
  • Bloody Mary
  1. 但仍然有地方可以享受一顿丰盛的早餐,最后再来几个鸡蛋和一杯血腥玛丽(BloodyMary)。

    But there are still places to enjoy a hearty breakfast ; complete with eggs and a Bloody Mary .

  2. 你自己最好的血腥玛丽配方是什么呢?

    What 's your best recipe for a great Bloody Mary ?

  3. 那家酒店有非常好喝的血腥玛丽。

    Great bloody Marys at the hotel next door .

  4. 人们叫她“血腥玛丽”。

    People call her " Blood Mary ".

  5. 先喝一杯血腥玛丽。

    A Bloody Mary first thing .

  6. 除了血腥玛丽

    Except for the bloody mary .

  7. 你像是需要一杯血腥玛丽和椒盐卷饼,而不是信息技术部

    Sounds like you need a bloody Mary and a pretzel , not the I.T. Department .

  8. 化学家们研究的是血腥玛丽,它堪称世界上化学成分最为复杂的鸡尾酒。

    The drink they dissected was the Bloody Mary , perhaps the worlds most chemically complex cocktail .

  9. 伍斯特沙司也是血腥玛丽的重要材料之一(伏特加,番茄汁和伍斯特沙司)。

    It is an important ingredient in a Bloody Mary ( vodka , tomato juice and Worcester sauce ) .

  10. “血腥玛丽”能够触动我们的各种味觉感受器,甜甜的、咸咸的、酸酸的、辣辣的。

    And it lights up nearly our entire range of taste receptors , giving us sweet , salty , sour and savory .

  11. 我想若加进一根美国芹菜再加一点伏特加,应该可以变成很棒的血腥玛丽鸡尾酒。

    I keep thinking Alicia 's tomato juice , a celery stalk and a little vodka would make a fine Bloody Mary .

  12. 大家想知道调酒师是如何调制出长岛冰茶或血腥玛丽那样的混合饮料吗?

    Every one wonders how bartenders make all those different mixed drinks like a Long Island Ice Tea or a Bloody Mary ?

  13. 用隔天的一杯酒来平息宿醉的余波,这个方法对美国人来说不算新鲜,而血腥玛丽就只这种狗毛之选(据说被狗咬了,用那条狗毛涂伤口就可以治愈)。

    Taking the edge off with a next day beverage is nothing new and in the United States the Bloody Mary is the hair-of-the-dog choice .

  14. 血腥玛丽是一种混合番茄汁和伏特加,再加上柠檬片或酸橙,佐以山葵,辛辣沙司和辣酱油,黑胡椒和芹菜盐调制而成的鸡尾酒。

    A mix of tomato juice and vodka , along with lemon or lime , , Tabasco and Worcestershire sauces , black pepper and celery salt , the Bloody Mary packs a punch .

  15. 所以在这个周日的母亲节,在全国各地人们用无数的血腥玛丽和班尼迪克蛋向母亲们表达祝福之际,我们不妨也向默默奉献的银发祖母们致以敬意。

    So on Mother 's Day this Sunday , as we toast mothers over innumerable Bloody Marys and Eggs Benedicts across the country , we might add an additional toast for the gray-haired grandmoms behind the scenes .

  16. 错:调酒师只有在确定了顾客的年龄和清醒状况后才能制作第二份酒水。大家想知道调酒师是如何调制出长岛冰茶或血腥玛丽那样的混合饮料吗?

    False – The bartender should not prepare the second drink until that person 's age or sobriety is established . Every one wonders how bartenders make all those different mixed drinks like a Long Island Ice Tea or a Bloody Mary ?