
  • 网络Learning to Succeed
  1. 威海市教育学会成功快乐营是一个针对学生开展的教育培训活动。

    The Successful and Happy Camp held by Weihai Society of Education is a training group for the students .

  2. 你能避免导致新公司迅速倒闭的失误,学会成功企业家规避风险的步骤。

    You can both avoid the mistakes that frequently lead to rapid business destruction and learn the steps that successful entrepreneurs take to avoid failures .

  3. 每个教育机构的责任是号召年轻人学会成功之道:成功总是来自于刻苦努力。

    It is the responsibility of every educational institution to call upon the youth to learn one thing about success : success always results from hard work . ( 237 words )

  4. 我相信前进的道路就是学会管理成功。

    I believe that the way forward is to learn to manage success .

  5. 在他们适应工作任务之前帮助他们不犯重大的错误,慢慢地,你就将学会如何成功授权。

    Keep them from making any major blunders as they get the feel of the task and you will have successfully delegated .

  6. 学会学习:成功的通行证&浙江省大学生学习状况考查

    Learn to Study : Key to Success How to Learn Creatively for College Students

  7. 学会在促进成功和去除傲慢之间保持平衡。

    Learn to walk the thin line between promoting your successes and coming off as arrogant .

  8. 随着新创企业学会如何获取成功,敏捷+客户开发这一理念进入了词典。

    The concepts of the agile + customer development entered the lexicon as startups learned how to build for success .

  9. 必须学会克服困难才能成功。

    To succeed , you must learn to overcome obstacles .

  10. 通过班主任的心理健康教育,应使学生产生积极健康的情感,进而在这种情感的推动下,让学生在全身心积极参与学习实践活动中,学会合作,磨练意志,敞开心扉,学会创新,感受成功

    Mental health education class , students should have a positive emotional health , and feelings in such a promotion , to enable students to actively participate in learning in the heart of practice , learning cooperation , training will open their hearts and learn to innovate feelings of success