
  1. 我犯了一个错误,自将为此承担责任。

    I made a mistake and I will assume responsibility for it .

  2. 计算机的学习方式,是自将来自多个传感器需输入至机械手臂各自驱动马达的数据排序成重现模式中来学习。

    The computer learns as data from the multiple sensors is sorted into reproducible patterns that will provide input to the individual motors of the mechanical arm .

  3. 资料综合:自将外固定支架应用于桡骨远端骨折以来,外固定支架不断得到改进,这种微创手术在临床上应用越来越广泛。

    DATA SYNTHESIS : Since external fixation was used in treating distal radius fracture , external fixation has been improved continuously , so this less invasive operation becomes more and more popular in clinic .

  4. 通过自组织将非结构化P2P网络过渡到半结构化网络,改变传统P2P网络资源检索的盲目性,降低检索请求的响应延迟,减少检索时网络带宽的占用。

    The authors have built half-structured network from unstructured P2P network using self-organization . Compared with traditional blind searching , it depresses response delay and reduces bandwidth use .

  5. 自McCarthy将PCR技术用于检测抗原受体基因重排辅助诊断淋巴瘤以来,一直受到人们的关注。

    It has always been concerned since McCarthy first used PCR technique to detect antigen receptor gene rearrangement to aid the diagnosis of lymphoma .

  6. WPP品牌专家艾伦•亚当森向《华尔街日报》表示:这是对三星品牌的一次大力宣传,艾伦的自拍照将比三星的广告更具影响力。

    It was a great plug for the Samsung brand , WPP branding expert Allen Adamson told the Journal . Ellen 's selfie is going to be more impactful than their commercials .

  7. 自李兵将混沌序列应用到优化领域以来,取得了较快的发展。

    Since chaotic sequences were applied to optimization problem by Li Bing , great progress has been made .

  8. 5月初以来,自中国将一钻井平台移动到争议的帕拉塞尔群岛(中国称西沙群岛)附近海域,中越之间便纷争不断。

    China and Vietnam have been at loggerheads since early May when China moved a drilling rig to an area near the disputed Paracel Islands .

  9. 过高的交易量,有可能源自于将交易员作为财富所有者的代理人薪酬与交易量挂钩的反常激励体制。

    Excessive transaction volumes can be caused by perverse incentive systems that link the remuneration of traders acting as agents for owners of wealth to trading volumes .

  10. 这些类按照特定的概念模型派生自可以将实体物化成对象的支持对象服务的基类从而可以实现跟踪和保存变更。

    The classes generated for a particular conceptual model derive from base classes that provide Object Services for materializing entities as objects and for tracking and saving changes .

  11. 出生后,第一次踏上火车时,我们会遇见一些我们自以为将陪伴我们走完整个旅程的人,那就是我们的父母!

    When we are born and we first board the train , we meet people whom we think will be with us for the entire journey . Those people are our parents !

  12. 这种方法,首先通过包络对齐和自聚焦将目标的平动分量补偿,成为一个转台目标后进行成像处理。

    For this approach , the translational motion compensation ( TMC ) is firstly obtained by envelope alignment and autofocus , so the target can be treated as a rotating target for the next processing .

  13. 分析计算的结果表明,铍靶材被腐蚀后的自沉积将大大降低铍靶的净腐蚀率。

    Analysis and calculation show that the erosion rate of the divertor target plate will be substantially reduced due to the deposition process , and the erosion rate will decrease with the increase of the deposition rate .

  14. MOS器件的自加热效应将影响器件的性能。

    Self heating of a MOS device will reduce performance .

  15. 第二条新闻是,自2014年将其原有业务卖给微软(Microsoft)后,诺基亚重拾手机业务。

    The second piece of news was Nokia 's return to mobile phones after selling its original business to Microsoft in 2014 .

  16. TeachFirst自成立以来将5000名毕业生送入学校任教,与低收入地区的逾100万学生合作,帮助提高了教学质量,尤其是伦敦地区的教学质量。

    Since then , Teach First has put 5,000 graduates into schools , working with more than 1m pupils in low-income areas , helping to raise standards in classrooms , particularly London .

  17. 由于模型图像采样网格密度也由N值决定,利用网格上的点集自相关方法将实际序列图像中不同大小目标区域与同一模型进行匹配。

    As the modal ′ s sub-sampling grid is also formed by N , the per sub-sampling on object in actual serial images matches modal images with the self-relative method .

  18. 美国的谷歌公司(GoogleInc.)自两年前将服务移至香港后,它在中国大陆的市场份额就一直在持续下降。

    Google Inc. 's market share has fallen steadily here since the U.S. - based moved its services to Hong Kong two years ago .

  19. 自2008年将首席执行官之位交给沈振来(JerryShen)以来,施崇棠依然是华硕主要的公开形象。

    Since handing over the chief executive role to Jerry Shen in 2008 , he has remained the main public face of the company .

  20. WSN节点可以大规模的布置在被监测区域,由节点的传感器收集信息,然后通过自组织网络将信息传给某一节点,集中处理相关信息。

    Large-scale WSN nodes can be distributed in the area needing to be monitored , and then send the information to one sink node by a self-organizing networks .

  21. 利用分子自组装技术将DNA探针固定在石英金膜表面与生物素标记的靶DNA杂交,再结合经40nm胶体金标记的亲核素,放大检测频率以提高检测灵敏度。

    HS-DNA probe was immobilized on the gold surface of quartz crystal oscillator by self-assembling . After hybridization , target DNA was connected with 40 nm Au nanoparticle via biotin-streptavidin conjugation to enlarge the frequency change and improve the sensitivity of detection .

  22. 与此同时,repsol自两年前将ypf公司15%的股份售予阿根廷一个私人投资者以来,一直急于出手更多股份。

    Repsol , meanwhile , has long been anxious to offload more of YPF than the 15 per cent it sold to a private Argentine investor two years ago .

  23. 在俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom)与乌克兰政府之间的激烈谈判未能达成妥协之后,这家俄罗斯国家控股的能源巨头周一表示,自即日起将以预付费方式向乌克兰供应天然气。

    Gazprom will supply Ukraine with gas that has been paid for in advance from today , the Russian state-controlled energy giant said on Monday after failing to reach a compromise after crunch talks in Kiev .

  24. 自签名证书将保存到指定位置。

    The self-signed certificated is saved in the indicated location .

  25. 我们利用自相似变换将方程维数减小一维。

    We reduce the dimensions of equation by self-similar transformation .

  26. 分子自组装系统将在分子水平上创造一种新型材料。

    Molecular self-assembly systems will create a new class of materials at the molecular level .

  27. 对该方法术后乳突腔的自洁能力将作长期的随访。

    We will make a long time observation for the self-clean capability of mastoid cavity .

  28. (似)自极高处将(某人[某物])猛然扔下

    Throw ( sb / sth ) with force ( as if ) from a great height

  29. 为了演示我们将使用自签名证书将密匙从服务器传输到客户端。

    For the demonstration , we will use self-signed certificate for transferring the key from the server to the client .

  30. 他自认为可以将美国参与伊拉克和阿富汗战争的真相公之于众。

    They said he believed he could publicize the truth about American involvement in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan .