
  • 网络blood elves;blood elf;BloodElf
  1. 埃萨拉的血精灵的外观现在可以正常显示了。

    Blood elf mobs in Azshara will now have the correct model .

  2. 血精灵,他们太酷了,我是个盗贼。

    Blood elf , they 're cool . I 'm a rogue .

  3. 加入血精灵的一个原因很明显是外型。

    One reason for the Blood Elves choice was obviously looks .

  4. 纳迦和血精灵夺回伊利丹,将他释放。

    The naga and blood elves recaptured Illidan and freed him .

  5. 血精灵与海妖通过德拉诺的时空门逃跑。

    The blood elves and Naga flee through the portal to draenor .

  6. 达纳苏斯语是血精灵和高等精灵的母语。

    Thalassian is the primary language of blood elves and high elves .

  7. 所有残存的高等精灵都非常厌恶血精灵。

    All remaining high elves are utterly disgusted by the blood elves .

  8. 血精灵与海妖联盟。

    The Blood elves ally with the Naga .

  9. 你已经在银月城看见一些血精灵的宏伟建筑了。

    You 've only seen some of the great Blood Elf architecture with Silvermoon City .

  10. 血精灵加入伊利迪安。

    The blood elves join illidan .

  11. 在解救出伊利丹之后,凯尔萨斯向伊利丹寻求治愈血精灵魔瘾的方法。

    After the rescue , Kael'thas beseeched Illidan for a cure to the blood elves'addiction to magic .

  12. 现在血精灵与暗夜精灵可以结婚生子了,如同当初设计的那样。

    Blood elves and Night elves will now be able to marry and have children , as intended .

  13. 凯尔萨斯宣誓效忠教授血精灵吸取魔力方法的伊利丹。

    Kael'thas pledged his allegiance to Illidan , who taught several blood elves the techniques he had offered .

  14. 他将所有的血精灵士兵监禁在了达拉然的地牢里,并宣判他们死刑。

    He imprisoned the hapless blood elf soldiers in the dungeons of Dalaran and sentenced them to death .

  15. 因为罗曼斯,艾泽拉斯的血精灵也学会了通过吸取魔力来解决魔瘾。

    Thanks to Rommath , the blood elves on Azeroth learned how to drain arcane magic and feed their addiction .

  16. 使用魔法的人,没有谁和血精灵在一起会感到安全,除非他自己也是血精灵。

    Nobody who uses magic should feel safe when amongst blood elves unless they are a blood elf as well .

  17. 亡灵和血精灵牧师:虚弱之触将正确降低被施放对象所造成的物理伤害。

    Undead and Blood Elf Priest : Touch of Weakness will now properly reduce the melee damage of the attacker .

  18. 血精灵同时可以剥夺任何奥秘生物的魔法,甚至凡人施法者师也不例外。

    Blood elves are also capable of stripping the magic from any arcane entity , however , even mortal spellcasters .

  19. 同兽人和恶魔之间的关系不同,血精灵并不是受制于伊利丹。

    The blood elves are not bound to Illidan as , say , the orcs were to the demon Mannoroth .

  20. 所以如果你先前玩的是一个人类圣骑士,那么只能选择一个血精灵圣骑士。

    So if you play a human paladin , you 'd only be able to change to a blood elf paladin .

  21. 部落圣骑士,也就是血精灵,他们操纵了圣光从而让它的力量来满足他们的欲望。

    Horde Paladins are blood elves that have learned the ways to manipulate Light and bend its powers under their own will .

  22. 血精灵和伊利丹之间的交易说的不是非常清楚,所以我来解释一下。

    The deal the blood elves made with Illidan wasn 't clearly defined , so I 'll take a moment to explain it .

  23. 高等精灵对家园的沦陷非常悲痛,为了向死去的同胞表示敬意,他们改称自己为血精灵。

    The high elves grieved for the loss of their homeland and decided to call themselves blood elves in honor of their fallen people .

  24. 幸运的是法斯琪女士及时赶到解救了正为他们魔瘾所折磨的血精灵们。

    Fortunately Vashj arrived in time to free the blood elves , who were suffering terribly from their hunger for magic by this time .

  25. 这些方法被迅速传播到了外域其他血精灵那里使他们可以克制他们的魔瘾。

    These teachings spread to the other blood elves in Outland , who were then able to stave off their painful hunger for arcane magic .

  26. 银色同盟(联盟):拒绝血精灵进入肯瑞托的高等精灵的主战派。

    The Silver Covenant ( A ) - A militant core of high elves that rejects the admission of blood elves into the Kirin Tor .

  27. 如果有高等精灵不是这么看待血精灵的,通常都会去加入他们。

    Any high elves who did not view the blood elves in such a way once they learned of them likely ended up joining them .

  28. 当血精灵奋力遏制亡灵天灾的攻势时,他们因为离开了太阳之井这个力量的源泉而备受煎熬。

    Yet as they worked to keep the Scourge at bay , they suffered greatly at being cut off from the Sunwell that had empowered them .

  29. 尽管血精灵主要居住在边远地区,他们当中的一些因为各种原因开始秘密潜回艾泽拉斯。

    Although the blood elves are primarily in Outland , some have begun infiltrating themselves back into the world of Azeroth for a variety of reasons .

  30. 副本的设计大部分脱胎于“银月城”&这也能给联盟玩家一个体验血精灵华丽建筑风格的机会。

    The design idea is mainly drawn from Silvermoon City , which will also give Alliance players a chance to experience the beautiful Blood Elf architecture .