
  • 网络blood chamber
  1. 这种装置的材料血液相容性优良,血室形态、结构设计合理,制作工艺和质量控制严格。

    The device is distinguished by excellent polyurethane material , reasonable blood chamber shape , and advanced fabrication process .

  2. 中医辨证施治热入血室证50例临床分析

    Clinical analysis on 50 cases of Heat Invasion of Blood Chamber in the traditional Chinese medicine treatment according to differentiation

  3. 两组均采用常规体外循环回路、膜肺式氧合器及与之配套的硬塑静脉贮血室。

    The conventional extracorporeal circuit , membrane oxygenator and fitting hard plastic shell venous reservoir was used in both groups .

  4. 血透室新护士规范化培训方法

    The Standardized Training of Newcomers Nurses in Hemodialysis Room

  5. 加强职业防护减少血透室工作人员的职业伤害

    Strengthening occupational protection for reducing the occupational injuries of the staff in blood dialysis room

  6. 加强血透室护理质量管理与法律意识减少医疗纠纷

    Reducing medical dissension in blood dialysis room by strengthening management of nursing quality and nurses ' consciousness of law

  7. 目的为防治心内直视手术后低血钾室颤心脏骤停,寻求合理的补钾用量及方法。

    Objective To prevent and treat hypopotassemia effectively in the open heart surgery undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass ( CPB ) and find a rationale dose and method of potassium supplement .

  8. 方法对80例血透室工作人员进行职业防护知识强化培训,在培训前后各进行一次问卷调查。

    Methods Intensive training of the occupational protective knowledge was provided for 80 persons working in blood dialysis room , and a questionnaire survey was made before and after the training .

  9. 阐述了血透室护理质量管理与法律意识的关系,认为血透室作为特殊人群进行特殊治疗的特殊场所,护理工作与法律的关系密切。

    The authors expatiated the relationship of management of nursing quality and nurses ' consciousness of law in blood dialysis room , and they thought blood dialysis room was a special place that the special crowd received special treatment , and nursing work had closed relationship with law .

  10. 科学家将他们的结果发表在《欧洲心脏杂志》上,他们利用心脏x摄影和测量右室血容量及室壁厚度进行研究。

    The scientists , who reported their findings in the European heart journal , used X-rays of the heart and measured the olume of blood flow in the right entricle and the thickness of the walls in the chamber for the study .

  11. k、HT及MTT分别与右心排血量、左室射血分数左室短轴缩短率明显相关。

    K , half-time of decent of peak intensity ( HT ) and MTT was respectively strongly related with output of right ventricle , ejection fraction of left ventricle ( LVEF ), fractional shortening of left ventricle .

  12. 全国血细胞分析室间质量评价调查

    External Quality Assessment Survey for Hematological Laboratories in China

  13. 【方法】应用负荷超声心动图观测射血分数、室壁增厚率、半定量室壁运动记分指数。

    【 Mathods 】 Using stress echocardiography with the analysis of image by computer , the ejection fraction and semiquantitative wall motion score index in two groups of patients with AMI were measured .

  14. 每只大鼠用硫喷妥钠腹腔注射麻醉后,经鼠尾静脉刺入输液针,验证回血后送入CT室准备灌注扫描。

    After intraperitoneal injection of sodium pentothal the tail vein was used as transfusion circuit of perfusion scanning .

  15. 糖尿病患者的每搏输出量、每分输出量、射血分数及左室短轴缩短率均明显低于正常人(P<0.01)。

    Stroke output , output per min , ejection fraction and short rate of left ventricle short axis in diabetic were lower than those in normal cases ( p < 0.01 ) .

  16. 结果:两组的心率、心胸比、血压、射血分数,左室收缩末期内径组间比较差异有非常显著性(P0.01)。

    Results : There were significant differences between two groups in heart rate , heart chest ratio , blood pressure , ejection fraction and left ventricular end systolic diameter ( P 0.01 ) .

  17. 左室射血分数、左室舒张末内径、右室舒张末内径及左室节段运动异常方面,两组之间比较无统计学差异(P0.05)。

    05 ) . The left ventricular ejection fraction ( LVEF )、 left ventricular end diastolic dimension ( LVEDD )、 Right ventricular end diastolic dimension ( RVEDD ) and Left ventricular segmental movement ( RWM ) showed no significant difference between the two groups ( P0.05 ) . 10 .

  18. 结果观察到心肌梗死、冠心病、扩张性心肌病各组MVG较对照组显著降低(P<0.01),MVG与左室每搏量、射血分数等左室收缩功能指标相关良好。

    Results MVG in groups of coronary heart disease , myocardial infarction and idiopathic cardiomyopathy was decreased significantly ( P < 0.01 ~ 0.001 ) . There were good relations between MVG and stroke volume , ejection fraction .

  19. 抗凝新鲜血在血液分析仪室间质量评价的意义

    Effect of Anti-coagulated Fresh Blood on External Quality Assessment of Blood Analyzers

  20. 三维超声心动图定量左室局部射血分数对诊断室壁瘤的价值:与左室X-线造影的对照研究

    Three-dimensional Echocardiographic Determination of Left Ventricular Regional Ejection Fraction for Diagnosis of Ventricular Aneurism

  21. 心电图显示心脏射血分数20%伴室壁运动功能减退。

    An electrocardiogram showed McCloy had an ejection fraction of20 % and global wall hypokinesis .

  22. 尿毒症维持血透伴左室肥厚患者的左室舒张功能研究

    Studies on Left Ventricular Diastolic Function of Uraemic Patients on the Maintenance of Hemodialysis with Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

  23. 最主要的观察终点指标是一年内左室射血分数和左室收缩末容积。

    The primary end points were the left ventricular ejection fraction and left ventricular end-systolic volume at12 months .

  24. 目的:讨论抗凝新鲜血在血液分析仪室间质量评价以及质量控制中的作用。

    Objective : To study the effect of anticoagulated fresh blood in external quality assessment and quality control of blood analyzers .

  25. 吲哒帕胺对高血压高危患者血清肌酐、尿酸、血钾及左室肥厚的长期影响

    Long-term effects of indapamide on serum creatinine , uric acid , potassium and left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertensive patients with high risk

  26. 左室射血分数代表左室整体收缩功能,二尖瓣环舒张早、晚期峰速度及两者比值代表左心室整体舒张功能。

    Left ventricular ejection fraction represented global left ventricular systolic function . Ea , Aa and Ea / Aa of mitral annulus indicated global left ventricular diastolic function .

  27. 本文采用多普勒超声仪测定双腔或单腔心室起搏器安装前后各5例患者的左室射血分数,左室收缩和舒张末期内径。

    This study measured EF , LVESD , LVEDD of left ventricular with doppler echocardiography in ten patients , five with single-chamber pacing ( VVI ) and five with dual-chamber pacing ( DDD ) .

  28. 术后二维超声心动图测定左室缩短分数、射血分数及左室后壁底部、中部和心尖部缩短分数和运动速率,两组间无统计学差异。

    There was no significant difference in EF and FS of left ventricle , and FS and Qd time at the base , middle part and apex of the posterior wall of left ventricle .

  29. 结果术后所有反映右心功能的各项指标,包括中心静脉压、平均肺动脉压、右室射血分数、右室舒张末期容积指数以及右室作功指数两组之间均无明显差异。

    Results There was no statistical significant regarding all parameters of right ventricular function , including central venous pressure , mean pulmonary artery pressure , right ventricular ejection fraction , right ventricular end diastolic volume index and right ventricular stroke work index , perioperatively .

  30. 比较两组治疗前后心功能分级、心率、左室射血分数、左室舒张末期内径、X线胸片心胸比率。

    The NYHA grade of cordis function , heart rate , blast-off blood fraction of the left ventricle , diameter of the left ventricle in stretching telophase , and the percentage of heart to chest circumference inspected by X ray were checked before and after the treatment .