
  • 网络Japanese Drama;Japanese Theatre
  1. 日本戏剧中高度程式化的表演。

    The highly stylized form of acting in Japanese theatre .

  2. 加强中日学术交流,以解决中国学者对日本戏剧知识不足的问题;

    Promoting the academic exchange between China and Japan ;

  3. 论日本戏剧对田汉的影响

    The Influences of Japanese Drama on Tian Han

  4. 观赏歌舞伎表演不需要懂日语,这种经典的日本戏剧以传神的表演、华美的服饰和戏剧化的舞台妆为特色。

    No foreign language skills are required to appreciate Kabuki , the classical Japanese theater rich with expressive performances , elaborate costumes and dramatic stage makeup .

  5. 田汉的戏剧创作、戏剧理论和所从事的戏剧运动,都有日本戏剧及文艺思潮的重要影响。田汉的戏剧形式得益于秋田雨雀、菊池宽等剧作家。

    From the angle of comparative literature , the essay discusses the important influences of Japanese drama on TIAN Han 's drama creation , drama theory and drama movement .

  6. 日本的戏剧的基础上圭坂本的生活和事业。

    The japanese drama based on Kyu Sakamoto 's life and career .

  7. 日本的传统戏剧舞台

    Traditional theatrical stage in Japan

  8. 歌舞伎是日本的代表戏剧。始于江沪时代(1603~1867)。

    Kabuki , a representative Japanese drama form , had its start in the Edo period ( 1603 to1867 ) .

  9. 能乐是日本独特的古典戏剧艺术。

    Noh play is a unique classical dramatic art in Japan .