
  • 网络British Rail;British Railways;BritRail
  1. 我不同意安德鲁·拉塞尔那篇关于英国铁路公司的文章。

    I disagree with Andrew Russell over his piece on British Rail .

  2. 英国铁路公司马上推出自己的低票价方案予以反击。

    British Rail immediately hit back with their own cheap fares scheme .

  3. 英国铁路公司不得不在隧道入口设置了一名信号员。

    British Rail had to post a signalman at the entrance to the tunnel

  4. 英国铁路公司遭受了4,500万英镑的巨额损失后境况更加惨淡。

    The gloom deepened after a thumping £ 45m loss at British Rail .

  5. 英国铁路公司将订购188列火车。

    British Rail are going to place an order for a hundred and eighty-eight trains .

  6. 英国铁路公司声称最新的利物浦街道车站是未来的发展方向。

    British Rail says its new Liverpool Street station is the shape of things to come .

  7. 头三项特许权中有两项给予了由英国铁路公司前管理层负责的管理层收购项目。

    Of the first three franchises to be awarded , two went to management buyouts led by former BR executives .

  8. “你想过没有,为什么英国铁路公司宁肯把车站装饰得俗不堪耐,也不愿改善服务?”他问。

    ' Have you ever wondered why British Rail would rather tart up their stations than improve services ? ' he asked .

  9. 英国铁路公司还可以夸耀其安全记录。

    British rail can boast about their safety record as well .

  10. 英国铁路公司于假期里额外增加火车投入运营。

    British Rail are putting on extra trains during the holiday period .

  11. 英国铁路公司和我们之间一直存在着一种非常富有成果的合作关系。

    There 's been a very fruitful collaboration between British Rail and ourselves .

  12. 但是,当英国铁路公司包揽一切费用给他提供了到首都的旅行时,他简直无法拒绝。

    But , when British Rail offered him an all – expenses-paid birthday trip to the capital , he just could not refuse .

  13. 在诺曼底登陆之前,部队几乎不使用蒸汽机车,所以英国铁路公司将蒸汽机车出租到其他国家。

    Before the Normandy Landings , the army had very little use for these locomotives , so they were loaned to the'Big Four'railway companies .

  14. 英国铁路路网公司管制体系与业绩分析

    Regulation framework and operation performance of UK railway infrastructure company