
  • 网络University of Baghdad
  1. Oran想方设法说服了她的叔叔和祖父资助她获得学士学位并让她在伊拉克的巴格达大学获得它,因为约旦没有她的专业。

    Oran somehow convinced her uncle and grandfather to both fund her Bachelor 's degree and allow her to obtain it at the University of Baghdad in Iraq , as her subject was not available in Jordan .

  2. 巴格达大学教授Sa'adalHadithy警告说,伊拉克的安全局势即将恶化。

    Baghdad University Professor Sa'ad al Hadithy warns the worsening security situation could overcome Iraq .

  3. 一些联军部队住在巴格达大学校园内。学生和教职员仍旧可以进出校园。

    A number of coalition troops are living at the university , which remains open to students and faculty .

  4. 他是巴格达穆斯坦西里亚大学医学院的教授和院长。

    He was Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine , Mustansiriya University , Baghdad .