
  • 网络targeted regulation
  1. 一是在区间调控基础上实施定向调控,保持经济稳定增长。

    First , on the basis of range-based macro regulation , we exercised targeted regulation to keep the economy growing steadily .

  2. 继续实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,更加注重预调微调,更加注重定向调控,用好增量,盘活存量,重点支持薄弱环节。

    We will continue to implement proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy . We will pay greater attention to anticipatory adjustments , fine-tuning , and targeted regulation . We will put both existing and additional financial resources to good use , focusing particularly on strengthening weak spots .

  3. 优化型茶树的形成特点和定向调控

    Formation and regulation of the " optimum type " of tea plant structure

  4. 表明应用RNAi技术研究基因功能和干细胞维持及定向分化的调控具有广阔的发展前景。

    The review showed that the technological research on RNAi had great prospect in studying the function of genes and the maintenance and specific differentiation regulation of stem cells .

  5. 其物质基础可能就是人体定向水环境调控体系。

    Orientated water regulating system in human body may be the material base .

  6. 研究如何有效控制猪骨骼肌卫星细胞定向分化,调控肌纤维类型组成,改善肉品质具有重要的实践意义。

    Study how to effectively control the satellite cells directional differentiation and regulate of fiber type composition to improve the meat quality has important practical significance .

  7. 培养运动员完整技术的专门化知觉能力和清晰的表象能力,以提高运动员赛前心理定向与情绪的调控能力,增强运动员自信心。

    To train skiers'specialized conscious abili-ty and clear idea of the entire technique , so to improve their ability of pre-competition psychological direction and mood control and to increase their self-confidence .

  8. 阐述了非智力因素的概念,具体分析了非智力因素在学习中的始动、动力、定向、强化、调控、补偿等作用。

    In this paper , the author illustrates the concept of non-intellectual factors and analyzes the roles non-intellectual factors play in college students ' study , such as initiating role , motivation , direction , reinforcement , adjustment and compensation .