
  • 网络the church of england;Anglican;the Anglican Church;episcopal church
  1. 我是一名英国圣公会的牧师。

    I am a vicar in the Church of England .

  2. 英国圣公会在一项具有历史意义的表决中决定允许妇女成为牧师。

    In a historic vote , the Church of England decided to allow women to become priests .

  3. 天主教教会(catholicchurch)和英国圣公会(churchofengland)也在日益寻找新的投资方式。

    The Catholic Church and the Church of England are also increasingly seeking new ways to invest .

  4. 圣保罗大教堂是英国圣公会教堂Ludgate山,在伦敦金融城,与所在地的主教伦敦。

    St Paul 's Cathedral is the Anglican cathedral on Ludgate Hill , in the City of London , and the seat of the Bishop of London .

  5. 圣约翰学院,英国圣公会创办的一所教会学校。

    St john 's college , an Anglican mission school .

  6. 他是英国圣公会的一名虔诚的信徒。

    He is a devout disciple of the Episcopal Church .

  7. 英国圣公会和保皇党的殉道者劳德大主教。

    An Anglican and royalist martyr , Archbishop laud .

  8. 迈克尔修士,英国圣公会的一位牧师。

    Brother michael , one of the Anglican chaplains .

  9. 英国圣公会是英国国教。

    Anglicanism is the established religion in england .

  10. 有些人想脱离英国圣公会,成立他们自己的宗教组织。

    Some wanted to leave the Anglican Church and form religious groups of their own .

  11. 这些是基督教英国圣公会最主要的和最根本的教义纲要。

    These are the great and fundamental confession of faith of the Church of England .

  12. 不过英国圣公会类似于天主教会。

    The Anglican Church , however , was similar to that of the Roman Catholic Church .

  13. 例如,英国圣公会在北部殖民区的传教工作,就遇到坚强的阻力。

    In the northern colonies , for example , the promotional efforts of the Anglican Church met with strenuous resistance .

  14. 我一直以为这种愿,是天主教或是英国圣公会的神父,要接受圣职前所发的愿。

    I had always thought that vows were something which Catholic or Anglican Priests took before committing to the clergy .

  15. 我现在没有患上任何意外的启示,但是那个活动打开了我的眼睛,看到了英国圣公会信仰所错之处。

    I 'm not suffering any revelations , but gee that opened my eyes to what Anglican faiths gets so wrong .

  16. 英国圣公会(该教将很快会有女主教走马上任)女教士的晋升要求如果被遵循传统主义的主教拒绝了的话,她似乎可以据此控告至法院。

    A woman priest of the Anglican church which will soon have women bishops could plausibly sue if denied promotion by a traditionalist diocese .

  17. 四个族群的宗族意识各不相同,导致英国圣公会在各自村落传播时,每个族群的民众做出了不同的反应。

    Four groups have different clan consciousness , people of each ethnic group make a different reaction when the spreaded in their own villages .

  18. 他自己从袋中掏出英国圣公会的祷告和仪文小册,主持丧事礼拜。

    He pulls out the British protestant episcopal church from the bag the prayer with the meter article tract , manages the funeral week .

  19. 第一,英国圣公会是一个社会隐蔽的焦虑通常能找到声音的地方,不管它所带来的结果是好还是坏。

    First , the Church of England is a place where the unspoken anxieties of society can often find a voice , for good and ill .

  20. 很多基督徒,罗马天主教徒,主教派教徒,英国圣公会教徒,还有其他一些教会,都会将尼西亚信经作为文献,在教会中宣讲。

    And a lot of Christians , Roman Catholics , Episcopalians , Anglicans , some other churches , will actually say the Nicene Creed in church as part of the literature .

  21. 人们可以看见出入于那扇老式玻璃门的顾客各式各样,诸如伦敦的大学生们,还有英国圣公会的首脑坎特伯雷大主教。

    Customers as diverse as London University Students and the Archbishop of canterbury , head of the Anglican church , can be observed going in through the antique , glass-paned doors .

  22. 这两个主题都暗含着同加尔文教的对立,并且反映了斯特恩想确立他所信奉的宗教、英国圣公会在英国宗教中的中心地位。

    The themes insinuate an opposition against Calvinism and divulge Sterne 's wish for the Anglican Church to gain the central position in the British religious life . Furthermore , the English linguist J.

  23. 近代霞浦社会在接纳与适应英国圣公会的过程中,宗教文化、宗族意识、乡村政治都发生了一些改变。

    In the process of accepting and adapting to the Anglican Church of England resulted in some changes in the religious culture , clan consciousness and the rural politics of Xiapu in modern society .

  24. 霞浦县作为当时福宁府的政治、文化中心,英国圣公会自然而然将该县作为传教的重要地区,投入了较大的人力和物力。

    The county of Xiapu is the political and cultural center of Funing at that time , the Anglican naturally taked it as an important missionary area and invested great manpower and material resources .

  25. 随着传教事业的深入,英国圣公会在福建的传教范围由福州拓展至周边的府县。

    From then on , the exchange of religious between Fujian and British happen . With the deepening of the missionary enterprise , the range of Anglican mission expand from Fuzhou to the surrounding scrap .

  26. 从英国圣公会发布的记录数据来看这是明显的,表明女性让几乎一半的门外汉来投票反对允许女性担任英格兰教会的主教的立法。

    That much is evident from records released by Church House , which show that women made up almost half of the lay people who voted against legislation to allow female bishops in the Church of England .

  27. 在霞浦负责传教的差会包括英国圣公会下属的英国布道会和都柏林大学福建布道会,后者相对于前者所发挥的作用更大。

    Church Missionary Society and Dublin University Fukien Mission which are the subordinate societies of the Anglican Church of England were responsible for the missionary in Xiapu , the latter play a more important role than the former .

  28. 在威斯敏斯特教堂地下室英国圣公会主教的墓碑上写着这样的一段话:当我年轻自由的时候,我的想象力没有任何局限,我梦想改变这个世界。

    The following words were written on the tomb of an Anglican Bishop in the crypts of Westminster abbey : when I was young and free and my imagination had no limits , I dreamed of changing the world .

  29. 每一个人在事件过后都能变聪明,并且会由于圣保罗大教堂和英国圣公会不知道如何解决公众利益和抗议活动这种不可能完成之事,而对它们、尤其是前者大加奚落。

    Everyone has been able to be wise after the event and to pour scorn on the cathedral in particular and the Church of England in general for failing to know how to square the circle of public interest and protest .

  30. 被称为英国国教或英国圣公会。试论新泽西圣经公会英文版《圣经》的修辞手法

    It was called the Church of England , or the Anglican Church . On rhetorical devices in The Holy Bible published by New Jersey International Bible Society