
  • 网络jihad;al-jihad;Al Jihad
  1. 所以,上面提到的人们的不同类型不能离开了达瓦或吉哈德的责任而被宣布为罪人。

    So the kind of person mentioned in this question cannot be declared a sinner for leaving the responsibilities of Dawah or Jihad .

  2. 第三,对两世思想中的两个重要问题,即吉哈德和终极关怀,进行了探析,并进一步阐释了现实生活中的两世观。

    Thirdly , it gives accurate analysis to the two important problem of the idea Secularity and Afterworld , namely al-Jihad and ultimate caring , it expounds this idea in the life farther .

  3. 然而在英国,监狱仍然是吉哈德组织的新兵基地。

    In Britain , though , prisons are still a recruiting ground for jihadi groups .