
  • 网络fighting units;combat units
  1. 军事科学中军事单位支持战斗单位的所有活动,包括运输、供给、通讯、医疗辅助。

    Muster relevant units of water and power supply , medical and rescue and transportation to assist the fire fighting and rescue work .

  2. 步兵部队由受过徒步作战训练的人员组成的战斗单位革命士兵由于征兵制度的实行,已经不成为单一社会成分;

    The combat arm made up of units trained to fight on foot . With the introduction of the conscription system , revolutionary soldiers no longer constitute an independent social stratum .

  3. 正是这个原因,星际争霸就迫使玩家思考什么时候停止采矿单位的制造以制造更多的战斗单位,什么时候又继续开始采矿单位的生产以保证在以后的游戏中的经济优势。

    For this reason , StarCraft forces you to have to decide when to cut workers to allow for more units and when to continue producing them for a mineral advantage later down the road .

  4. 利用幂指数法导出的压制火炮系统火力压制能力指数计算模型,便于对不同类火炮系统的火力压制能力进行对比分析;计算某一战斗单位的火力压制能力总指数;

    Using calculation model of firepower neutralization capability index of gun system derived from power index method , it is easy to carry out comparison and analysis of firepower neutralization capability of all kinds of gun system , calculation of firepower neutralization capability overall index of a combat unit .

  5. 为提高多EFP战斗部单位面积上的弹丸个数,提出了一种新型EFP&线形EFP,并探索了新型EFP药型罩的设计方法和毁伤效应。

    In order to increase the projectiles in per unit area of multi-EFP warhead surface , the linear EFP liner , a new style EFP liner , was presented and the destroy effect and design principle was studied .

  6. 在每个驻训点随机抽2个战斗编制单位进行研究。

    At each base , 2 units were sampled randomly .

  7. 大到足以持续战斗的陆军单位。

    An army unit large enough to sustain combat .

  8. 敏捷团队的心理动态类似于战斗中的军事单位,他们对“伤亡”有所预期,不过这种“伤亡”表现为即将来临的失业威胁。

    The agile team goes through psychodynamics similar to those of the combat unit when it expects " casualties " in the form of forthcoming layoffs .