
zhàn shí
  • wartime
战时 [zhàn shí]
  • [wartime] 交战之时

  • 战时供给

战时[zhàn shí]
  1. 博物馆试图再现战时英国的情景。

    The museum attempts to recreate the sights and sounds of wartime Britain .

  2. 在战时的英国,水果是一种奢侈品。

    Fruit was a luxury in wartime Britain .

  3. 战时实施不同的规定。

    Different rules applied in wartime .

  4. 他们不得不适应战时经济。

    They have had to adapt themselves to a war economy .

  5. 战时他的和平主义思想派不上用场。

    During the war his pacifist leanings were not helpful .

  6. 1944年4月他在战时服役中阵亡。

    In April 1944 he was killed on active service

  7. 在战时人们仍然想踢足球,这似乎不可思议。

    It seemed incredible that people would still want to play football during a war

  8. 我现在回想起来,觉得那是战时最血腥的(但并非字面意义上的)一个冬天。

    I look back on it as the bloodiest ( though not literally ) winter of the war

  9. 他们依稀记得这些岛屿是英国在战时唯一被占领的部分。

    They distantly remember that the islands were the only part of Britain occupied during the war .

  10. 战时大米是定量配给的。

    Rice was on ration in the war .

  11. 战时不准跳舞的禁令已经解除。

    The wartime ban against dancing has been lifted .

  12. 平时多流汗,战时少流血。

    Losing more sweat in peacetime ( training , etc. ) means shedding less blood in war .

  13. 战时军中药品奇缺。

    The army was terribly short of medicine during the war .

  14. 战时粮食严格配给。

    Grain was strictly rationed during the war .

  15. 战时汽油实行配售。

    Gasoline was rationed during the war .

  16. 海军与海岸警卫队合作密切,尤其是在战时。

    The Navy and the coast guard work hand in glove , especially in war time .

  17. 以前他不过是个称职的公务员,但是由于他品格中具有的特性,战时的状况使他很快成为一个风云人物。

    He had never been anything more than a good official , but wartime conditions brought him quickly to the fore because of the special qualities of his character .

  18. 她也自己种植粮食来回避战时配给,后来还辞去了她在国家经济委员会的工作,因为那份工作要求她支付社保税。

    She also grew her own food to avoid wartime rationing , and later quit her editorial job with the National Economic Council so as not to pay social security taxes .

  19. 战时的艰苦包括食物配给和燃料短缺。

    Wartime austerities included food rationing and shortage of fuel .

  20. 最后一桩倒不失为好现象,战时人口正该补充。

    Since the wartime population needed replenishment , pregnancies were a good sign .

  21. 你知道这儿以前是战时实习医院,这儿死过很多人。#

    You know there were a lot of deaths here ; it was a training hospital during war time . \# p \#

  22. 战时的一代人知道,纪念那些没有从战争中归来的人的最好办法,就是确保战争不再发生。

    The wartime generation knew that the best way to honour those who did not come back from the war was to ensure that it didn 't happen again .

  23. 提高军用ATE战时保障能力的一些技术途径

    Some Technical Approaches to Improving the Capability of Combat Support of Military ATE

  24. 特别是当与NOD玩家对战时,如果你看到大批步兵,你需要做的只是建造一个军械库然后制造狙击手小队。

    When playing against a NOD player especially , if you see mass infantry you simply must get an Armory and build Sniper Teams .

  25. 从新时期军事斗争准备需求出发,为加强部队医院护理质量管理建设,提高战时应急能力和救护水平,率先在护理质量管理体系中全面启动ISO标准。

    In order to enhance nursing qualities and improve the emergency and rescue abilities during the war time , Xijing Hospital initially generated the ISO9000 standards into nursing management .

  26. 在致第四任妻子玛丽·威尔士(MaryWelsh)的战时信件中,这位作家显得可亲可爱得多,这些信少有的羞涩,展示出他的自我。

    A more endearing writer is the one who reveals himself in a series of uncharacteristically shy wartime letters to Mary Welsh , who would become his fourth wife .

  27. 仿真实验表明了TOPSIS法对弹药物流路径的优化的可行性和有效性,为战时弹药物流决策者提供理论依据。

    Numerical experiment showed the feasibility and effectiveness of ammunition logistics route optimization with TOPSIS , in order to provide theory for the ammunition logistics decision-maker .

  28. 综合考虑战时军事物流配送VRP的多个评价目标,基于重要性的多目标分层优化思想,分析建立了问题的完全分层优化模型,从现实的角度对战时配送VRP做了探讨。

    Based on the significance and hiberarchy of evaluation objectives , analyzes factor influencing optimization and establishes a completely stratified programming model . The papers makes researches on VRP of wartime distribution realistically and valuably .

  29. 战时配送的VRP是当前物流系统优化研究较少涉及的问题,文中结合战时极其重要的物资&成品燃油,提出了多属性道路网络下成品燃油战时配送的VRP;

    Vehicle routing problem ( ab. VRP ) of wartime distribution is not the focus of current optimization researches on Logistics System . With the example of finished fuel Oil , one of extraordinary significant strategic materials , the papers describes VRP of wartime distribution in multi-attribute road networks .

  30. 明仁天皇现年82岁。1989年,他继承战时的天皇——父亲裕仁天皇的皇位。根据NHK的报道,明仁天皇告诉身边的助手,他有意在离世前将皇位传给自己的儿子——现年56岁的皇太子德仁。

    According to NHK , the public broadcaster in Japan , Emperor Akihito , 82 , who in 1989 succeeded his father , the wartime Emperor Hirohito , told close aides that he intended to pass the throne to his son , Crown Prince Naruhito , 56 , before he dies .