

    Effects of wing sweep on lift-enhancement and flow patterns of close-coupled canard-configurations at high incidence

  11. 变后掠角+变侧压角曲面压缩的高超侧压式进气道数值仿真

    Numerical simulations of curved surface sidewall compression scramjet inlets with varied sweep angle and sidewall compression angle

  12. 非均匀流等压比变后掠角高超侧压式进气道研究

    Investigation of sidewall compression inlet with constant pressure ration and curved leading edge under nonuniform supersonic flow

  13. 讨论了后掠角和尖削比这两个机翼外形参数对翼尖失速特性的影响。

    The influence of sweep angle and taper ratio on the characteristics of wingtip stalling is discussed .

  14. 本文提供了一个具有复合材料蒙皮、金属骨架的中等展弦比、中等后掠角机翼的气动弹性剪裁计算结果。

    Some results of aeroelastic tailoring of a sweptback wing with medium aspect ratio and composite skin and metal frame are presented .

  15. 对尖锐前缘、后掠角为60°的大攻角平板三角翼模型进行了水洞实验。

    The test of a flat delta wing with a sharp leading edge and back-swept angle of 60 ° was performed in water tunnel .

  16. 讨论了模型尺寸、缩减频率、前缘后掠角等对风洞非定常壁压的影响。

    The effects of parameters such as model size , reduced frequency , leading sweep , etc. , on unsteady wall pressure were discussed .

  17. 实验选取4个不同后掠角三角翼、每个三角翼设置6种立尾位置,研究这些参数对三角翼气动特性的影响。

    Sweep delta wings and 6 fin positions were chosen to investigate the effect of these parameters on the aerodynamic characteristics of the configurations with delta-twin fins .

  18. 结果表明,除Re数之外模型迎角、后掠角等参数对干扰区马蹄涡特性有很大影响。

    The results show that in addition to Reynolds number , the angle of attack and the swept angle are also much important parameters that influence the vortex characteristics .

  19. 本文绘出不同后掠角的三角翼模型在低速风洞中大幅度俯仰运动时和带振动鸭翼飞机模型主翼面上的动态流动显示;振动鸭翼复杂流场测量

    In this paper the dynamic vortex flow visualization for oscillating delta-wing models with large amplitude and for oscillating canard was summarized . Mea surement of Complex Flows produced by an Oscillating Canard

  20. 对具有中等后掠角机翼的飞机,产生机翼摇晃的主要原因是滚转阻尼力矩随迎角和侧滑角的变化。

    For the aircraft with moderate swept wing , the main reasons of causing wing rock are the variations of roll damping moment with the angle of attack and the sideslip angle .

  21. 飞机有一对双三角翼面,内翼面后掠角比外翼面大,二个稳定翼位于后机身下。

    The aircraft has a pair of two-section wings , with sweep angle of the inner section larger than the outer section ; and two stabilising fins located under the rear fuselage .

  22. 分别采用数值方法和实验方法研究了大后掠角三角翼大攻角条件下,背风面开缝吸气对流场结构和气动力特性所造成的影响。

    The numerical method and experiment technique were conducted to investigate what effect will be produced on the flow structure and aerodynamics over the highly swept delta wing with suction technique in the Lee Side at high angle of attack .

  23. 在低速风洞中用2组后掠角分别为70°和65°的三角翼模型进行过失速非定常运动,测量风洞洞壁上非定常壁压。

    The unsteady wind tunnel wall pressure for two groups of models oscillating in pitch to high angles of attack was measured . The models tested consist of two sets of delta wings having 70 ° and 65 ° leading edge sweep .

  24. 本文对前者提出了大后掠角犁翼设计思想,对后者则讨论了犁刀曲面各参数及入土角的选择。

    For the former one , the design philosophy of large sweepback angle of plow blade is introduced and for the latter one , the selection of earth entry angle and the parameters of the curvature of the plow arc discussed in this paper .

  25. 结果表明:在一定迎角范围内(16°~50°),对于不吹气情况,鸭翼前缘后掠角越大,布局的增升量越大,说明鸭翼作为涡控制部件是合适的;

    It can be found that : at certain range of attack angles ( 16 °~ 50 °), the magnitudes of lift-enhancement increase with canard sweeps when no blowing , which shows that the canard can be used as a element for controlling the vortex ;

  26. 传统的固定翼无人机只能保证某一种飞行状态的性能达到最优,而变形翼无人机通过改变翼型、翼展和后掠角等来适应不同的飞行状况,能使其飞行性能达到最佳。

    Traditional fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle ( UAV ) can only guarantee the optimal performance of a certain flight condition , while deformed wing UAV can adapt to different flight conditions then make the flight performance best through changing the airfoil , wingspan and sweep .

  27. 其任务是找到能满足飞机性能要求的飞机主要参数。这些参数包括:起飞翼载、推重比、起飞重量、机翼面积、机翼翼载、机翼后掠角、机翼相对厚度和机翼梯形比等。

    The task of the initial sizing is to find the primary parameters of aircraft , including the takeoff wing loading , thrust-to-weight ratio , takeoff weight , wing area , aspect ratio of wing , wing sweep , thickness and taper ratio to match the mission requirements .