
  1. 无论何时何地,我们看到的都是同一片天空。

    Whenever and wherever it is , what we see are the same sky .

  2. 无论我们相隔多远,我们都在同一片天空下!

    No matter how far apart we are , we 're still under the same sky .

  3. 这张图片是通过结合10年来哈勃望远镜对同一片天空拍摄的照片而形成的。

    The picture was created by combining ten years of photographs that the Hubble telescope took of the same patch of sky .

  4. 而且在装饰中将传统的壁画文化与现代壁画相融合,让传统壁画文化与现代化元素在同一片天空下呼吸和交流。

    Integration and murals decorated in traditional culture and modern murals , traditional murals culture and modern elements in the same piece of sky breathing and exchange .

  5. 我们在此集会的同时,在同一片天空下,我们知道在离奥根山千里之外的土地上——在巴格达的街头,喀布尔的城郊——美利坚的儿女正在为我们付出他们自己的生命。

    Because while we gather here under open skies , we know that far beyond the Organ Mountains - in the streets of Baghdad , and the outskirts of Kabul - America 's sons and daughters are sacrificing on our behalf .

  6. 我不知道为什么天灾会降临到他们身上,但是我知道,我和他们是共同生活在同一个中国的同一片天空下的。

    I don 't know why the natural disaster happened on them , but I know I am with them all live in the sky of China .