
  • 网络Naturalization;humanization of nature
  1. 所以技术的本质就是一种把自在自然人化的工具。

    Therefore the nature of technology is one kind of tool which personalizes essence .

  2. 自然人化理论与中国古典诗歌

    Personification Theory and Chinese Classical Poem

  3. 本文首先就“自然人化”和“人化自然”的渊源和内涵作了一个初步的但却富有新意的阐释;

    The article interprets the conception of " the making nature artificial " and " the naturalizing man nature " with a new idea ;

  4. 在此,所谓的自然人化与人的自然化,最根本地体现为身体与对象世界之间的互生和互化。

    Here , the so-called personalization of nature and naturalization of humans are fundamentally embodied in the symbiosis of body and its object , the world .

  5. 将自然人化、将人物化,赋予物象以人格精神,以中和的心态关照自然万物,达到畅怀味道的和谐境界。

    Will be a natural person , and will figure , and given personality images to the spirit and the mentality to take care of the natural world to achieve harmonious realm Taste .

  6. 最后着重指出中国的现代建筑环艺设计,只有走从自然人化到人化自然相结合的道路,才能从真正意义上实现为为中国而设计的理想。

    And then advance a idea that only walk along the road from " the making nature artificial " to " the naturalizing man nature ", we should realize the " dream " of " design for China " .

  7. 浅谈自然的人化与人化的自然的辩证统一

    Dialectical Unity of Natural Human Culture and Human Culture Nature

  8. 大文化观念认为,文化就是自然的人化。

    That means culture is humanization of nature .

  9. 二是自然的人化与美的本质。

    Section two is " humanized nature " and the essence of the beauty .

  10. 他从自然的人化等理论出发解答了美之为美的根源。

    He answers the origin of beauty according the " humanized nature " and so on .

  11. 自然的人化与新中国自然美理论的逻辑进展

    " Humanization of the Nature " and the Logic Development of Natural Beauty Theory in New China

  12. 自然的人化是人类征服自然获取能量的最根本生存方式。

    It is the most basic existing and living style for human being to conquer nature and obtain energy .

  13. 我们知道创造景观是自然之人化,什么是人的自然化呢?

    We know that the creation of the landscape is a natural person , and what is natural as people do ?

  14. 人是世间的最高存在,是自然(人化)、社会及其自身的主体。

    A man is the supreme existence in the world and the subject of nature ( humanized ), society and man himself .

  15. 自然的人化这一人类学主题分别展开为美是自然的形式、新感性和艺术积淀;

    The anthropological theme of humanization of nature is unfolded into the natural form of beauty , new perception and artistic accumulation .

  16. 自然的人化命题,为突破机械唯物主义美学观起到了非常重要的作用,也为从人的本质角度探究美的本质提供了一种可能。

    It plays an extremely vital role to break mechanical materialism esthetics view and offers a new way to ponder the essence of beauty .

  17. 历史作为文化的存在形式,是标志自然的人化和人的社会化的程度和状态的范畴。

    History , a form of culture , is a marking category of the state and degree of the humanization of nature and the socialization of man .

  18. 中国古代那种把自然的人化和人的自然化完美结合起来的思想给我们提供了一个很好的参照。

    The thought of the combination of " the personification of nature " and " the naturalization of humans " originated in ancient China provides us with a beneficial reference .

  19. 人类从地球上诞生以来就不断同自然界进行物质、能量、信息的交换,实现着自然界由自在自然向人化自然的转化。

    To realize the transform from the nature-in-itself to the nature toward person , when human come into the world in exchange the material , energy , information with the nature continuously .

  20. 这两方面相结合其实正是人的内在主体性和外在主体性的规定性的统一,也就是逻辑和历史的统一,也正是李泽厚所说的内在自然的人化和外在自然的人化的统一。

    The two respects is the intrinsic and extrinsic regularity of man in fact . It is uniting logic and history , " intrinsic natural personalization " and " extrinsic natural personalization " .

  21. 这表现在两个方面:自然的人化和人化自然,二者统一于人类的实践活动。

    The relationship between human beings and nature is the dialecticalunity , shown in two aspects : the humanization of nature and naturalization of humanbeings , both are unified in the practical activities of human beings .

  22. 人的自然观与人化自然理论

    Human being 's view of nature and theory of human environment

  23. 自然美是人化自然的结果,山水诗画艺术是主体自然美感经验的物化形态。

    Natural beauty is the result of personified nature , and the art of landscape painting and poem is the subjective materialized form of natural beauty through the sensation of personal experience .

  24. 自然价值就是人化自然的属性对于人类需要的满足,自然价值具有多重性:生态价值、资源价值、科学研究价值和美学价值。

    Nature value is that the attribute of " human nature " meets the needs of people . Nature value includes : ecology value , resources value , scientific research value , aesthetics value .

  25. 自然审美是自然的人化与人的生态化的统一。

    The natural aesthetics is the integration of the natural humanization and human ecological tendency .

  26. 人的自然化和自然的人化只有在社会中才能达到高度的统一。

    Only in the society , natured human and humanized nature can reach a perfect unity .

  27. 实践美学的建立是以马克思的唯物实践观为哲学基础,认为自然美是自然的人化的结果,强调自然美是人的社会实践活动的结果,是坚持人类中心主义。

    Practical Aesthetics uses Marxist materialism as a base for its philosophical foundation considers that natural beauty originates from " the humanization of nature " .

  28. 以往的种种自然美理论,特别是自然人化说都程度不同地忽略了自然之所以美的一个重要原因:人与自然的本原性和谐。

    Various theories on Beauty of Nature , especially the theory of " humanized nature ", have more or less ignored an important reason why nature is beautiful : the original harmony between man and nature .

  29. 人是自然的一部分,而自然是人化的自然。

    Human is a part of nature , and the nature is the nature that the person turn .

  30. 自然美是自然创化与自然人化共同的产物,自然性即野性是它的基础。

    The beauty of nature is the co-produce of naturalization and nature humanization , with wildness as its foundation .