
  • 网络Learning to be;Learn to live;Learning to live;leaning to be
  1. 学会生存是新世纪素质教育的口号,而什么是生存,学会生存都要学会什么,怎样才能学会生存等众多问题出现在大家面前。

    " Learning to be " is the slogan of quality education in the new century , and what survival is ; learn what life must learn how to learn to survive , and many other problems in front of everyone .

  2. 学会生存、学会学习,学习成了人类的一种基本生存方式。

    " Learn to live and learn to study " becomes a basic living style .

  3. 关于图书馆学会生存与发展问题的几点思考

    On Some Issues Concerning the Survival and Development of Library Societies

  4. 你必须首先学会生存然后才能生活。

    You must first know how to live and then know how to live .

  5. 学会生存&21世纪全球教育与生物教育目标的思考

    Struggle For Existence & Speculations on the objectives of global education and biological education in 21st century

  6. 人们幼年时学会生存机制,还有使其强化并根植于内心的方法。

    People learn survival mechanisms at a fairly young age & and that way of being becomes reinforced and ingrained .

  7. 你会建立新的人际关系,学会生存技能,可能还会学会一门新的语言。

    You make a new set of contacts . You learn survival skills . You probably learn a new language .

  8. 学会生存、学会学习、学会交际是21世纪人才必备的基本素质。

    Learn to live , learn to study , learning to communication is the essential quality talent in the 21st century .

  9. 联合国教科文组织指出21世纪人才必具备三大素质:学会生存、学会学习、学会交际。

    The UNESCO points out that talents must have three major abilities of leaning to survive , learning to learn and learning to communicate .

  10. 研究性学习是培养学生能力的重要手段,其目的是促使学生学会生存、学会学习、学会创造。

    The research study is the important means to cultivate students ' ability . The purpose of it is to impel to learn to students surivive 、 study 、 and creat .

  11. 他是一个一边犯错误,一边学会生存及成长的孩子,就象任何孩子(或成人,面对这种问题)一样。

    He 's a kid , who manages to survive and even win while making mistakes and floundering around , just like any kid ( or grownup , for that matter ) .

  12. 1982年,联合国教科文组织提出:我们必须让年青人在一个充斥图像、文字、声音的世界里学会生存。

    In 1982 , UNESCO put forward a few suggestions that " We must allow young people to learn to survive in the world filled with kinds of images , words and voices " .

  13. 它既有利于提高学生的生存能力、认知水平,又能激发学生的创造性思维,培养学生的创造力,它能促进学生学会生存、学会求知、学会创造。

    It can not only improve students ' adaptability , cognizing ability , but also inspire creationary thoughts and cultivate their innovation . It shall stimulate them to learn how to survive , how to study and how to create .

  14. 终身教育就是要使人们学会生存,同时,也使人们通过闲暇教育而有效开发自身的潜能,学会科学休闲与生活,进而提高生活质量。

    The aim of life education is to have people learn how to survive . At the some time , it makes people exploit their potential ability through leisure education , learns scientific leisure and life style in order to further improve the life quality .

  15. 从学会生存到学会关心是终身教育理念的进一步深化,也是社会发展在教育领域的反映,还是教师专业化发展的内在要求。

    It is the further promotion of the life-long education idea from " learning to survive " to " learning to care about " . It is the reflection in the educational field of the social development too and is the inherent request for teacher 's specialized development , too .

  16. 我们学会共同生存,孤独死亡。

    We learn to live together and then we die alone .

  17. 会逼着你学会如何生存

    forces you to learn how to survive in it .

  18. 由于没有厕所或自来水,孩子们在很小的时候就要学会如何生存。

    With no toilets or running water , kids here learn early how to survive .

  19. 另一方面,学生应该感谢自己的父母对他们的关爱,同时也应该学会自我生存。

    On the other hand , students should appreciate that their parents care for them , and also should learn how to survive .

  20. 潜水或游泳,你要学会如何生存该相信谁、怎样交朋友、一个人如何找路。

    Its sink or swim and you have to learn how to survive who to trust , how to make friends , how to find your way around alone .

  21. 日本人在很小的时候就已经学会了如何生存。

    From a very young age , the Japanese are already taught how to survivethem .

  22. 历史和现实都在教我们学会市场化生存。

    Both history and reality have told us how to survive in the market .

  23. 在知识经济社会,学会学习是生存的先决条件。

    Mastering how to study is a prerequisite for existence in knowledge and market economy society .

  24. 我意愿我的后代藉由继续提升而学会只用呼吸生存。

    I intend my future ancestors learn to live solely from the breath through continued ascension .

  25. 你应该学会必要的生存技能,这样当身边没人帮忙时,你还可以靠自己的能力摆脱困境。

    You will need certain life skills when nobody else is around . In this way you can rely on yourself to get out of trouble .

  26. 她意识到后宫实际上是一个残酷恶劣的地方,必须学会依靠自已生存,有时甚至要不择手段。

    Realizing that the palace is actually a cruel and harsh place , Zhen has to learn to survive on her own , sometimes by unscrupulous methods .

  27. 这头雌狮学会了在安第斯山生存的重要一课。

    This female has learned an important lesson about surviving in the Andes .

  28. 学会生活,学会生存;

    Learn to live and learn to survive .

  29. 你必须学会像熊猫一样生存,像熊猫睡觉。

    You have to learn how to live like a panda . Sleep like a panda .

  30. 你必须学会在失败中生存下来,那样才能锻炼你的品格。

    You 've got to learn to survive a defeat . That 's when you develop character .