
  • 网络queer studies;gay/lesbian studies;homosexuality in perspective;gay and lesbian studies
  1. 女同性恋问题作为同性恋研究的一个分支,也随着社会对同性恋问题研究的深入,渐渐活跃起来。

    With the community to study in depth the issue of homosexuality , the research of lesbian gradually active which as a branch of the research homosexuality .

  2. 性别操演论对当代西方女性主义理论、女同性恋和男同性恋研究产生了极大的影响,并成为了西方新出现的酷儿理论的理论基石。

    The theory of gendered performance has great impact on the contemporary Western feminist theory , lesbian and gay studies , and became the theoretical foundation of the emerging Western queer theory .

  3. 晚明同性恋小说研究

    The Study of the Homosexual Novels in the Late Ming Dynasty

  4. 田纳西·威廉斯作品中隐晦的同性恋内容研究

    The Homosexual Text and Subtext in Tennessee Williams ' Works

  5. 同性恋合理性研究

    A Research on the Rationality of Homosexuality

  6. 传统的同性恋态度研究大多关注个体外显层面的认知过程。

    The traditional attitudes toward homosexuality mostly pay attention to their apparent cognition process . But only focus on apparent cognition process is insufficient .

  7. 于是,对同性恋的研究在近代科学的多个领域里纷纷开展,并得到一致的结论,性倾向本身就是多元的,同性恋为正常的行为模式。

    So the research on homosexuality had gradually started in lots of fields of modern science and the consistent conclusion had been derived , that is , sexual orientation is polynary in nature and homosexuality is a natural behavioral pattern .

  8. 社会宽容表象下的社会排斥泰国同性恋亚文化研究

    The Social Exclusion Underneath the Presentational Social Toleration Homosexuality Subculture Research in Thailand

  9. 近年来,我国学界对同性恋文学的研究也正逐步加深。

    In recent years , the academic research literature on homosexuality is gradually deepened .

  10. 基于精神病学学科发展的同性恋权利演进研究

    Study on the Evolution of Homosexuality Rights Based on the Development of the Discipline of Psychiatry

  11. 以往关于同性恋成因的研究大多是以男同性恋者作为研究的样本,很少涉及女同性恋者性身份的形成问题,研究方法上也很少以个人生命史作为研究的对象。

    Most of the homosexual researches before take gays as cases , which seldom refer to lesbians and take life narrating as research method .

  12. 本文通过韩国大学内少数群体的同性恋杂志,研究另类媒介在韩国现代社会的作用和其必要性。

    In this paper , the author studies the effect and necessity of alternative media in the modern Korean society though homosexual magazines of those minority groups .

  13. 方法以同性恋酒吧为研究现场,以其中男男性接触者为对象进行匿名问卷调查。调查内容包括社会人口学特征、HIV/STDs感染状况、性伴类型及数量等。

    Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted in gay bars including the demographic characteristics , HIV and STDs infection as well as the number and types of sexual partner .

  14. 因此,有必要借鉴国外立法经验,加大对同性性犯罪的法律控制,加强对同性恋群体权利的研究和保护。

    We can learn form the legislative practices of western countries , then enhance our research and protection of homosexual and improve the legal control of sexual crime .

  15. 目的了解粤、港、澳三地大学生对同性恋的认识和态度,为开展艾滋病预防工作和同性恋研究提供依据。

    Objective To investigate the cognition and attitude towards homosexuality among students in universities of Guangzhou , Hong Kong and Macao so as to provide a basis for further research regarding homosexuality and HIV prevention .