
  • 网络education reform and development
  1. 对云南教育改革与发展中几个问题的思考

    Reflections on Some Issues Regarding Yunnan 's Education Reform and Development

  2. 21世纪初中国高等教育改革与发展思想的核心理念

    Essential Ideas of Chinese Higher Education Reform and Development in 21st Century

  3. 研究生教育改革与发展的实践与探索

    Reform and Development of the Graduate Student Education in Southeast University

  4. 浅议广西高等职业技术教育改革与发展

    Brief Discussion on Reformation and Development of Guangxi Higher Occupation Technique Education

  5. 蒙医高等教育改革与发展思路

    Thinking of Reform and Development of Higher Mongolian Medical Education

  6. 质量与特色:高等教育改革与发展的两大主题

    Two Major Themes in Reform and Development of Higher Education

  7. 体育专业教育改革与发展对策的初探

    Study on Countermeasure of Reform and Development of Physical Education

  8. 挪威高等教育改革与发展的新进展

    The New Progress of Norwegian Higher Education Reform and Development

  9. 上海中医药大学教育改革与发展

    Reform and Development of Education in ShangHai University of TCM

  10. 农村基础教育改革与发展研讨会述评

    Review of Forum on the Reform and Development of Rural K-12 Education

  11. 三个面向是高等教育改革与发展的重要教育理念

    Three Facings is the Essential Education Idea of Higher Education Reform and Development

  12. 新世纪工程教育改革与发展趋势

    The Trend of Reform and Development of Engineering Education in the New Century

  13. 我国医学信息教育改革与发展的回顾与展望

    Innovation and Development : retrospection and prospection of medical information education in China

  14. 俄罗斯普通高中教育改革与发展趋向

    The Educational Reform and Development Trends of General Senior High Schools in Russia

  15. 地球科学高等教育改革与发展的若干建议

    Some Advices on the Reform and Development of High Education in Earth Science

  16. 浙江省民办教育改革与发展的政策学分析

    Reform and Development of Private Education in Zhejiang Province : A Policy-oriented Analysis

  17. 小学教育改革与发展课程的开发与研究

    Development and Research of the Curriculum : Reform and Development of Primary Education

  18. 当代音乐教育改革与发展的若干特征

    The Characteristics of Cur-rent Music Education Reform and Development

  19. 甘肃民族教育改革与发展综述

    On Reform and Development of Gansu National Education

  20. 综合性大学教师教育改革与发展的策略思考

    Reflection on the Tactics of the Reform and Development in Education for University Teachers

  21. 教师专业化是师范教育改革与发展的时代潮流。

    Teachers'professional trend is the calling of the reform and development of normal education .

  22. 关于宁波高等教育改革与发展的几点认识

    Reform and Development of Higher Education in Ningbo

  23. 我国高等教育改革与发展的思路探讨

    A Thinking on Higher Education Reformation in China

  24. 西部民族教育改革与发展的宏观思考

    A Macro Thinking on the Reforms and Development of Ethnic Minority Education of West-China

  25. 新世纪中国师范教育改革与发展构想

    The Concept of Reform and Development of China 's Normal Education in the New Century

  26. 走出贫困地区中等职业教育改革与发展的困境

    Solving the Problems in the Reform and Development of middle Professional Education in Poor Areas

  27. 对知识经济社会我国继续教育改革与发展的思考

    Reflections over the Reform and Development of China 's Continuing Education in the Knowledge-based Economy Society

  28. 落实三个代表的重要思想促进高等教育改革与发展

    Practicing the " Three Represents " theory and promoting the reform and development of higher education

  29. 对学校教育改革与发展的几点思考

    Reflections on Education Reform and Development

  30. 关于新世纪师专教育改革与发展的建议

    Suggestions on Reform and Development of the Education of Teacher 's Colleges in the New Century