
  1. 由日本号货轮装运商品的委托销售结果表明,贵地市场缺乏对这种廉价物品的需求。

    The result of the consignment by the Nippon Maru indicates very plainly that there is no demand for the cheaper grade of goods in your market .

  2. 针对两种星型SBS改性剂和一种线型SBS改性剂对日本AH-70号沥青和埃索AH-70号沥青的改性效果进行了研究。

    The effects on Japanese asphalt AH-70 and ESSO AH-70 , which were modified with two kinds of branched SBS modifiers and one kind of linear SBS modifier were studied .

  3. 2009年11月30日日本28号成功发射一颗情报收集卫星。

    2009-11-30 Japan on Saturday ( Nov.28 ) launched an information gathering satellite .

  4. 奋进号航天飞机将向国际空间站送去由3部分组成的日本希望号太空实验室的第一部分。宇航员还将在空间站上安装一个加拿大制造的机器人装置。

    The Endeavour is delivering the first of three sections of a Japanese-built science station , called Kibo .

  5. 航天飞机下一次太空使命安排在今年5月。到时候,发现号航天飞机将把日本希望号太空实验室的第二部分送到国际空间站。

    The next shuttle launch is scheduled for May when Discovery is to deliver the second portion of the Kibo laboratory to the space station .

  6. 结果表明:日本菌种7号培养的灵芝多糖含量最高,野生菌种E号培养的灵芝多糖含量最低。主题词:灵芝/化学;

    The results showed that the content of Ganoderma polysaccharides in Japan GL strain No.

  7. 中国曾提出请求,希望日本允许深圳号驱逐舰的官兵参观日军一艘宙斯盾级(Aegis-class)驱逐舰。但知情人士表示,五角大楼告诉日本,鉴于小鹰号事件,这样做不合适。

    China had requested that the sailors on the Shenzhen be allowed to tour an Aegis-class destroyer , but a person familiar with the Japanese decision said the Pentagon had told Japan that the move would not be appropriate , given the Kitty Hawk incident .

  8. 日本队4号一记重扣,多么有力的一击!

    Japan N0.4 gives a hard drive , what a powerful smash !

  9. 结果表明,日本夏菊2号的鲜花总产量比日本夏菊l号高26%;

    The results show , that the yield of No. 2 is 26 % higher than No.

  10. 因为一件轻微违反纪律的事,驶向日本的美国里斯夫号舰注上的一位水手受到降一级,罚款和附加工作量三星期的处罚。

    Because of a minor infraction , a shipmate aboard the USS Reeves , bound for Japan , was busted one rank , fined and given extra duty for three weeks .