
zì yóu xuǎn zé
  • Free choice;be free to choose;free selection;have a free choice
  1. 生活的城市可以自由选择,生活的方式可以自主选择,甚至色彩斑斓的梦可以任意的做,但是故乡却不能选择。

    City life can be free to choose , you can choose the way of life , and even colorful dreams can do any , but home can not choose .

  2. 根据弗里德曼的方案,父母可以得到一张只能用于教育费用的凭单,而且可以自由选择在哪所学校使用,唯一的前提是孩子具备进入该校的资格。

    Under his scheme parents would get a voucher good only for educational expenses and would be free to choose the school at which they used it , provided only that the child qualified for the school .

  3. 喷金属漆是自由选择的,要额外收费。

    Metallic paint is an optional extra .

  4. 哈斯拉姆则表示,院校可以自由选择参加或退出外包方案,并且该方案尚未敲定。

    Haslam has said colleges would be free to opt in or out of the out souring plan , which has not been finalized .

  5. 我讨厌它,因为它是一个伪装成自由选择的义务。

    I hate it because it 's an obligation disguised as an option .

  6. 他们应该自由选择生活。

    They should be free to live as they choose .

  7. 我们可以另设职业教育高考,实行“30%文化素质+70%职业技能”的考核方式……这样,普通高中学生和职校学生均可以自由选择参加职教高考和普通高考(目的都是要上大学)。

    We could establish another college entrance examination where students ' technical skills make up 70 percent of their score ... so students from both high schools and secondary vocational schools can choose whatever exam they want to take ( in order to get into college ) .

  8. 用户在定制LED显示屏时,拥有很高的灵活度,可以自由选择屏幕的尺寸和宽高比。

    The screen size and aspect ratio of LED panel is free to choose by users .

  9. 能够自由选择应用程序与Web服务交换数据的格式可以加快开发人员的开发流程。

    Freedom to choose the format used to communicate between the application and the Web service enables developers to speed up the development process .

  10. 需要将最低级别的包命名为client,但除此之外,您都可以自由选择。

    You want the lowest-level package to be named client , but beyond that , you 're on your own .

  11. 可以自由选择游标的名称,在此示例中使用C1。

    The name of the cursor , C1 in the sample , can be freely chosen .

  12. 在Java社区很多软件商都提供了JMS的商业和开源实现,您可以根据自己的需求自由选择软件商。

    Many vendors in the Java community offer both commercial and open source implementations , which gives you the freedom to choose the vendor that suits your needs .

  13. 其特征在于采用多进制CPM技术,进制数M、调制指数h及收发天线数可以在合理范围内自由选择。

    The system is characterized by multi-CPM-band technology , a number of M-ary , modulation index h and a reasonable number of antennas can be chosen easily .

  14. 方案的主要缺点是违背医疗二级制的精神,令自由选择、关怀和社会公义(socialjustice)等价值难以得到实现。

    A major shortcoming of the reform proposal is that it violates the fundamental principles of a two-tiered health care system , and so makes the values of free choice , care , and social justice difficult to realize .

  15. 有侧重的全球客户管理;业界领先的服务与支持;以及以您所希望的方式为您提供康柏产品,您可以通过我们广泛的分销商网络,或是通过电话,亦或是通过Internet来选购产品,您可以自由选择您喜欢的购买方式。

    Focused , global account management , Industry-leading service and support , and , A commitment to sell the way you want to buy , whether it is through our extensive network of resellers by phone or over the Internet .

  16. 最好可以自由选择各个组件(后端数据库、WebUI、中间件,等等),但是这意味着您必须确保这些组件可以一起很好地工作。

    It 's great that you have freedom of choice in the parts and plumbing ( back-end database , Web UI , middleware ), but this means you have to make sure they work well together .

  17. 与允许JIT编译器自由选择将编译哪些方法相比,此方法通常会导致较低的总吞吐量或延迟性能。

    This approach generally results in lower overall throughput or latency performance than allowing the JIT compiler full freedom in selecting which methods will be compiled .

  18. Outlook.com没有把邮件(Mail)、联系人(People)、日历(Calendar)和SkyDrive(微软的云储存服务)都挤在一个屏幕上,而是做成四个方块,让用户可以自由选择。

    Rather than cramming Mail , People , Calendar and SkyDrive ( Microsoft 's cloud storage service ) into one screen , Outlook.com lets you toggle between these categories using four large tiles .

  19. 美国政府的错误在于想当然地认为雅尔塔协定(YaltaAgreement)也伴随着柏林墙的倒塌而失效,因此昔日臣服于苏联帝国的民族和国家应该可以自由选择。

    Washington 's crime was to assume that the Yalta agreement had fallen along with the Berlin Wall , and that the peoples and nations of the erstwhile Soviet empire should thus be free to make their own choices .

  20. 试论奥古斯丁著作中的意愿(voluntas)概念&以《论自由选择》和《忏悔录》为例

    On the Concept of Voluntas in Augustine 's Works

  21. 该公司的产品主管玛蒂尔达·恩格曼(MathildaEngman)说,这样做是为了让孩子们可以自由选择玩游戏的方式。

    The objective , according to Mathilda Engman , head of consumer products , is to give kids the freedom to choose how to play .

  22. 通过证明扩展自由选择网与自由选择网(FC-net)的最小死锁有相同的特征。

    Proved the equivalent deadlock properties of EFC-net and free choice net ( FC-net ), this paper introduces an algorithm to obtain minimum deadlock .

  23. 在定义并证明两种不破坏原工作流网络结构特性和系统行为的调整映射的基础上,将该工作流网络调整为完全的扩展自由选择网(EFC-net)。

    Based on the definition of two adjustment mappings proved not to destroy structure properties and system behaviors , this paper adjust the WF-net to a complete extended free choice net ( EFC-net ) .

  24. 是昂贵的,而且几乎没有任何自由选择。

    Is costly , and there is hardly any free option .

  25. 《法国中尉的女人》之自由选择主题解读

    An Interpretation of the Free Choice in the French Lieutenant 's Woman

  26. 因此,所有动物应该得到自由选择的权利。

    All animals should be provided with freedom of choice .

  27. 学校允许学生自由选择着装。

    The school gives students freedom of choice about what to wear .

  28. 你可以自由选择是否留胡子。

    You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache .

  29. 耶稣教给我们的爱与宽容和自由选择。

    Jesus taught tolerance and love and gave us freedom of choice .

  30. 自由选择网的共享合成运算

    On Composition Operations of Free Choice Nets Via Shared places