
  • 网络Blood heat syndrome;Heat in Blood System
  1. 血热证患者血LPO、SOD、GSHPx及红细胞膜Na~+K~+ATPase改变的临床研究

    Clinical study on changes of blood LPO , SOD , GSH - Px and Na ~ + - K ~ + - ATPase in red blood cell membrance in the patient of blood-heat syndrome

  2. 治疗组与对照组疗效比较P0.05,有统计学意义。结论:①清热凉血消银汤治疗寻常型银屑病血热证,其疗效优于对照组。

    The comparison of curative effect of treatment group and control group P0.05 , with statistical significance . Conclusion : ① Qingreliangxue Xiaoying Decoction in the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris blood-heat syndrome , the curative effect is better than that of control group .

  3. 结果:血热证时LPO呈非常显著性升高(P<0.01),SOD活力及GSHPx活性均显著减低(P<0.05),Na~+K~+ATPase的活性显著降低(P<0.05)。

    Results indicated that LPO content increased very significantly ( P < 0 . 01 ), SOD and GSH-Px and Na + - K + - ATPase activities decreased significantly ( P < 0 . 05 ) in the patient of blood - heat syndrome .

  4. 清热凉血消银汤治疗寻常型银屑病血热证有效。

    Qingreliangxue Xiaoying Decoction in the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris blood-heat syndrome effectively .

  5. 银屑病血热证患者治疗前后血浆代谢组学分析

    Metabolomics Study on Patients with Psoriasis of Blood-heat Syndrome before and after Treatment

  6. 且血热证患者疗效优于其他两证。

    Blood of patients with different syndromes and effective than the other two cards . 2 .

  7. 银屑病血热证;

    Blood-heat syndrome of Ps ;

  8. 结论:血热证时机体抗氧化系统防御功能减弱,脂质过氧化程度增强。同时可能存在着一定的能量代谢及神经信息传导障碍。

    It is suggested that defense function of the antioxidation system decreases and lipid peroxidation strengthens in blood - heat syndrome .

  9. 结论:血热证、血燥证和血瘀证可作为本病中医辨证规范的基本证型。

    Conclusion : Blood heat , blood dryness and blood stasis can be used as basic syndrome types of TCM syndrome differentiation standardization .

  10. 结果:本病主要证候为血热证、血燥证和血瘀证,其中血热证最常见。

    Results : The main syndromes of psoriasis are blood heat , blood dryness and blood stasis , blood heat being most commonly seen type .

  11. 寻找治疗寻常型银屑病有效方法。方法:纳入110例有完整资料寻常型银屑病患者,分为血热证、血燥证、血瘀证,分别进行辨证治疗。

    To research the method to evaluate the efficacy of psoriasis with psoriasis vulgaris . Method : 110 cases which were psoriasis vulgaris patients , were randomly divided into blood-heat syndrome , blood-stasis syndrome , blood-dry syndrome .

  12. 血热是证候演变发展的主线,发病之始多为血热证,血热证可见于病程的各个阶段,是病机转化的关键;

    The syndrome of blood heat is the key of the evolution of syndromes , the familiar beginning syndrome of PS , the hinge of the transforming of pathogenesis .