
  1. 各级人民政府教育财政拨款的增长应当高于财政经常性收入的增长,并使按在校学生人数平均的教育费用逐步增长,保证教师工资和学生人均公用经费逐步增长。

    The people 's governments at various levels shall see to it that their appropriations for education shall increase at a faster rate than their regular revenues , that the average expenditure and that the teachers ' salaries and the average public expenditure per student shall increase steadily .

  2. 国家用于义务教育的财政拨款的增长比例,应当高于财政经常性收入的增长比例,并使按在校学生人数平均的教育费用逐步增长。

    State appropriations for compulsory education shall increase at a faster rate than regular state revenues , and the average expenditure on education per student shall also increase steadily .

  3. 国家财政每年对农业总投入的增长幅度应当高于国家财政经常性收入的增长幅度。

    The growing rate of the annual overall input to agriculture by the national finance shall be higher than that of regular national revenue .