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  1. 他万万不可宅在家里自艾自怜。

    What he must not do is to sit around at home feeling sorry for himself .

  2. 你只会坐在这里自艾自怜。

    You 're just gonna sit there , feeling sorry for yourself .

  3. 而当我只想躺着自怜自艾时。

    When I wanted to lie there and feel sorry for myself .

  4. 我不喜欢自怜自艾。

    I don 't like feeling sorry for myself .

  5. 有的甚至走得更远,自怜自艾到自杀。

    Some go further and even attempt suicide as a result of self-pity .

  6. 那时我可以自怜自艾了吗?

    Can I drown in self-pity then ?

  7. 她了解我的感受,很能将心比心,但没有让我继续陷入自艾自怜当中。

    She was very sympathetic to my feelings , but she didn 't let me wallow in self-pity .

  8. 在一番自怜自艾之后,他们看来已明白,必须重新赢回社会的尊重。

    After some self-pitying resentment , there are signs that they understand they need to win it back .

  9. 如果在律法面前的处怨自艾导致我们恨恶上帝,那么自我为义则导致我们不需要上帝。

    If self-loathing in the face of the law makes us hate God , self-justification can make us deny the need for God .

  10. 约伯有时因强烈的自怜自艾而发出痛苦的呼喊,有时又因坚定信心的亮光,照亮整个生命。

    Sometimes Job cried out from the depths of self-pity , yet at times his life was brilliantly lit up with wonderful flashes of strong faith .

  11. 若我纵容自己舒适地渐渐陷入自怜自艾当中;若我不依靠神的恩典来操练坚忍,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。

    If I am soft to myself and slide comfortably into self-pity and self-sympathy ; if I do not by the grace of God practice fortitude , then I know nothing of Calvary love .

  12. 正当我为自己的崩溃和寂寞自怜自艾、被关在离婚战俘营的时候,一位女性杂志编辑询问能否出钱派我去巴厘岛写一篇有关瑜伽假期的文章。

    Just when I was feeling particularly sorry for myself for being broke and lonely and caged up in Divorce Internment Camp , an editor from a women 's magazine asked if she could pay to send me to Bali to write a story about Yoga vacations .