
  1. 新时期食品安全与卫生教育的社会性思考

    Education of Food Safety and Hygiene in New Situation

  2. 文章旨在阐述现代远距离教育的社会性,社会性是现代远距离教育的必然要求。

    The purpose of this paper is to expound the sociality of modern distance education .

  3. 浅析职业教育的社会性特征

    Analysis of Social Characteristics of Vocational Education

  4. 论艺术教育的社会性功能

    Expound Social Function Of Art Education

  5. 同时,现代远距离教育的社会性要求调整现代远距离教育的工作思路,变学历认证为知识认证,发展终身教育,提高全民素质。

    Sociality is the requirement of modern distance education and the anthor thinks it a must to adjust the working thought , to change from diploma authentication to knowledge authentication to develop lifelong education , and to improve the national quality .

  6. 其次,教育的社会制约性决定了数学课程内容也必然受政治经济制度等社会环境的影响。

    Secondly , the social conditionality of education determines that the mathematics curriculum contents must be influenced by political and economic system and social environment .

  7. 论高等教育专业设置的社会性

    The Social Nature of the Discipline Setup of Higher Education

  8. 试论教育改革的社会依存性与相对独立性

    On Social Dependence and Relative Independence of Educational Reform

  9. 第三,教育目的的社会本位性强。

    Third , the society chauvinism of education aim .

  10. 论中国近代科学教育发展的社会制约性

    On the Social Restriction of the Development of the Scientific Education in China During the Period from 1850 to 1919

  11. 但是,由于教育问题的社会关联性,以及所涉及的影响因素的多元复杂性,清末学校教育政策推行过程遇到了各种问题和困难。

    However , because of the interrelationship between education problems and society and the complexity of some influencing factors , there emerged some problems and difficulties in the process of implementation of the education policies in the late Qing Dynasty . They met with many difficulties .

  12. 首先,基础教育中美术教师的社会性工具价值内涵的更新。

    First of all , education foundation in the art teacher social tools value connotation update .

  13. 第一,指出了关注农村家庭教育放弃现象的社会必要性。

    Firstly , it has been pointed out the necessity of giving up higher education opportunity in rural families .

  14. 思想政治工作资源是一种教育需求,教育需求具有鲜明的社会性,具有政治的、法律的、道德的引导、保证和约束作用。

    The education requirement has a distinctive social quality , which have instruction , assurance , and restriction function of political , legal and moral .

  15. 教育服务型高校从高等教育的教育性与社会性关系对高等教育类型提出了一种新的思想和理念,成为新的关注点。

    Education service-oriented college becomes a new point of focus with new notion and idea from educational and social standpoints of view in higher education .