
  • 网络structure of education;Education
  1. 中等师范学校教育结构调整对策研究

    The Strategy Research on the Structure of Education Adapt in Normal School in China

  2. 中师教育结构调整的目的是为了通过重组教育资源,更进一步地优化教育资源。

    The aim of the structure of education adapting in Normal School is to further optimize education resources through transforming education resources .

  3. 辩论的范围进一步扩大,将法国教育结构的问题也包括了进来。

    The debate is broadening out to include questions about the structure of French education

  4. 本文在对美国华盛顿大学商学院进行实证考察的基础上,系统分析了美国华盛顿大学商学院的管理理念、管理体制、教育结构、MBA项目和教学方法及其对我国工商管理教育的启示。

    Based on the practical research , this paper analyses systematically the mission , government structure , education structure , MBA programs , and teaching methods of University of Washington Business School , then discusses its revelations for Chinese business administration education .

  5. 我国高等工程教育结构的分析

    A Study on the Structure of Chinese Higher Education in Engineering

  6. 合理调整农村教育结构,积极发展农村职业技术教育;

    Adjusting rural educational structure , developing rural professional technique education ;

  7. 具体分析了影响江苏高等教育结构发展的制度因素和关键举措;

    The factors of system and the key acts are concretely analyzed ;

  8. 美术专业教育结构调整的必要性

    The Necessity of Adjusting the Educational Structure of the Art

  9. 从政策设计角度解析高等教育结构趋同问题

    An Analysis of the Similarity of Educational Structure from Policy Design Perspective

  10. 日本义务教育结构改革的战略构想与行动计划

    The Idea and Plan about Structural Reformation of Compulsory Education in Japan

  11. 浅议高等教育结构的调整与改革

    On Adjustment and Reform of the Structure of Higher Education

  12. 优化高等教育结构发挥高等教育功能

    Optimizing Higher Education Institution and Displaying Higher Education Function

  13. 收益分配公平目标下的教育结构调整

    Educational structure adjustment with distributional justice as a goal

  14. 云南高等教育结构调整的历史与现状

    The history and present situation of higher education structural system regulation in Yunnan

  15. 但我国目前的教育结构存在不合理性。

    But at present there are many defects in our higher education structure .

  16. 山东省高中段教育结构调整与发展研究

    Research on Education Structural Adjustment and Development in Senior Middle Schools of Shandong

  17. 大众化高等教育结构体系与财政策略

    The Structure System of Mass-Higher Education and Financial Policy

  18. 浙江省高等教育结构优化与产业结构升级的适应性研究

    The Zhejiang Province Higher Education Structure Optimization and the Industrial Structure Promote Compatible Research

  19. 优化教育结构,提高教育质量;

    Optimize educational structure and improve educational quality .

  20. 小说不再是与治世化民无关的小道,而能够与经史并论,在学术文化教育结构中据显要的地位。

    Novel became important in academic cultural style .

  21. 边远和民族地区教育结构分析及人才培养模式改革

    Analysis of Educational Structure and Reform of Personnel Training Model in Remote and Minority Areas

  22. 高等教育结构优化:国外的实践与启示

    Structural Optimization of Higher Education : the Practice in Foreign Countries and its inspiration to China

  23. 云南布朗族农村家庭教育结构对家庭收入的影响

    The Impact of Family Education Structure in Ethnic Minority Areas in Rural Areas on Family Income

  24. 还要调整教育结构,提高包装教育质量和水平。

    And it should adjust the education constructure to improve the quality and level of packaging education .

  25. 从一定意义上说,不合理的政策设计是造成高等教育结构趋同的根本原因。

    In a way , the fundamental reason for the structure similarity is the unreasonable policy design .

  26. 高等教育结构是指高等教育系统内部各组成部分之间的联系方式、比例关系和相互作用的形式。

    Higher education is a form about proportional relationship and the interaction in the higher education system .

  27. 2001年起,我省师范教育结构进行了调整。

    Content : Since 2001.the structure of the teachers ' education has been adjusted in our province .

  28. 高等教育结构与体系的改革与发展,是关系我国经济建设、科学与人才建设的大事;

    The structural reforms of higher education are closely associated with economic and scientific developments in China .

  29. 而在经济结构中,工业结构特别是产业结构和技术结构与劳动力的需求结构、教育结构之间的相互制约关系最为密切。

    In particular , industrial and technological structures of the economy are strongly interdependent with educational structure .

  30. 爱国主义教育结构包括层次结构、内容结构和过程结构等三个方面。

    The structure of patriotism education includes structure of arrangement of ideas , content structure and process stucture .