
xuè yǎng hán liàng
  • Blood oxygen content;oxygen content of blood
血氧含量[xuè yǎng hán liàng]
  1. 血氧含量可以用还原血红蛋白浓度和含氧血红蛋白浓度来表征,是人体生理监测的重要指标。

    The oxygen content of blood can be characterized by oxygenated hemoglobin concentration and reduced hemoglobin concentration . It is an important indicator for monitoring the vital signs .

  2. 低氧血症的发生原因可能与RBC、Hb的减少和血氧含量下降有关;

    The mechanism concerning HXA might be related to reduction of both RBC , Hb and oxygen content in blood .

  3. 汉字朗读:A、B、C、D通道上,阅读障碍组血氧含量高于对照组,但差异不明显(P>0.05);

    When reading aloud , the contents of blood oxygenation on channel A , B , C and D were all unobviously higher in the dyslexia group than in the control group ( P > 0.05 ) .

  4. 20-(S)和20-(R)人参皂苷Rg2对心源性休克犬血流动力学和血氧含量的影响

    Effect of 20 - ( S ) and 20 - ( R ) ginsenoside Rg_2 on hemodynamics and blood oxygen content of cardiogenic shock canine

  5. 结果CPB开始后,患者动脉血氧含量、动-颈内静脉血氧含量差和脑氧摄取率迅速下降(P<0.05),随着复温又迅速升高。

    Results Arterial-venous difference and oxygen uptake rates were both decreased after the commencement of CPB , and were rapidly increased during heating .

  6. 结扎10min,再灌注30min后取右心房血标本,监测NO含量(比色法)。组织血氧含量无创监测技术及仪器的研究

    A Research of Noninvasive Monitoring Technology and Device on Tissue Blood Oxygen Content

  7. 无创正压通气治疗创伤性湿肺的临床研究(3)经气管灌注小剂量LPS致老龄大鼠急性肺损伤时,主要影响肺的氧气交换能力,以体内血氧含量降低最著;

    Clinical study of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in trauma patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome . ( 3 ) ALI induced by LPS influence the oxygen exchanges between the capillaries and alveoli ;

  8. 停CPB时,患者动-颈内静脉血氧含量差仍明显低于转流前水平(P<0.01)。结论中低温麻醉下的体外循环,可满足CPB过程中的脑氧供需平衡。

    Arterial-venous difference in the oxygen content was still lower during CPB than that before CPB . Conclusion Moderate and hypothermia anesthesia during CPB can maintain the balance of cerebral oxygen metabolism .

  9. 结论早期的HBO治疗可以及时提高血氧含量,阻止恶性缺血缺氧的发生。重症脑挫裂伤患者术后在可能的条件下应尽早行HBO治疗,以提高患者的生存质量。

    Conclusion Earlier HBO treatment can elevate the oxygen saturation in blood to block the malicious cycle of brain hypoxia , so as to increase the clinical cure rate and improve the living quality of the patients .

  10. 停CPB时,两组动-颈内静脉血氧含量差仍明显低于转流前水平(P<0.01)。

    The concentration of lactic acid in the plasma was progressively increased in both groups during CPB . Arterial-venous difference in the oxygen content in both groups was still lower during CPB than before CPB ( P < 0.01 ) .

  11. 计算动脉血氧含量(CaO2)、中心静脉血氧含量(CcvO2)、氧摄取率(ERO2)、扩容率。

    Arterial Oxygen Content ( CaO_2 ), Central Venous Oxygen Content ( CcvO_2 ), Oxygen Extraction Ratio ( ERO_2 ) and Volume Expansion Rate were calculated .

  12. 采用近红外光谱连续检测运动中的血氧含量

    The Measurement or Blood Oxygen Content in Sport With Near-Infrared Spectrum

  13. 结论国人女性正常乳腺组织血氧含量变化存在一定规律。

    Conclusion There exist certain rule of blood oxygen content in normal breast of Chinese woman .

  14. 近红外光光谱法能检测脑血容量和血氧含量的变化,是一种实时、无创伤的检查方法。

    NIRS provides real-time , non-invasive monitoring of blood volume and blood-oxygen content in the cerebral tissue .

  15. 本文首先从理论上对组织血氧含量监测技术进行求证。

    At first , this paper theoretically demonstrates the technology of the detection of blood oxygen content .

  16. 用于体能训练的心率及血氧含量实时监测系统研究测定渗透率的岩心块

    Study on the System for Real Timely Detecting Heart Rate and the Blood Oxygenation Content in Physical Training

  17. 局部血氧含量检测在乳腺肿块良恶性诊断中的临床应用价值

    The Clinical Application Value of Detection to Local Hemoglobin Concentration and Oxygen Saturation in Benign and Malignant Breast Masses

  18. 只有51.0%的医务工作者认为吸烟会增加心脏负担,减少血氧含量。

    51.0 % of the respondents realized that smoking increased the burden of heart and reduced the oxygen content in blood .

  19. 目的研究慢性心衰病人脑组织血氧含量及血氧变化波形相关性。

    Objective To study the relativity of blood oxygen content and blood oxygen wave of brain in patients with chronic cardiac insufficiency .

  20. 方法:采用BL410生物机能实验系统检测犬心脏血流动力学,同时测定冠状动脉的血氧含量。

    Methods : Cardic hemodynamics was detected by BL-410 biological function experiment systems , and blood oxygen content was measured at the same time .

  21. 临床表现在能增强毛细血管弹性并降低血浓度,降低血脂提高血氧含量,是极具医药价值的多肽,具有十分广阔的市场前景。

    It can enhance the clinical performance of the flexibility and lower capillary blood concentration , plasma lipid and increase the content of blood oxygen .

  22. 通过测取动、静脉血氧含量等参数,对舌体的代谢热进行计算,此种计算方法客观反映出单一舌体的代谢热,在国内生物传热研究中还是首次用到。

    This method can reflect objectively the metabolic heat in singularity tongue , which is the first used in the bio-heat transfer research at home .

  23. 人体血氧含量是评价生命活动的重要指标,近红外光谱术是近年来发展迅速的一项新型光学测量方法。

    Blood oxygen is an important index to evaluate life activity . As a new optical measure technology , Near-infrared spectroscopy ( NIRS ) has been developed rapidly in recent decades .

  24. 结果脑功能磁共振信号的产生主要与功能区血氧含量的改变、动脉血供增加引起的流入效应等因素有关,主要表现为功能区信号增高。

    Results The changes in blood oxygen level and the increased artial inflow result in the brain cortex functional MR signal , which displayed as slightly increased signal intensity in the active cortex .

  25. 高压氧治疗就是使机体的血氧含量增加,血氧张力提高,进而增加心肌组织内氧的林弥散距离。

    The treatment with high pressure oxygen is to increase the blood oxygen capacity and tension of the body so that the distance of oxygen diffusion in the myocardial tissues can be improved .

  26. 两组的心肌耗氧量、冠状静脉窦血流量和冠状动静脉血氧含量差辅助后均较辅助前显著降低;左心室引流途径对降低心肌耗氧量的作用比左心房引流更明显(P<0.01)。

    The coronary sinus flow rate and mean myocardial oxygen consumption reduced in both groups after left ventricular assistance , whereas the effect was more remarkable in the LV group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  27. 于给药第45天后测定两组的红细胞总数和血红蛋白等指标,实验组不仅显著地增加了红细胞和血红蛋白,而且于72天后其血氧含量亦有增加的趋势。

    In the experimental group , there is not only a remarkable increase of red blood cells and hemoglobin after 54 days , but also a tendency toward an increase in the blood oxygen content after 72 days .

  28. 实验结果表明相比于治疗前大气压低温等离子体可以迅速提高伤口周围组织的血氧含量和血流速度;在伤口愈合过程中的观测表明治疗组的血流速度较对照组更早恢复正常水平。

    The results show that prior treatment the cold atmospheric plasma can increase the blood perfusion and oxygenation and a long-time of observation shows that the blood perfusion level of the experiment level drops back to normal level earlier than the control group .

  29. 人参汤在临床应用中治疗气虚血瘀型心绞痛有较好疗效,人参能保护缺血心脏,增加血氧含量,改善心肌的供氧,降低血脂等;

    Ginseng decoction has good effect in curing angina pectoris of qi-dificiency and Blood Stasis syndrome in clinic . Ginseng can protect the ischemic myocardium by increasing the oxygen content in blood , improving the oxygen supply to the myocardium , and lowering the serum lipid , etc.

  30. 足够的氧供应是所有生命生存的基础,组织血氧含量是反映人体生理状况的重要参数,在许多情况下需要连续监测。

    Sufficient oxygen supply is the basis of survival to all the lives . As an important parameter that reflects the physiological condition of human being , the blood oxygen content in tissues needs to be detected continually and at least one invasive method is in use .