
  • 网络spintronics;spin electronics
  1. 虽然关于这种材料的半金属行为有一些实验证据,但科学家仍在努力寻求这种材料的实际应用,使它们有可能用于自旋电子领域。

    There is some experimental evidence for half-metallic behaviour , and substantial efforts are being made to find such materials that could be of practical use in spintronics .

  2. 评述了自旋电子学及自旋电子器件的发展,自旋电子器件的应用,半导体自旋电子学的研究内容及目前的研究现状。

    The development of spintronics and spintronic devices , the applications of spintronic devices as well as the research subjects and current status on semiconductor spintronics are reviewed .

  3. 另一方面,Mn的3d自旋电子具有磁性,顶点和中心Mn原子间交换作用的差别导致了低温磁螺旋结构的形成。

    On the other hand , the difference among the exchange effects between the magnetic 3d electrons at center and ones at corners causes the helical structure below the Neel temperature .

  4. GaN基稀磁半导体是实现自旋电子器件最有前途的候选材料之一,受到了广泛关注。

    As one of the most potential candidates for these spin-based electronic devices , GaN-based diluted magnetic semiconductors ( DMSs ) have been attracting extensive interests .

  5. 通过计算散射区的分子自洽哈密顿量(MPSH)能谱,发现两种自旋电子能级不再简并,在外加偏压下纳米带出现自旋极化电流。

    By solving the energy spectrum of molecular self-consistent Hamiltonian ( MPSH ), we found the degeneracy between two spin components is broken , thus spin-polarized current will be generated under external bias .

  6. 磁量子结构中二维自旋电子的隧穿输运

    Tunneling transport of two dimensional spin electrons through magnetic quantum structures

  7. 为了方便,我们让下自旋电子的跃迁系数是调。

    For convenience we let hopping of spin down electron on this bond adjustable .

  8. 这对半导体自旋电子器件的研制有着重要的意义。

    This effect is of great significance to the development of semiconductor spin electric devices .

  9. 利用自旋电子材料,可能会实现运算与存储同时进行,这将大大提高工作速度和效率。

    It is possible to do processing and storage at same moment through utilizing spin-electron materials .

  10. 自旋电子在点阵中的输运主要来源于隧穿磁电阻。

    The mechanism of spin transport in such a system mainly comes from the tunneling magnetoresistance ( TMR ) .

  11. 自旋电子材料提供了优良的自旋量子相干特性,是实行量子计算的很有希望的一种模式,也有可能存在某些新的物理效应。

    It may be a hopeful approach to do quantum computing , as spin-electronic materials have nice spin quantum coherence .

  12. 由此,在我们对自旋电子器件的研发之前,需要对电子自旋特性作一个很好的了解。

    Thus , before the research and development of spin electronic devices , we must learn the spin characteristics of electron well .

  13. 稀磁半导体的成功研制可为未来多功能自旋电子器件的开发打下基础。

    If we successfully produce diluted magnetic semiconductor , it can be as a base of the development of the spin electronic devices .

  14. 这些性质对于我们研究此类双量子点系统提供了更多的输运性质。此外,负磁阻的出现以及由负变正的现象值得注意,这对于量子自旋电子器件的研发非常有意义。

    In addition , these properties of such double quantum dot system are very meaningful for the development of quantum spin electronic devices .

  15. 结果表明,对卡宾中心的自旋电子具有离域效应的取代基使三线态二(2,6二甲苯基)卡宾采取低能稳定的直线型结构,且显示了更好的热稳定性和更长的寿命。

    It was showed that the triplet di ( 2,6 dimethylphenyl ) carbene having stronger spin delocalized substituent have more line structure and show more stability .

  16. 研究了零电场和正弦电场作用下的磁量子结构中自旋电子的隧穿输运特性。

    Properties of tunneling transmission in magnetic quantum structures have been analysed based on Schr dinger equation both in zero electric field and in sinusoidal one .

  17. 通过计算我们认为掺杂不但可以获得不同禁带宽度的半导体,甚至是导体,同时一些体系还会因过渡金属的掺杂获得磁性,这些具有磁性的半导体材料在自旋电子器件领域将有着重要的应用前景。

    By calculating I have not only got different band gap semiconductors , but also the conductors , while some ones also be magnetic due to the doping so that there will be an important application prospect in the field of spin electronic devices .

  18. 论文的研究工作主要基于两方面的基础:一是载流子跳跃迁移过程的双格点模型,是从自旋电子哈密顿量出发,用薛定谔方程求解电子自旋状态的变化。

    Our analysis is mainly based on two aspects : the carriers ' migration is a hopping process from one molecular site to another , i.e. the two-site model , and the changing spin state of electrons is obtained by solving the Schrodinger equation under action of spin Hamiltonian .

  19. 自旋极化电子原子散射的(e,eγ)符合实验研究

    Studies for spin - polarized electron - atom scattering by means of ( e ,γ e ) coincidence experiment

  20. 嵌有量子点分子的AB干涉器中电子及自旋性质电子回旋加速器共振器

    The Electron and Spin Properties in the AB Interferometer with Embodied Quantum Dot Molecules

  21. 自旋极化电子与Xe原子的弹性碰撞

    Elastic scattering of spin electron by Xe atom

  22. 目的:应用自旋标记电子顺磁共振(SpinlabelESR)技术,探讨电磁脉冲对海马细胞膜流动性的影响。

    Objective : Spin-label electron spin resonance ( ESR ) spectroscopy technique has been used to investigate the membrane fluidity changes of hippocampus neuron irradiated by EMP .

  23. 迄今为止,可用于量子计算实验的物理体系主要有:核自旋、电子自旋、光子、离子阱、超导Josephson结等。

    Up to date , several different systems are available for the experimental realization of quantum computer : nuclear spins , electron spins , photons , trapped ions , superconductor Josephson junctions .

  24. 高温超导体的不寻常性质显然不仅仅限于它的高Tc值,其它的性质及各向异性的结构都可追溯到电子与自旋、电子与电子、电子与晶格之间强烈的相互作用。

    The unusual nature of high-temperature superconductors clearly not limited to its high - Tc value , other anisotropy of the nature and structure due to the strong interaction between electron and spin , electron and electron , electron and lattice .

  25. LCVR控制入射光子的偏振度,从而实现对自旋极化电子束极化方向的调制。

    The production of spin-polarized electrons and the modulation of polarization direction with liquid crystal variable retarder ( LCVR ) are discussed .

  26. 用偏振光显微镜法和核磁共振氢谱法(2HNMR)确定了Tween80/nC8H17OH/H2O体系25℃时层状液晶的区域,用自旋标记电子自旋共振法(ESR)测定了层状液晶分子排列的有序参数。

    The lamellar liquid crystal has diagram for Tween 80 / n C 8H 17 OH / H 2O was verified at 25 ℃ by the polarizing microscope and 2H NMR . ESR is used to determine order parameter of lamellar liquid crystal in the phase diagram .

  27. 液晶相位可变延迟器对自旋极化电子束极化方向的调制

    Polarization direction modulation for spin-polarized electrons with liquid crystal variable retarder

  28. 磁性隧道结自旋极化电子隧穿的温度特性

    The temperature dependence of the spin-polarized tunneling electrons in the magnetic tunnel junction

  29. 自旋是电子的重要量子特性。

    Spin is an important quantum properties of electrons .

  30. 自旋极化电子源装置研究

    Experimental study on GaAs spin - polarized electron source