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  • 网络Combat uniform;Kimono;Army Combat Uniform
  1. 那是战服,可能短了一些。

    Those battle dresses-i 'm afraid they 're a bit too short .

  2. 我也有战服穿吗

    Do I get a costume for the mission too ?

  3. 在过去的数十年间,人类已经踏出了十分重要的步骤去战服外太空。

    In the past couple of decades , humans have taken important steps toward conquering space .

  4. 接着他便踏上了阻止其他人利用蚁人战服作恶之路。

    Then he sets off to stop other people from putting the suit 's incredibly powerful technology to evil uses .

  5. 作为美国士兵必备的战服,秋裤让我们前线的男孩们在恶劣的天气里得以保暖。

    A staple of the American soldiers uniform , Long Johns kept our boys on the front lines warm during harsh weather conditions .

  6. 他们的专业技能、制作大陆士兵战服的经验、设计英国骑士服饰的灵感为伦敦的剪裁市场带来了些许生机。

    Their skills , honed making uniforms for continental fighters , with designs themselves based on British cavalry uniforms , added a new dash to London tailoring .

  7. 正如时尚历史学家指出的,在中世纪,人们用亚麻填充战服以减少战服内钢板带来的不适感。

    As fashion historians point out , medieval linen-armourers had long made padded undergarments that fitted beneath suits of armour , reducing a little the discomfort of wearing plates of steel .

  8. 托尼·斯塔克(小罗伯特·唐尼饰演)在2008年漫威第一部大电影中所穿的钢铁侠战服被大反派们盗取。

    The original Iron Man suit worn by Robert Downey Jr. 's Tony Stark in the Marvel character 's first big screen outing in 2008 has been stolen by some super villains .

  9. 这个称号属于1941面世的“初代风速”,他身着黄色战服,相貌奇异,他的超速度能力来源于一次意外的猫鼬血清注射。

    That honor belongs to a bizarre , yellow jump-suited character named " the Whizzer , " created in 1941 , whose super-speed abilities were the result of an emergency transfusion of mongoose blood .