
  • 网络Targeted Killing
  1. 去年奥巴马承诺为定点清除创立一个“法律框架”。

    Last year Mr Obama promised to create a " legal architecture " for targeted killings .

  2. 随着国防预算缩减,使用无人机和特种部队进行定点清除,既部署了力量,成本也不高,似乎成了颇具吸引力的手段。

    As the defence budget shrinks , targeted killings by drones and special forces will seem an attractive way to project power on the cheap .

  3. 文章对S变换的应用作了推广,给出了用S变换定点清除地震记录中噪音的方法。

    Application of S-transformation is expanded to the fixed point elimination of noise in seismic records .

  4. 也就是定点清除了。

    To eradicate the fixed spot .

  5. 这些有害气体也需要使用空气净化器对其进行局部定点清除。

    These harmful gases also need to be swept away topically by the help of air purifier .

  6. “定点清除”作为以色列安全政策正式出台表明,以色列业已实现将“以恐反恐”的措施与国家安全战略的有机结合。

    The formal introduction of Target Killing as an Israel security policy indicates the organic integration of the " fighting terrorism by terrorism " measure with the national security strategy .

  7. 美国的法律对官方刺杀和定点清除加以区分。前者自1976年起已经属于非法行为,后者则每天都在阿富汗和巴基斯坦上演。

    US law makes a distinction between government-sponsored assassinations , which have been illegal since 1976 , and targeted killings , which are performed every day in Afghanistan and Pakistan .

  8. 2000年9月,巴以冲突爆发以来,以方不断强化以打击巴激进组织领导人和活跃分子为目标的定点清除政策。

    From the conflict between Israel and Palestine in September of 2000 , Israel strengthened its policy of fixed-point clearing in order to crackdown radical leaders and active men of Palestine continuously .