
bā yǐ hé tán
  • Peace Talks between Palestine and Israel
  1. 许多人都很好奇,巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)在实现恢复巴以和谈的目标方面为何如此失败。

    Many people wonder why Barack Obama has proved so ineffectual in his aim of reviving two-state talks in the Middle East .

  2. 巴以和谈于三个月前破裂。

    Israel Palestinian peace talks fell apart 3 months ago .

  3. 实力悬殊的谈判&巴勒斯坦在巴以和谈中劣势地位的经济根源

    The economic root of inferior status for Palestine in the Palestinian-Israeli peace talk

  4. 这为重启巴以和谈铺平了道路。

    It 's meant to pave the way for the resumption of Israeli Palestinian negotiations .

  5. 布什总统的国家安全顾问斯蒂芬.哈德利说,巴以和谈取得的进展让布什总统大受鼓舞。

    U.S. National Security Adviser Steve Hadley says President Bush is encouraged by progress in Israeli-Palestinian talks .

  6. 前两周由美国主持的巴以和谈取得的进展甚微。

    And US sponsored ( 3 ) talks in the last two weeks have made little progress .

  7. 但是巴勒斯坦领导人希望联合国承认其国家地位将有助于恢复巴以和谈以及推动他们走向独立。

    Palestinian leaders hope U.N.recognition , however , will revive the talks and boost their drive for independence .

  8. 随着中东陷入动荡,开始新一轮的巴以和谈完全没有意义。

    With the Middle East in turmoil , starting a new round of Israeli-Palestinian talks is completely pointless .

  9. 中方认为,当务之急是妥善处理犹太人定居点问题,排除巴以和谈的障碍。

    China believes that the pressing task is to properly handle the Jewish settlement issue to remove the obstacle for peace talks .

  10. 导致巴以和谈无法取得进展的一个关键障碍是耶路撒冷地位问题。内塔尼亚胡在这个问题上也毫不含糊。

    His views on the status of Jerusalem-one of the key sticking points in Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations-have been no less clear and uncompromising .

  11. 但希伯来大学退休教授马蒂斯·斯泰因伯格表示4月巴以和谈的失败已经改变了这一局势。

    But the collapse of the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in April has changed the situation , said retired Hebrew University professor Mati Steinberg .

  12. 中方欢迎一切有助于推动巴以和谈进程的国际努力,希望有关各方为尽早复谈创造条件。

    We welcome every international effort that is conducive to Palestine-Israel peace talks and hope relevant parties create conditions for an early resumption of talks .

  13. 当前,对于上个月在安纳波利斯会议上启动的巴以和谈,人们普遍持怀疑态度,尤其是阿拉伯世界。

    The conference comes amid scepticism , particularly in the Arab world , over the start of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations launched last month at the Annapolis meeting .

  14. 巴以和谈长期以来一直是中东和平进程中令国际社会关注的焦点。

    The peace talk between Palestine and Israel has always been the focus of the international society in the process of bringing peace to the Middle East .

  15. 一些人认为,这次的战俘交换,让哈马斯更为强大,但是削弱了法塔赫和巴勒斯坦权力机构的领导人阿巴斯,原因是,在阿巴斯的领导下,巴以和谈一直没有什么进展。

    Some believe the release has strengthened Hamas and weakened support for the head of Fatah and Palestinian Authority , Mahmoud Abbas , because of the lack of progress in peace talks with Israel .

  16. 但事实上,在巴以和谈进程中,就是由于巴勒斯坦经济地位的弱小,才导致巴方步步退让,建国问题至今处于风雨飘摇之中。

    In fact it was the weakness of the Palestinian economy that made Palestine backward step by step in the Palestine-Israel peace process , and made it quite difficult to found the state of Palestine .

  17. 中方对巴以和谈长期陷入停滞深感忧虑,对巴勒斯坦人民面临的经济和人道主义困难表示关切,认为地区局势动荡不应冲淡国际社会对巴勒斯坦问题的关注。

    China is deeply concerned about the stalled Palestinian-Israeli peace talks and the economic and humanitarian difficulties facing the Palestinian people . The turbulence in the region should not divert international attention from the Palestinian issue .

  18. 第三章运用层次分析的方法,从国际层面、国家层面、个人层面三个层面对美国推动巴以和谈的行为根源进行了深入分析。

    The third chapter using hierarchical analysis method , from the international level , national level and individual level of three levels to deeply analyze the behavior causes of the United States in Palestinian-Israeli peace talks .

  19. 近一年前,巴以和谈在美国的安那波利斯市开始,当时以色列和巴勒斯坦方面定下了在2008年年底前达成协议的目标。

    It was nearly a year ago that the talks were launched in the U.S. city of Annapolis , with Israel and the Palestinians setting a goal to reach an agreement by the end of 2008 .

  20. 埃及的积极推动,为巴、以和谈僵局的突破做出了重大贡献,特别是对巴勒斯坦方面有重要而直接的影响力;

    As a result , it has not only made great contributions to the breakthrough of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks , but also exerted strong and direct influences on the Palestinian side .

  21. 在昨天同阿巴斯主席会谈之后,美国总统承诺,他将帮助巴以两国重启和谈。

    And after yesterday 's meeting with President Abbas , the U.S. leader promised he 'd help the two sides negotiate peace .

  22. 由欧盟、俄罗斯、联合国和美国组成的中东问题四方小组,目前正在努力促使巴以双方重新开启和谈。

    The Mideast Quartet , made up of the European Union , Russia , the United Nations and the United States , is making a push to restart the talks .

  23. 近20年来巴以谈判取得了较大进展,双方签订了许多相关协议,从中可看出美国作为对巴以和谈最具影响力的外部力量,在和谈中扮演了重要角色和起了主导作用。

    Nearly 20 years the Palestinian-Israeli peace negotiations have made considerable progress , both sides has signed a number of related agreements , from which we can see the United States as the most influential external force in the peace negotiations plays an important role and a leading role .