
  1. 今年第一季度的出口比去年同期增长20%。

    Exports for the first three months are larger by20 percent than those for the corresponding period of last year .

  2. 据中国旅游研究院(ChineseTourismAcademy)的数据,去年有逾8300万中国人出国旅游,较上年同期增长了18%。

    Last year more than 83 million Chinese traveled overseas , up 18 % from the previous year according to the Chinese Tourism Academy .

  3. 汤姆森金融(ThomsonFinancial)称,今年到目前为止,亚太地区(日本除外)的交易规模比去年同期增长了40%。

    Asia Pacific ex-Japan deal sizes are up 40 per cent year-to-date , according to Thomson Financial .

  4. 麦格理研究(macquarieresearch)的数据显示,中国4月份钢铁成品的海外销量较上年同期增长159%。

    Overseas sales of finished steel rose by 159 per cent in April year-on-year , according to Macquarie research .

  5. 2017年,IBM公司的品牌价值达到1.02万亿美元,同期增长18%。

    This year the brand has been valued at $ 102 billion , up 18 % from last year .

  6. 房地产数据提供机构CoreLogic的报告显示,二月份美国住房价格较上年同期增长10%,创出七年来房价的最大同比增幅。

    The real estate data provider Core Logic reports a February increase topped 10 % compared with a year before , which is the largest increase in seven years .

  7. 新加坡昨日发布的初步统计数据显示,去年10-12月份国内生产总值(gdp)较上年同期增长6%。

    Gross domestic product grew by 6 per cent in the October-December quarter from a year before , according to preliminary estimates released yesterday .

  8. 滨海新区设立了富有胆识的发展目标:2010年GDP比上年同期增长24.5%,全年工业生产总值同比增长25%。

    The new area has set a bold target of a24.5-percent year-on-year GDP growth for2010 , and a yearly industrial output growth rate of25 percent .

  9. 5月,微软公司(Microsoft)卖出了27万台Xbox360,比去年同期增长了39%。

    Microsoft sold 270,000 Xbox 360s last May , a 39 % increase over the same time last year .

  10. 这家公司刚刚公布的月度销售数据显示,液晶电视8月份的销售额较去年同期增长了38.7%,LED背光液晶电视的增幅尤为显著。

    The company just released its monthly sales volume for August of LCD TVs , reporting a 38.7 % total year-on-year increase , with a marked increase of LED backlight LCD sets specifically .

  11. 更令人振奋的是,Facebook的广告业务收入比去年同期增长了36%,如果刨除外币疲软造成的影响,广告收入同比将达到43%。

    More encouragingly , advertising revenue rose 36 % , and excluding the impact of declining foreign currencies , it would have increased by 43 % .

  12. 易居中国(E-houseChina)数据显示,5月份杭州存量住宅较上年同期增长超过30%。

    According to data provider E-house China , housing inventories rose more than 30 % in May in Hangzhou from a year earlier .

  13. 苹果Mac电脑第三财季的销量为440万台,比去年同期增长了18%,比第二财季增长了7%。

    Apple sold 4.4 million Macs last quarter , good for an 18 % increase over last year and up 7 % over the previous quarter .

  14. 这个问题最近一直萦绕在人们心头,而周四发布的国内生产总值(GDP)数据更是增添了人们的疑问:中国经济今年第一季度较上年同期增长11.1%,增幅高于预期。

    Thursday 's release of gross domestic product data added fuel to the perennial question : the economy grew at a faster-than-expected 11.1 per cent year-on-year in the first quarter .

  15. TCL公司海外市场的销售额较去年同期增长了36.5%,其中在新兴市场上取得了尤其令人瞩目的增长。

    In its overseas market TCL reported an increase of 36.5 % year-on-year , with notable expansion in emerging markets .

  16. 根据国家统计局的预测,今年第一季度的gdp比去年同期增长7.5%。

    According to the forecast of the National Bureau of Statistics , the GDP of the first quarter of this year will grow by 7.5 percent over the same period last year .

  17. 世界黄金协会(worldgoldcouncil)称,今年第三季度,仅印度就消费了250吨黄金,价值约50亿美元,较2007年同期增长近三分之一。

    The World Gold Council says that India alone consumed 250 tonnes of gold , worth about $ 5bn , in the third quarter of this year a rise of nearly a third on the same period in 2007 .

  18. 不过,目前的趋势对Facebook更有利:它在总访问量中的份额比去年同期增长了185%,而谷歌只增长了9%。

    Current trends favor Facebook , however : Its share of total visits increased 185 % from the same week last year , compared with 9 % growth for Google .

  19. 与此同时,为PC生产商供应芯片的英特尔上个月宣布,由于芯片销售强劲,其收入较上年同期增长28%,利润暴增9倍。

    Meanwhile , Intel Corp. , which supplies chips to PC makers , last month reported a28 % jump in revenue and a tenfold increase in profit from a year earlier thanks to strong chip sales .

  20. 瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)估计,2006年,国有未上市资产的税前利润较上年同期增长138%,而(利润更丰厚的)上市资产仅增长了13%。

    Credit Suisse calculates that state-owned unlisted assets racked up pre-tax profit growth in 2006 of 138 per cent year-on-year against 13 per cent for the ( more profitable ) listed assets .

  21. Relate机构于上周六发布报告称,今年10月和11月,向该机构寻求婚姻顾问帮助的夫妇数量比去年同期增长了近60%。

    Relate on Saturday reported a rise of almost 60 percent in the number of couples seeking help with their relationships in October and November this year as compared with last year .

  22. 到9月末,广义货币(M2)余额为176982亿元,比上年同期增长16.5%;

    By the end of September the balance of broad money ( M2 ) had totaled 17,698.2 billion yuan , up 16.5 percent on last year 's same period ;

  23. 汤姆森金融(ThomsonFinancial)的数据显示,今年头9个月,日本之外亚洲市场的后续股票发行额达到了715亿美元,较去年同期增长72%。

    The volume of follow-on issuance in Asia , excluding Japan , reached $ 71.5bn in the first nine months , a 72 per cent rise on the same period last year , Thomson Financial found .

  24. 尽管工业产出下滑,但印度今年第一季度国内生产总值(gdp)较去年同期增长5.8%,高于预期。

    India reported growth of 5.8 per cent in gross domestic product for the first quarter compared with a year ago a figure that was higher than expected in spite of a contraction in industrial output .

  25. NOAA表示,海龟死亡数量比去年同期增长了4倍。其确切死因科学家仍不得而知。

    Thats about five times as many as last year for the same period according to NOAA . Scientists arent yet exactly sure why the turtles are dying .

  26. 公司称,该财季的广告收入比去年同期增长41%&如果Facebook排除汇率的年度变化,那这一增长率应该是43%。

    The company says that the ad revenue this quarter is a 41 percent increase from the same quarter last year & it would have been 43 percent if Facebook excluded the impact of year-over-year changes in foreign exchange rates .

  27. 期内除利息.税务.折旧及摊销前的经营利润(EBITDA)为1211.91亿元.比去年同期增长26.2%。

    The net profit by deducting the interest rates , taxes , depreciation and EBITDA was 121.191 billion Yuan , increased by 26.2 % .

  28. 而安卓与苹果(Apple)iOS则联手拿下了92%的市场份额,其中安卓的市场份额达到59%,比去年同期增长了80%。

    But phones running either Android or Apple 's ( AAPL ) iOS , captured 92 % of all mobile sales -- with Android garnering 59 % of the total market , an 80 % increase from the same time last year .

  29. 据市场调查机构IDC和CNG的最新报告显示,2014年上半年,中国的移动游戏用户人数较2013年上半年同期增长了89.5%,达到3.25亿人。

    According to a recent report by IDC and CNG , the number of mobile gamers in China in the first half of 2014 increased 89.5 % to 325 million over the first half of 2013 .

  30. 2010年上半年以美元计价的黄金需求额同期增长77%,其中以ETF为代表的衍生品投资增长额高达567%。

    The gold demand in US dollars increased by 77 percent in the first half of the year 2010 ; among which the derivatives investment , mainly ETF , reaches up to 567 percent .