
  • 网络suicide attack;suicidal attack
  1. 在巴格达一场自杀式袭击中造成至少26人死亡。

    At least 26 people have been killed in a suicide attack in Baghdad .

  2. 今天,伊拉克发生两起自杀式袭击爆炸事件,造成40余人死亡。

    More than 40 people are dead after a suicide attack in twin bombings in the Iraq today .

  3. 自杀式袭击者独自走向巴基斯坦国家航空公司(PakistanInternationalAirlines)办公室附近的一个安全检查站,然后自爆身亡。

    The lone suicide bomber walked up to a security check point near the offices of the state-owned Pakistan International Airlines and blew himself up .

  4. 目前还没有人声称为这次袭击负责,但是Burt表示,发动袭击的可能与六个月前在英国驻也门大使馆进行自杀式袭击的是同一个组织。

    No one has taken responsibility for the attack , but Burt says it is likely to be the same group that carried out a suicide attack against the British ambassador in Yemen six months ago . The Yemen wing of al-Qaida claimed responsibility for that attack .

  5. 是的,我认为自杀式袭击者是有理想的。

    Yeah . I think the suicide bombers do have ideals .

  6. 伊拉克民间武装组织成为自杀式袭击的新目标。

    Iraqi militia men are the latest targets of a suicide attack .

  7. 伊朗官员认为实施自杀式袭击的组织与美国和巴基斯坦有关。

    Iranian officials are linking the US and Pakistan to a group that a suicide attack .

  8. 此外,自杀式袭击的屠杀模式还包含着人消灭人的种族威胁结构。

    Furthermore , the suicide attack contains a slaughter pattern which place racial threat on human existence .

  9. 此次自杀式袭击是近日来该地区连环自杀案的最近的一次。

    Today 's incident was the latest in a series of attacks on civilians in the region .

  10. 阿富汗的情报官员称,参与此次袭击的八名自杀式袭击者全部死亡。

    Afghan intelligence officials said eight suicide attackers were involved in the assault and all had been killed .

  11. 一个自杀式袭击者把车撞向北约车队中一辆配备武装的护卫公交车。

    A suicide bomber drove his car into an armored bus that was part of a convoy from NATO .

  12. 阿富汗东部贾拉拉巴德市一北约驻阿富汗基地遭到塔利班武装分子的自杀式袭击。

    Taliban militants armed with suicide vests and weapons have stormed an Afghan-NATO base in Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan .

  13. 2015年3月15日一个人在检查拉合尔一个教堂自杀式袭击后留下的鞋子。

    A man checks footwear left behind at a church after a suicide attack in Lahore March 15 , 2015 .

  14. 在6月,自杀式袭击者和枪手集团推出了豪华的洲际酒店的致命攻击。

    In June , a group of suicide bombers and gunmen launched a deadly attack on the luxury Inter-Continental Hotel .

  15. 塔利班声称对发生在阿富汗首都喀布尔一家著名的黎巴嫩餐厅的自杀式袭击负责。

    The Taliban are claiming responsibility for a suicide attack on a popular Lebanese restaurant in the Afghan capital of Kabul .

  16. 阿富汗东部基地发生协作性自杀式袭击,造成九名塔利班组织成员,五名阿富法军人及居民死亡。

    Nine Taliban and five Afghan troops and civilians are dead after a coordinated suicide attack on an eastern Afghan base .

  17. 在北部城市摩苏尔,一名自杀式袭击者引爆了附近的国家和库尔德部队把守的一个检查站的车。

    In the northern city Mosul , a suicide bomber exploded a car near a checkpoint guarded by national and Kurdish forces .

  18. 塔利班武装组织声称对这起致命袭击负责,他们发表声明表示自杀式袭击者的目标是外国占领者。

    The Taliban insurgent group has claimed responsibility for the deadly attack , saying in a statement the suicide bombers targeted foreign occupiers .

  19. 在2005年7月份的自杀式袭击之后,自行车的销量迅速攀升,原因是人们对乘坐公共交通心存恐惧。

    Sales of bicycles shot up after the suicide attacks of July 2005 , because people were scared of travelling on public transport .

  20. 阿富汗总统哈米德·卡尔扎伊谴责塔利班在喀布尔发动的自杀式袭击,这起袭击造成21名阿富汗及外国平民死亡,其中包括3名美国人。

    Afghan president Hamid Karzai is condemning a Taliban suicide attack in Kabul that killed 21 Afghans and foreign civilians , including 3 Americans .

  21. 但他们的攻击对象不仅于美军,同时也对国内的什叶派信徒及基督徒发动自杀式袭击。

    Die Gruppe griff im Irak nicht nur US-Soldaten an , sondern ver ü bte auch Selbstmordanschl ä ge auf Schiiten und Christen im Land .

  22. 马苏德被指责下令刺杀了巴基斯坦前总理布托,以及在最近几个月里对安全部队进行了几十次严重的自杀式袭击事件。

    He is accused of ordering the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and dozens of deadly suicide attacks on security forces in recent months .

  23. 一名警方知情人士表示,自杀式袭击者在什叶派朝圣者人群中引爆身上的爆炸背心,爆炸发生在巴格达北部阿扎米亚地区。

    A Police source says the attack occurred when the suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest amid Shiite pilgrims in the Adhamiya area in northern Baghdad .

  24. 自杀式袭击者伪装成学生,在一所学校举行集会时发动了袭击,造成至少48人死亡,另有近80人受伤,这所学校位于尼日利亚动荡的东北部地区。

    A suicide bomber dressed as a student killed at least 48 people and injured close to 80 others at a school assembly in the restive northeast of Nigeria .

  25. 一些窗口将每隔一段时间弹出,每个窗口都展示一章相关图片或是一段视频,比如一个巴勒斯坦人发起的自杀式袭击或者以色列的空袭,等等一系列引发的反应。

    Windows pop up periodically , each presenting a picture or video of a scenario , such as a Palestinian suicide bombing or an Israeli air strike , likely to trigger a response .

  26. 美国遭受自杀式袭击后一家底特律公司使出黑色幽默招数,开始收买印有拉登象的厕纸。

    Detroit-area company , tapping into an emerging strain of dark humor after last month 's suicide attacks , has hit on the idea of selling toilet paper rolls decorated with caricatures of Osama bin Laden .

  27. 早先的报道称,这是一连串自杀式袭击的最新一起事件。在过去一年中,武装分子对巴基斯坦政府建筑、外国人和本国世俗精英们经常光顾的目标实施了一连串袭击。

    Early reports suggested that this was the latest in a series of suicide attacks over the last year by militants against state buildings and targets frequented by foreigners and members of the country 's secular elite .

  28. 他因涉嫌计划加入索马里伊斯兰极端分子青年党及许多的恐怖行为自杀式袭击而被肯尼亚警方在索马里边境逮捕。

    after Kenya police arrested him near the Somalia border on suspicion of planning to join al-Shabab which is a group of Islamic extremists in Somalia , and of carry-out suicide attacks in many acts of terror .

  29. 尽管伊拉克最近发生了一连串自杀式袭击事件,但是美军的马克.赫特林少将表示,他从来没有像现在这样对伊拉克的前途感到乐观。

    US Military Commander Upbeat on Iraq Despite a recent wave of suicide attacks in Iraq , U.S. Major General Mark Hertling says he has never been more hopeful about the country 's future as he is right now .

  30. 塔利班宣称对国际伊斯兰大学(InternationalIslamicUniversity)周二发生的两起自杀式炸弹袭击负责。爆炸造成4名学生和两名袭击者死亡。

    The Taliban have claimed responsibility for the two suicide bomb attacks on International Islamic University , which killed four students and two bombers Tuesday .