
  1. 那会象血溶于水一样。

    It 'll be like blood in the water .

  2. 神经性毒药比血溶性毒药生效要快得多。

    The nerve poison takes effect far more quickly than the blood poison .

  3. 中国2006年麻疹野病毒血溶素基因特征分析

    The Genetic Characteristic Analysis of Fusion Gene Measles Wild Viruses of China in 2006

  4. 两株重组病毒分别免疫家兔都能产生较高滴度的麻疹抗体,这些抗体具有中和作用和血溶抑制作用。

    Both recombinants produced a high Ievel of antibodies to measles virus in rabbits , which were able to both inhibit the hemolysis activity and neutralize the measles virus in cell culture .

  5. 方法:复制犬皮下瘀血模型后,观察瘀血区UV红斑、血纤溶活性(FS)的变化对犬瘀血吸收时间的影响。

    Methods : After replicating the subcutaneous ecchymosis models of dogs , the ecchymosis was radiated with UV erythema to observe the alteration of blood fibrinolytic system and the duration of ecchymosis absorption .

  6. 在弱激光血管内照射疗法(ILLLIT)前后血液流变学指标有显著下降的临床实验结果基础上,采用酶分形动力学理论,研究了弱激光血管内照射疗法激活血纤溶系统的分形机理。

    According to the clinic experimental results that the hemorheologic exponents are reduced significantly before and after intravascular low reaction lever laser irradiation therapy ( ILLLIT ), with the theory of fractal kinetics , this paper makes the fractal analysis on ILLLIT 's effects on plasminogen plasmin system .

  7. 47例老年肝炎后肝硬化患者外周血纤溶活化水平测定及临床意义

    Assay the function of fibrinolysis in 47 aged patients with cirrhosis

  8. 脑梗死患者血纤溶系统活性指标的改变和预后的关系

    The relationship between the changes of fibrinolytic activity parameters and prognosis in patients with cerebral infarction

  9. 脑出血患者急性期外周血纤溶状态及凝血功能的变化

    Changes of fibrinolytic status and coagulation function of peripheral blood at the acute stage in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage

  10. 结论糖尿病合并急性心肌梗死和缺血性脑梗塞患者存在血糖、血脂及血纤溶功能异常。

    Conclusion There were abnormal lipids and fibrinolytic activities in patients of diabetes complicated with acute myocardial infarction and ischemic cerebral infarction .

  11. 血纤溶活性变化对缺血性脑梗死复发的影响眼盲次发于两侧脑枕叶血栓性梗塞,为感染性心内膜炎的并发症。

    Study on tissue plasminogen activator change in recurrence of stroke patients The blindness was secondary to embolic infarction of both occipital lobes developing as a sequela of IE.

  12. 定量RT-PCR检测PBC患者外周血中颗粒溶素的基因表达水平

    Measurement of granulysin gene expression levels on peripheral blood of the patients with primary biliary cirrhosis by real-time quantitative RT-PCR

  13. 方法分别对60例NIDDM和28例NIDDM并脑梗塞患者进行血凝纤溶动态图测定。

    Methods : The Coagulation fibrinolytic dynamicagram ( CFDG ) was measured in60 NIDDM and28 NIDDM with cerebral infarction .

  14. 最近发现SPC促进细胞的移动,诱导成纤维细胞表达与细胞移动有关的血纤维蛋白溶酶原激活剂。

    Recently , a lot of studies have been demonstrated that SPC increased cell migration and induced the expression of plasminogen activator related to cell migration .

  15. 人血纤维蛋白溶酶原K5环的基因合成、表达、纯化与活性鉴定

    Gene Synthesis , Expression and Purification of Human Plasminogen Kringle 5 in E.coli and Its Antiangiogenesis Activity

  16. 目的观察依那普利对急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者组织型血纤维蛋白溶酶原激活物(tPA)、血纤维蛋白溶酶原激活物抑制物(PAI)及血管紧张素Ⅱ(AⅡ)水平变化。

    Objective To investigate the changes of plasma tissue plasminogen activator ( t PA ), plasminogen activator inhibitor ( PAI ) and angiotensin ⅱ ( A ⅱ) level in patients with acute myocardial infarction ( AMI ) treated by enalapril .

  17. 两组患者均在治疗前后四次取血作纤溶功能动态检测。

    Activity of fibrinolytic system was performed dynamically in each group .

  18. 冠心病辨证与血凝纤溶系统关系的临床研究

    Clinical Study the Relation CHD Syndrome Differentiation with Coagulation and Fibrinolysis System

  19. 一种来自海洋细菌的血纤维蛋白溶酶的分离纯化及性质研究

    Purification and property of a plasmin from a marine bacteria

  20. 便携式肌血氧检测系统高甘油三酯血症与血凝纤溶系统的关系

    Portable System of Monitoring the Muscle Blood and Oxygen Content

  21. 培养细胞分泌的血纤维蛋白溶酶原激活物的研究

    Studies on plasminogen activators secreted by various cultured cells

  22. 一种产血纤维蛋白溶酶菌株的筛选及液体发酵条件的选择

    Selection of Ferment Medium for the secretion of plasmin from a marine bacteria

  23. 蚯蚓血纤蛋白溶酶提取工艺研究

    Study on the extracting technique of fibrinolysin from earthworm

  24. 肾病综合征辨证分型与血总纤溶活力、超氧化物歧化酶及血清白蛋白的关系

    Relationship between Syndrome Differentiation and Blood Total Fibrinolytic Activity , Superoxide Dismutase and Albumin in Nephrosis Syndrome

  25. 血浆中血纤维蛋白溶酶不活跃的前体,能被有机溶剂转化成血纤维蛋白溶酶。

    An inactive form of plasmin that occurs in plasma and is converted to plasmin by organic solvents .

  26. 蛋白水解酶尤其是血纤维蛋白溶酶含量和活性增加,造成乳蛋白大量水解,降低干酪产量;

    The quantity and activity of proteases especially plasmin increased , which degraded large number of casein , increased the moisture of cheese and decreased the output of cheese ;

  27. 观察两组术中、术后血凝纤溶系统的变化及手术时间、止血时间和出血量的变化。

    Objective : Evaluated the effect of low dose aprotinin on reduction of blood loss and the function on the coagulation and the fibrinolytic system during and after cardiopulmonary bypass ( CPB ) .

  28. 结果表明,月经血中纤溶活性、过氧化氢酶含量显著增高(P<0.01),外周血则无统计学差异(P>0.05)。

    It were found that the fibrinolytic activity and peroxidase in menstrual blood of those patients were higher than the normal control group ( P < 0.01 ) while the changes of the peripheral blood did not differ significantly ( P > 0.05 ) .

  29. 对照组治疗前后反映血凝及纤溶、抗凝的部分凝血指标均较治疗前升高,具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    In group 2 we observed some markers of blood coagulation , anticoagulation and fibrinolysis were elevated significantly ( p < 0.05 ) .

  30. PK-A(1)血凝-纤溶多功能分析仪及其配套试剂的应用与评价全自动血液凝固分析仪两种纤维蛋白原测定方法的评价及其应用

    Application of PK-A ( 1 ) Coagulation-Fibre Multifunction Analyzer and Its Corollary Reagent Evaluation of two different methods of fibrinogen assay by the automatic coagulometer and its application