
tónɡ xínɡ xiàn xiànɡ
  • homonymity
  1. 英语中的反义同形现象

    Pragmatic Properties of Ambivalent Phenomena in English

  2. 从词汇学、词源学的角度,采用比较语言学的方法,探讨词汇的反义同形现象及根源。

    In term of lexics and etymology , we use the method of comparative linguistics to explore the root of contronym .

  3. 本文在总结东巴文字字素变体和同形现象内涵及其类型的同时,对这些现象产生的原因加以分析。

    In Summarizing the concept and types of allographemes and identicalness discussed in this paper , we analyze why the phenomenon shapes .

  4. 成语多数为四字格,语言空间极为有限,出现同形异构的现象在所难免。

    Chinese idioms are always formed with four characters , which are limited in space in homonymy .