
  • 网络SCAN;automatic scanning;auto scan;auto-scan;autoscan
  1. 他身杯绝技、自动节能、自动扫描!

    He body cup incomparable skill , auto economy energy , auto scan !

  2. 自动扫描电子邮件的序号-消除冗长而且容易出错打字进口自动扫描电子邮件序号。

    Auto-Scan email for serial numbers-Eliminate tedious and error-prone typing by Auto scanning imported email for serial numbers .

  3. 启用对带有Spring注释的类进行自动扫描

    Enables automatic scan for the class that has Spring annotations

  4. 根据生物医学实验的需求,提出开发一种微型CT自动扫描系统。

    And a project of developing a micro-CT automatic scanning systems was proposed , according to the need in bio-medical experiments .

  5. 自动扫描式SPR测量仪的研制

    Development of Automatic Scanning SPR Measurement Meter

  6. 介绍了目前GIS地图数据的4种获取方法:内外业一体化成图法、手扶数字化仪输入成图法、自动扫描输入成图法、航测数字化成图法。

    This paper introduces four acquisition methods of GIS map data , they are following : integration of indoor and field , manual digitiser input , automated scanning input and aerial photogrammetry mapping .

  7. 地图的自动扫描矢量化代替既费时又费力的传统手工数字化,是当今地理信息系统(GIS)领域亟待解决的一个重要难题。

    Nowadays in the field of Geographic Information System ( GIS ), it is a problem eagerly needing to solve to use automatic vectorization of scanned map to replace time-killed traditional manual digitalization .

  8. 以70%乙醇为溶剂,回流提取,在全自动扫描或手动分光光度计上测定,得平均回收率:UV-260为99.7%,RSD为0.22%;

    The sample was refluxed and extracted with a solvent 70 % alcohol and determined by full-automatic scanner or a hand spectrophotometer .

  9. Dojo将自动扫描这些附加点的模板,然后用相同的名称创建关系上下文的this变量。

    Dojo will automatically scan the template for these attach points and then create the contextual this variable with the same names .

  10. 本文分析了C语言全局对象级的特性及其间的相互引用关系,据此设计了C语言程序数据库的模式,并实现了自动扫描源程序建立程序数据库的工具。

    This paper analyses various global objects of C language and reference relationships between these objects . We design schemes of program database for C language and implement a tool which is used to set up program database by scanning source program .

  11. PC用键盘则恰恰相反,不但价格便宜,稳定可靠,而且是编码键盘,可自动扫描键盘并通过键盘用标准5芯插口发送按键的扫描码。

    By contrast , PC keyboards are not only cheap , stable and reliable but also a kind of coded keyboard which can be scanned and send the scan code via a standard 5 core socket automatically .

  12. STL在测试输入上,克服了传统繁琐的纯脚本输入的弊端,实现了人机界面和脚本的结合,消息的自动扫描;

    In terms of test input , STL realized the combination of user-interface and scrip , which could overcome the traditional disadvantages of purely complex scrip .

  13. 系统采用计算机串口通讯技术、PLC控制技术、自动扫描产品条码、采集与处理测量数据、实现了自动测量与SPC实时监控;

    It adopts serial communication to computer , PLC technology , auto scanning product barcode , data collecting / processing , then auto testing of gram load and SPC on real-time can be accomplished ;

  14. 钢轨缺陷的超声检测软件采用VC++和MALAB混合编程方式完成,软件主要包含有超声数据采集与显示、钢轨自动扫描、超声B成像和缺陷信号分析等功能,可实现钢轨的快速检测。

    The testing software is designed and finished with VC + + and MATLAB hybrid programming method . It contains these basic functions , including ultrasonic data acquisition and display , automatic scan testing for rails , ultrasonic B-imaging and flaw signals analysis , and so on .

  15. 本文简述了表面等离激元共振(SPR)原理,详述了自动扫描式SPR测量仪的组成及主要特点。

    The theory of Surface Plasmon Resonance ( SPR ) is described in this paper . The components and advantages of automatic scanning SPR measurement meter is introduced in detail .

  16. 以硅胶或氧化铝吸附剂涂制于TLC烧结棒上,然后点样色谱展开,烧结棒以恒定速度通过检测器火焰,各组分被自动扫描。

    TLC sintered bar is coated with silica gel or alumina as absorbent . After repeated chromatographic developments , the bar moves through flame detector at a constant rate , and each component is automatically scanned .

  17. 该板卡采用大容量存储器,自动扫描电路,16bit高精度D/A转换实现了在不占用CPU资源的情况下输出任意波形。

    The board adopts big capacity memorizer , automatic scanning circuit and the 16 bit digital-to-analog converter , and can export arbitrary waveform without occupying system resources .

  18. 凝胶自动扫描分析表明,PSP表达量约占菌体总蛋白20%以上。

    SDS PAGE analysis revealed that the human PSP protein was highly expressed and accumulated up to above 20 % of the total bacterial proteins in the form of inclusion body after the induction .

  19. RTS-200S放疗二维自动扫描测量水箱的研制

    Development of RTS-200S 2D automatic scanning dose measuring water phantom for radiotherapy

  20. 多通道自动扫描采样数据采集卡PCI-9112,具有模拟量输出和数字量输入输出等多种功能,附有程序开发包。

    PCI-9112 data acquisition card has functions of analogue output and digital I / O etc , attached with kits .

  21. 当我发现一个条形码时,我将我的手机摄像头对准这个条形码,保持几秒,之后,谷歌Shopper就会自动扫描,然后寻找精确的结果。

    Where I found a bar code , I simply pointed the phone 's camera at it , held still for a moment and Google Shop automatically scanned it and found the exact right results .

  22. CE-318是一种高精度野外太阳和天空辐射测量仪器,具有易携带易安装、自动扫描、太阳能供电、可自动传输数据等特点。

    CE-318 is a kind of equipment with high degree of accuracy which have many advantages such as easy taking , easy fixed , automatic scanning , solar energy current supply and automatic data transferring etc.

  23. 采空区三维激光扫系统(C-ALS)具有全自动扫描、操作方便、数据处理简单等特点,同时探测人员无须进入空区。

    The Cavity-Autoscanning Laser System ( C-ALS ) has the features of automatic scanning , easy operation and simple data processing , and the detection personnel do not need to enter the cavity .

  24. 固体自动扫描图象传感器在长度测量中的应用

    An application of solid-state self scanning image sensors in dimensional measurement

  25. 能自动扫描一些信号或环境的装置。

    A device that scans automatically for some signal or condition .

  26. 新型自动扫描控制和数据采集的微波成像装置

    A New Auto-scanning and Data Acquisition Apparatus of Microwave Imaging

  27. 浅析自动扫描定位灭火装置的应用

    Study on the Application of Automatic Scanning Fire Extinguishing Equipment

  28. 笔记本电脑使用电池做为电源时,将不会启动自动扫描任务。

    Computer is running on battery power . Automatic scanning is disabled .

  29. 请注意,自动扫描可能要花几分钟才能完成。

    Beware that the autoscan process might take a few minutes to complete .

  30. 微米级自动扫描磨粒形态分析仪运动系统的设计及制造

    Design and Manufacturing of Motion System for Micrometer-Level Auto-scanning Wear Grain Shape Analyzer