
  1. 从湖北电网近年来关口管理的实际情况出发,就关口计量的定义、管理范围、管理特点及管理技巧等问题作了一些归纳总结。

    The paper sums up the past experiences of energy in Hubei electric power grid and tries to summarize the definition , the scope of management , the character and the management skill of energy metering .

  2. 信号的频域谱线特征运算复杂度低,对调制参数具有较好的稳健性。然后,研究了基于高阶累积量的调制信号识别方法,首先给出了高阶累计量的定义以及相应的估计方法。

    Spectral characteristics of the signal in the frequency domain low computational complexity , the modulation parameters have better robustness . Then , based on higher order cumulants of the modulation signal recognition method , we first give the definition of a higher order statistics and the corresponding estimation method .

  3. 本文介绍了网络信息计量学的定义,回顾了网络信息计量学的产生和发展,概述了网络信息计量学的研究工具,并着重研究了网络信息计量学在网络环境中的具体应用。

    This paper introduces the concept , origin and development of web information metrology and discusses corresponding research tools . It then puts emphasis on the application under network environment .

  4. 然后利用计量统计的知识定义了收入的绝对和相对不平等程度的度量标准。

    Then according to the knowledge of statistics , we define the criterion of absolutely and relatively of income disparity .

  5. 根据空间因素理论、零件表达的特征和计量的要求,定义了零件的表达空间,提出了一种新的零件表达模型。

    According to theory on space factor , representation feature of component was defined and a new representation model of component was presented .

  6. 同时,也讨论了计量标准状态的不同定义对体积修正系数的影响。

    Also discussed was the influence of " standard state " definition upon the value of volume correction coefficient K.