
  • 网络Financial principles;Fiscal Principles;finance principle
  1. 遵循公共财政原则:事业单位改革的基本思路

    Institution Reform Should Conform the Principle of Public Finance

  2. 这是未来特区政府应坚持的财政原则。

    This is the principle which will be adhered to by the future HKSAR Government .

  3. 在国际货币基金组织的安排下,特别是财政原则的需求是一项形成的重要的政策。

    Arrangements with the IMF , especially requirements for fiscal discipline , are an important element in policy formation .

  4. 但是量入为出的财政原则不能从根本上杜绝统治者对百姓搜刮,个体小农仍然摆脱不了贫困的局面。

    However , this principle can not essentially stop the rulers from clawing the common people and individual peasants still suffer from poverty .

  5. 政府继续实行战时的财政原则,打算用集中、整合的机构,来接管战时从事军事计算的各个独立部门。

    The government accepted the principle of continuing the funding found necessary in war , and a centralised , rationalised institution was planned to take over the various ad hoc offices which had done the mostly dreary work of numerical computation for military purposes .

  6. 财政部原则上反对这些提议。

    The Treasury was opposed in principle to the proposals .

  7. 总统真的需要展现对财政自律原则的尊重。

    The president really needs to demonstrate a commitment to fiscal discipline .

  8. 农村医疗保障与政府财政责任原则

    The Principles of Government 's Financing Responsibility in Rural Residents ' Health Security

  9. 关于我国高等教育财政效率原则的悖论&效率原则下的低效

    The Paradox of Efficiency-based Financial Policies in China & low efficiency under the Efficiency-based Policies

  10. 如果利物浦在最顶尖的水平上竞争,他们是否需要适当的运用欧足联财政公平原则?

    Do Liverpool need FFP to be properly applied if they are to compete at the very top level ?

  11. 国王财政自理原则是英国基本赋税理论的重要内容。

    The principle that " The King Shall Live of His Own " was important in English theory of taxation .

  12. 宪政国家从来都是把预算作为宪法的重要内容,财政立宪原则的确立奠定了预算法治化的基础。

    The constitutionalist state considers the budget as important content of the constitution , and financial constitutionalist principles lay a foundation for the legalization of budget .

  13. 要明确财政支农原则和投资方向,加大农业投入力度,优化支出结构,加强资金管理。

    Then promoted some strategies of finance supporting agriculture : increasing the agricultural investment dynamics , optimizing disbursement structure , strengthens the fund management and so on .

  14. 传统的财政支出原则带有明显的计划体制的烙印,但是作为财政支出原则,它毕竟反映了财政支出实践活动所必须遵循的共同规律的要求。

    There was obvious tracks of planning system for traditional principle of public expenditure , but being principle of public expenditure , it reflects the claims of common rules which must be obeyed by practice of public expenditure .

  15. 本文则借助大量事实和数据,在定量地分析了这个时期议会税收入和战争支出的基础上,证明都铎国王仍然遵守着国王财政自理原则。

    This paper is intended to prove that Tudor Kings still conformed to the principle that " The King Shall Live of His Own " through quantitative analyses of the revenues from taxes granted by the Parliament and the war expenditure .

  16. 提出治理电子商务中税收流失应坚持的原则,包括税收公平原则、税收中性原则、税收效率原则、国家税收主权原则、财政收入原则和技术先导原则。

    It proposes the principles of managing the tax revenue loss , including the principle of tax equity , the principle of tax neutrality , the principle of tax efficiency , the principle of national tax sovereignty , the principle of fiscal revenue and the principle of technology leader .

  17. 财政法基本原则论纲

    A Outline of Principles in Financial Law

  18. 德国财政的平衡原则与方法基于横向财政平衡的需要和地区合作博弈的结果,产生了横向财政转移支付的概念。

    The horizontal financial transfer payment system comes into being based on the theory of financial balance as well as regional corporation and adversarial game .

  19. 这种做法也符合财政保守主义的原则。

    It would also be the fiscally conservative thing to do .

  20. 美国对学生联邦财政资助政策和原则的基本出发点

    The Basic Starting Point of Policy and Principle for Federation Financial Aid to Student

  21. 伯南克说,财政上的行动原则上有帮助,因为财政和金融上的刺激可能对经济提供较广泛的支持。

    Fiscal action could be helpful in principle , as fiscal and monetary stimulus together may provide broader support for the economy .

  22. 因而,优惠原则也是国际财政政策的重要原则之一,包括发达国家在内的众多市场经济国家都实施了内容丰富、方式多样的税收优惠措施。

    Therefore , preference is within the important principle of international fiscal policy . Most market-oriented countries , especially developed countries all put various tax preference into effect .

  23. 最后,针对武汉市财政支出优化的原则,结合近期武汉市经济社会发展目标,提出了一些优化武汉市财政支出结构的政策建议。

    Finally , under the principle of optimization , combined with the goal of recent economic and social development , made a number of policy recommendations to optimize the structure of fiscal expenditure .

  24. 因此,我们要在坚持公共财政与人民财政统一的原则下,在界定政府与市场的分工,合理划分县乡两级政府的事权的前提下,构建和完善公共自主的乡镇财政体制。

    Therefore , under the principle of unifying the commonality finance and demons finance , under the precondition of deciding the work of government and market , divide the business power and wealth power of village public finance reasonably , we should construct and perfect commonality and independent village-town finance .

  25. 在公共财政模式下,传统的财政支出原则以新的实现形式仍然可以对财政支出分配发挥指导作用。

    Under the pattern of public finance , traditional principle of public expenditure can still play guiding role to the distribution of public expenditure by new form of realization .

  26. 对农村公共服务供给,财政支农理论提出农民自我积累为主,国家支援为辅的财政原则。

    For the supply of rural public services , the theory proposed the financial principles that included " farmers were the main suppliers , the state support for the auxiliary " .

  27. 政府在农村医疗保障中承担财政责任,应以公益性和公平性为取向,并遵循公共财政原则、权利与义务相结合原则、财权与事权相一致原则以及卫生资源合理配置原则。

    The government should take the public availability and equity into account , stick to the principles of public financing , combine rights and obligations , and allocate medical care resources rationally .

  28. 文章对近几年来我国在财政、信贷和投资的宏观调控方面的失误进行了实证分析,同时对量入为出的财政原则、中央银行的双项目标控制做法等提出了不同看法。

    Practical analysis is mede on the defects in the macrocontrol of public finance , loansand investment in China , and different views are also expressed to the financial principle of " expenditure according to revenue " and the practices of " dual targets control " .

  29. 从理论的角度来看,财政效益理论是财政科学体系中一个重要组成部分,是财政管理中的核心问题,效益原则是安排财政支出的首要原则。

    Finance expenditure efficiency is an important part of the finance science and the core issue of the finance management . The first principle to arrange finance-expenditure is just the efficiency principle .

  30. 在我国,财政立宪的主体内容就是在横向和纵向两个方面合理配置国家财政权,为此,必须遵循财政议会主义和财政法治主义原则。

    The main content of financial constitutionalism is wisely distribute the state financial power in the horizontal and vertical layer in accord with the principle of finance by congress and finance by law .