
  • 网络voucher system;Education Voucher;school voucher
  1. 其间虽然围绕择校、学券制、特许学校和联邦政府干预地方教育改革等的合法性问题展开了广泛争论,但这一系列教育改革仍然得到了积极而坚决的推行。

    Although there are some debates on the legal validity of school choice , school vouchers , charter schools , and the federal government intervention in educational reforms , but these reforms are processed with a firm hand all the same .

  2. 学券制:一种民校公助的制度选择

    LEARNING CHINESE Education Voucher Institution : a Kind of Institution Choice about Private Schools Sponsored by Government

  3. 对香港学前教育采用学券制的反思学券制将为我们大部分的学童带来更优质的学前教育。

    Rethinking of Hong Kong " Voucher Scheme " Vouchers will help a large number of our young children get a better pre-school education .

  4. 部分左派人士认为,整个标准化考试就是保守者搞的阴谋,保守派企图借此让公立学校出丑,从而为学券制创造条件。

    Some on the left believe that the whole standards movement is a plot by conservatives to show up the public schools and thus set the stage for vouchers .